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mike farrants

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Everything posted by mike farrants

  1. glad it wasnt too hairy and you kept an eye on things - good fish too!
  2. yeah it sticks at dead ahead and the wheel clunks past it but the rudder doesn't move not sure on the steering box - ive never looked - it was late when we got back so will go have a look later this week.
  3. nice work! osunds like they are starting to show - just need you to push them up the coast a bit please! we managed a poultry 6 yesterday - 3 were for eating - so I need to try harder lol - or stop eating them myself lol!
  4. awesome - thanks! and nice fishing too - bagging a few when the weather allows!
  5. yeah throttle at the stern would have been fine - id drive it like that way more often if it did - great for coming alongside and dropping/hauling anchor!
  6. thanks - i did feel super proud of not panicking - thinking it through, and planning how to tackle the marina and coming alongside before actually doing it! it made life difficult when hauling anchor I could steam away to lift it ok, but as i couldn't manoeuvre the boat very well when hauling the bouy in, it proved difficult and at one point the boat nearly drifted over the anchor warp while retrieving - ended up bringing the anchor up on both sides of the boat! i'm just grateful pugwash has a back up - the metal bracket on top of the rudder has been added to accommodate the manual bilge pump handle as a tiller.....
  7. got the in laws staying again - so despite 15mph winds yesterday we decided to head out - the wind was mostly off the land, forecast to be dropping, and our friend (Tim) was already out - so we headed out about lunchtime for a few hours - plan to feather for mackerel for Tea and Bait and then anchor up close in for a mixed bag. Started off lovely - beaming sunshine, and relatively chop - Tim reported only one mackerel on his boat (3 of them fishing) having tried all 3 of portland entrances - so we did a number of drifts in shore of portlands first entrance - where i had caught before and before long Phil had a brace, I saw Tim steaming over to join us, and we had 6 mackerel - 3 for eating and 3 for bait. Phil also had a red Gurnard - wasnt bright red, but wasnt a tub or grey either (happy to be corrected if greys have red in them.) we figured 6 were enough with the frozen bait we also had, so we went off to anchor. Tim had gone further out than we planned - we could see him but probably 1/2 a mile to a mile further out - but now wind against tide produced a healthy slop but not too uncomfortable. after an hour he came back in stating "its F'ing rough out there" - so we were glad to have stayed inshore. fishing was slow but enjoyable - we ended up with dogs, phil had a 6lb Thornie, and i had a similar size conger. not the bream or smoothies I had hoped for. upon lifting the anchor the steering cable jammed/something came loose - so i had to navigate home "analogue" style - with a Tiller! - thank goodness pugwash had a back up steering plan! running fore and aft to adjust the throttle was interesting and coming alongside although a challenge went perfectly smoothly. Phils ray fell to a mackerel head - rather ambitious! Tim returning form the deeps - they had a 33lb conger - and a gurnard (plus doggies)
  8. Had a lovely day out yesterday - drifting for mackerel then anchored up - (catch report coming). on lifting the anchor I found the steering mechanism/cable had failed - wheel and rudder could go hard over one way but not past straight -rudder was free so the mechanism/cables appearing jammed or slipping. I have a tiller so was able to steer home, but with the throttle in the wheel house and the tiller on the rudder it made for a challenge coming alongside! but actually managed absolutely fine! quite proud of myself to be fair! I have a panel behind (in front of) the wheel I can look at and i can access the control arms by the rudder so will go and have a look when i have time - however is there anything to look for or be aware off before I start removing panels? - its an old boat so pretty basic - assume its cables and pulleys?
  9. is there a particular season or tactics? or is it the same as other flatfish - eg bling and worms?
  10. is that where all the mackerel are going?
  11. never caught a sole - are there many around my neck of the woods? i'm mostly sand shingle and rock
  12. i find the app very difficult to use and prefer to use the website on my phone.
  13. This is a very good starting place.... (should be a link to a beginners guide) https://www.premierleague.com/news/1252542
  14. this is a surprisingly good tactic - i often wonder why i bother researching, changing, transferring when my other half gave me a good run for my money by selecting her team and doing absolutely nothing.... got to watch out for injuries though - get too many of these and you will suffer.
  15. You can change your on field players weekly before the games start (subs) or you change your squad through the season - you get one free transfer per week, if you need to do more - either wait a week and you get 2 free transfers, or if you have to (injuries etc) you can pay for transfers with points - (-4pts) per transfr after your free one. theres a tab for transfers/player selections - and the players are ranked by the points they have earned so far!
  16. nice idea on the pennell -- they do tent to 'nip' the tail of the bait off......
  17. yeah Weymouth has been good for bream when you can get out - especially over lulworth way - they are in portland harbour now being caught form the shore so deffo moved inshore - not sure about the wrecks though.
  18. nice - sounds like you are well stocked up on red gill gear! i'm watching sunday as that looks possible for me - if not it wont be until next wed, thurs or friday - but might be all 3........
  19. yeah I get as much enjoyment out of seeing others catch as I do myself - especially if they're not experienced fishers! and especially if its mackerel as it'll likely end up in my bait freezer anyway! 🤣
  20. its a 2 mile round trip - 1 mile there, 1 mile back - unless your hammered then it might be a bit more on the return trip 🤣
  21. yes it seems the wind gods only favour the retired round here too - windy all weekend and on my days off - lovely conditions when i'm working!
  22. yeah i didnt really give you much time to get sorted - sorry - I'll deduct my week 1 points at the end if it gets contentious! thanks for joining all!
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