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mike farrants

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Everything posted by mike farrants

  1. my step dad was the harbour master there for a number of years as a retirement job after he left the marine police. loads of mullet and likely school bass too - a very beautiful place - the New Inn is up the road from the quay in shalfleet - but you will need to know your tides as the quay dries out!
  2. haha no - i had a few days off away from the laptop!
  3. I went out for a couple of hours, not much swell close in but was choppy - the trip was more for confidence and experience than anything - managed a couple of scad and loads of pin whiting on sabikis and dayights. No mackerel. came alongside solo for only the 2nd time - and didn't make a hash of it so all in all a success - also picked up some beers on the way home!
  4. Just finishing work (at home) and Mrs has gone out - so i'm pondering taking the boat out to drift for some mackerel...... but i'll be solo...... either that or fish form the shore or pier, or stay home and chill since i've done loads of fishing recently. its 15mph SW
  5. not the offside rule no....... 🤣 fantasy premier league= you basically pick a squad from the players in the premier league with an imaginary £100m - then choose your team to play each week - they pick up fantasy football points for their actual performance that week - you sub injured players out, pick what formation you go with, choose your captain each week (double points) and you can transfer one player a week, so you can change your team. its all here https://fantasy.premierleague.com
  6. for those that are interested League code: xq22c9 If not - I'll win easy! I'll donate a prize at the end of the season for the winner. (a days fishing out of Weymouth on pugwash)
  7. at least i'll stand a 50/50 chance of winning.......
  8. wish i'd never asked. i'll take it as a "no thanks."
  9. glad it turned out ok in the end -sounds painful - hope you have fully sanitised the area and have a tetnus jab? those hooks carry a few nasties i'd imagine? dont want a good story turning bad due to infection. (is it too early to ask for pics?)
  10. for the record I prefer rugby - but do I love playing the fantasy premier league! but would always rather be fishing! just saw one on WSF and wondered if we had one on here!
  11. is there an offshore outlaws fantasy football league? if not - do we want one?
  12. not sure my 5knt boat should be going round the bill - but i will try from the shore - chance of bass, wrasse or pollock from there!
  13. its highly unlikely to trip anyway, as chances are it'll land on top of the chain as per the 1st pic, preventing it from tripping..... as for getting it over the bow roller with the chain, not sure that's possible? my friend gave up on using his bow roller and windlass totally and now hauls to the side of the boat. and i swapped my danforth for a delta as it didnt sit in the alderney ring very well sorry not much help!
  14. yeah - real shame the weather didnt play ball - i had last Thurs and Friday off too - we could have had 4 full days out on the banks/ledges! we did manage 2 sessions from the shore, one on the pier, some kayak fishing (no fish), some wading for bass (no fish), and 2 trips out on the boat resulting in total Many wrasse, many pout, 9 mackerel, 1 scorpion fish, 1 tub gurnard, many doggies, 2 smoothies, and 1 conger, so all in all a pretty good week!
  15. Seeing as i had a fishing mad friend (and his son) down for a week - and its been windy all week - on his last day we had to get the boat out - I was working from home so couldn't get out until the evening - 5pm was around 15mph Westerly - the lightest its been all week - but with a confused sea (wind over tide, SW swell, and Westerly wind) we set off for a mixed ground mark that i knew would at least hold a dogfish or two. (also hoping for conger, smoothies, bream or gurnard) We anchored up in a rolling swell, wind seeemd to hold us almost broadside the swell - just off portlands east entrance - didn't want to waste unnecessary time travelling too far as we only had a few hours until sunset. with fresh mackerel from the other day and frozen squid as bait it wasn't long before we were into the doggies! switching to squid did indeed immediately find the smoothies - although small. we finished the day with a conger of a couple pound. Me - 4 doggies (including a very pale, non spotted one which i first thought was a smoothie) Shane - 3 doggies and the small smoothie the teenager out-fished us again....... 5 doggies, the decent smoothie and the conger enough to put a smile on the faces of my visitors! the teenager who at the beginning of the week hadn't touched a fish was now outfishing us and dreaming of catching something huge!
  16. mike farrants


    welcome Adam, i'm based out of weymouth, and there's plenty of conger along the dorset coast - Lulworth ledges etc - also plenty feed on open ground outside of portland harbour, and under the east side of portland itself. use navionics to find th erough ground and you'll find the conger - poss Huss too
  17. He did, I didn't - but it looked the same as my one from the other day - may of actually been the same one!! i'll see if i can get the pic!
  18. is that the minimum landing size on the bucket? and does one eye have to be bigger than the other for it to be a keeper??
  19. I had friends coming to stay for a week and while he loves to fish his step son is squeemish but keen - so I took thursday and friday off to give myself a nice long weekend to get out fishing with them - however the weather looked terrible - 20-25mph winds with 30mph+ gusts from the west and SW. and prolonged heavy rain thrown in too. Thursday afternoon we went for a sheltered shore session at Newtons cove - we got into the wrasse - with a number of Corkies and ballans Friday night we did a night session also at Newtons cove and had Pout after pout - (double shots too) also saw a decent eel chasing in one of the hooked the pout.... but sadly nothing bigger. Saturday the rain cleared and the wind seemed to ease up a bit, so we ventured out on the boat for mackerel - hoping the lee of the land would offer shelter from the fresh SWs. as it happened the wind kept us on the fish..... we drifted nicely under the shelter of Portland harbour wall, and at 0.5-0.8mph covered a fair bit of ground at a nice speed finding the fish was hard - the sounder was showing lots of fish but we weren't getting any - we were however foul hooking pin whiting, and it wasn't long before it dawned on us that this was what was showing on the sounder, however - where there are bait fish, there will be bigger fish - perseverance paid off and not long until the first mackerel started hitting..... find the bait fish - find the mackerel. Not many, but some absolute monsters.... one went over 1lb over the course of 5 or so drifts, over a few hours, we managed 9 mackerel between us, and I bagged a Tub Gurnard - very happy to have dinner, fresh bait and to of been able to show the guys a tub gurnard - we called it a day to be treated to a lovely sunset on the way back in. pics below 1lb+ beast on a standard size chopping board! first time holding a fish! - very keen to eat it later too! My Tub Gurnard Treated to a lovely sunset on the way back in....... Last night we hit the stone pier for a bit of night fishing and only managed Pout - except for the teenager who bagged a Scorpion fish and was delighted! writing this from work pains me as the wind has died and the sun is out.....typical all in all we made the best of the bad weather - the young lad had a great time and first Pout, first mackerel, first whiting, first Scorpion fish! - and us grown ups had a great time and added to our tally - Hoping to get out Tuesday evening to anchor up for something bigger!
  20. so back to the topic in hand...... I did brave it at the weekend - 20-25mph winds, but SW so off the land/across portland harbour, which afforded me some shelter - Saturday evening I chugged out of Weymouth, in search of the elusive mackerel, a prized target - catch report coming....... I also had friends staying so took thursday and friday off - while we didn't get out on the boat we did fish - Catch report coming.......
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