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  1. Agree
    iowspence reacted to Andy135 in If money were no object...   
    Don't worry about running costs. This is money no  object, right?? 😬😬
  2. Haha
    iowspence reacted to jonnyswamp in If money were no object...   
    A 8-10m cat with twin diesel inboards
    Fished of a twin outboard powered cat and wasn't keen, not a nice ride as it felt too light on the bow
    And as money is no object, Id have a few of these, Milford Haven, Cardiff, somewhere in Cornwall (maybe Falmouth) Weymouth and maybe one a bit further east
    I'd also have a 40ft Princess (or similar) down on the south coast, with another in Tenerife and possibly Barcelona
    Pissed off now reality has set back in, who started this poxy thread 😭
  3. Like
    iowspence reacted to suzook12 in Show us yer dog!   
    Spence- Awesome tattoo dude
    "My dog" was a boxer. I say "my dog" as he was my companion and guard when I was a toddler. My Mum had nipped across to the neighbours to borrow something or other, came home to find I had fed him all the sausages out of the fridge and we were both curled up in his basket! Unfortunately, he had to go, no fence could keep him in and amongst other things, he was a magpie and used to bring me all sorts of toys home 🤣
    There were also several litters around that had more than a passing resemblence lol.
    Later we had a jack russell, highly intelligent dogs that have coil springs built in!!
    When was still with my ex we had labs, buddy a choc dog was mine, in as much as he would only listen to me. Unfortunately, working as a contractor doesn't lend itself to having pets otherwise I would have a dog now, in all probability, an english bull terrier
  4. Like
    iowspence reacted to SiDfish in Hi from County Kerry   
    Hi lads
    Fish?  Farmed them researched them, injected them, put transmitters in them, surveyed stocks, re-built habitats, skippered a patrol boat, enforced legislation.  Enforced retirement due to health (I AM mad), now reside in County Kerry (15yrs).  Fish in river, lough, sea shore and boats whenever I feel like it.  Only downside is that my house is a virtual ruin, so me and the dog have to make do with a mobile home.  Just now the wind is shaking the van and the rain is pounding on the roof.  What with the place and people, I wouldn't rather be anywhere!
  5. Haha
    iowspence reacted to Andy135 in Profile photos: upload yours soon   
    I'm guessing you followed the instructions at the top of this thread?
  6. Like
    iowspence reacted to SiDfish in Show us yer dog!   
    Had the springer for 16yrs. She was with me at work and play 24hrs.  Broke my heart when she died.  Thought 'that's it, no dog for quite a while'.  After several days mate brought round a young collie who'd been starved and beaten.  Still got him as my constant companion 10.5yrs later.  Still get melancholy about the springer (and the ones before) but now believe that the best thing is to get another dog ASAP when you lose one
  7. Sad
    iowspence reacted to jonnyswamp in Show us yer dog!   
    Had a lab crossed retriever from when I was 18 months old until she died when I was around 14. Heartbroken wouldn't have come close to how I felt at the time
    Fuck, filling up now thinking about her, we literally went everywhere together 
    she chaperoned me up to a shop my grandmother used to work in, which was about 2 miles away and we had to cross a busy Rd on our way there
    I was about 2 and a half apparently and we escaped while my mother was pegging the washing out 
  8. Thanks
    iowspence reacted to Saintly Fish in Show us yer dog!   
    @iowspence Thanks for sharing bud. I know my family are on borrowed time with a 12 year old labrador. Its gunna hurt like fuck when hes gone. Just hope it happens quickly if you know what i mean.
  9. Thanks
    iowspence reacted to Andy135 in Show us yer dog!   
    Aww - sorry to hear Spence. It never gets any easier does it? 😢
  10. Like
    iowspence reacted to JDP in Show us yer dog!   
    This is our drop bear hunting dog, used to camouflage in wilderness areas after fires for hunting drop bears. She's also deadly at chewing zips of anything I own if I leave her at home!!!

  11. Like
    iowspence reacted to captin slows old outlaw in Show us yer dog!   
  12. Like
    iowspence reacted to captin slows old outlaw in Show us yer dog!   
  13. Like
    iowspence reacted to Odyssey in Show us yer dog!   
    It’s actually Emma’s dog, I’ve just stolen Daisy mwahahahahah 😁😁😁😁

  14. Like
    iowspence reacted to Saintly Fish in Show us yer dog!   
    This is Monty, he will be 13 in March. 

  15. Like
    iowspence reacted to Odyssey in Show us yer dog!   
  16. Like
    iowspence reacted to Andy135 in Show us yer dog!   
    I know that a few of the Outlaws are dog owners, so let's see them!
    Here's mine. A working springer named Holly. Six years old today.

  17. Like
    iowspence reacted to headlight in Groundbaiting   
    I put an onion sack of frozen chum down on the anchor chain when fishing for Tope at anchor.
    I also have 16" long by 6" diameter galvanised mesh tubes with a 7lb weight on the bottom that I use when targeting Bream.
    I put sausage shaped frozen chum, mainly consisting of minced Squid and Bran, in them.
    Works a treat.
    Obviously I also use a lot of chum when sharking, 10kg frozen blocks of it suspended over the side in an onion sack inside a 25 litre bucket, to stop the sharks ripping the sacks off.
    Plus I throw in cut up fish and Squid during a shark session.
  18. Agree
    iowspence reacted to captin slows old outlaw in English lockdown   
    we have canceld xmas , we are staying at home ,
  19. Agree
    iowspence reacted to Saintly Fish in Tune of the day (or week, or month, or whatever)   
    The foos don’t make a bad tune 
  20. Haha
    iowspence reacted to captin slows old outlaw in Groundbaiting   
    i thought ground baiting was when some one was being sick over the side
  21. Like
    iowspence reacted to Andy135 in Groundbaiting   
    Do you do it? If so, how? What bait do you use, and how do you get it down to where the fish are?

    I use a 2 foot length of soil pipe, perforated with 16mm holes. I made a stainless, drilled base for it, and I seal the top with a cut down pipe bung. Will post up a pic bit later. 2lb weight on the end and lower it to the sea floor on a length of cauline. However I'm thinking of swapping the cauline for 60lb braid on a spare rod & reel for this season.
  22. Like
    iowspence reacted to Saintly Fish in English lockdown   
    Yeah she’s fine mate Ta. Had a voice box issue for a while but had an endoscopy (which I had to pay for) and as soon as she learnt that she didn’t have throat cancer she cleared up. A bit of a physiological symptom. 
  23. Like
    iowspence reacted to Andy135 in Right then Outlaws...   
    Isn't that the truth! Well done for getting out nonetheless 👍
  24. Like
    iowspence reacted to suzook12 in Tune of the day (or week, or month, or whatever)   
    Not forgettin this 80's rock anthem.....
  25. Agree
    iowspence reacted to Andy135 in Right then Outlaws...   
    Ha! Do we presume you're a Billy Blanker then?!?! Justice is served if so 🤣🤣👍
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