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Everything posted by Bones

  1. Bones


    Farmed surely. I didn't check. Never realised how much money I was letting swim away 😂
  2. Bones


    Just been into Sainsbury's for my lunch only to find out my old mate and blank saver, Ben, is DEAD. I may as well call it a day. Does anyone want to buy a 3rd hand Abu Toby?
  3. That sounds really good Dave. The head scratching is my favourite bit, as long as it leads to a fish! Any joy on your gravity sticks yet? I think they are tougher than we think because as well as being rammed with 9 big hard backs it also had an old rusty hook in its guts!!
  4. Nice one. I'll keep a pair of scissors on me from now on just in case. Watermelon in a salsa? Never thought of that, sounds really good 👍
  5. Ah mate, I sympathize. I'm in the middle of a move ATM also. Only next door but it's still a NIGHTMARE 👎
  6. Cheers mate. How have you been getting on? Any more sessions on the lures?
  7. So...I hope everyone has been out enjoying themselves and catching loads of fish!? The plan for me this year was to fish the life out of three different marks in the hope of sussing out some kind of rhythm. A couple of short sessions a week and a bi monthly all dayer. I've kept a diary and everything. It's going ok, I've very rarely blanked but just as rarely caught anything worth of a mention. lots of bits around the 2lb mark and lots and LOTS of proper tiny ones. Last Saturday I spent a good few hours at a mark where I've had all my best fish and where I felt I was really getting to grips with. 2 fish in a handful of casts straight of the bat. Nothing massive, just short of a couple of pound. "Yes mate, here we go", I thought, and then nothing....for five hours, even though at times every couple of seconds I would see a spikey dorsal darting about or a big swirl or bow wave. I tried everything I had and could I catch one? Could I fuck. I must've covered every square foot of water and just as I was reeling in to walk off the beach and blame it on something other than my shit angling, WHACK! I'm in. Brilliant scrap, it had a few tries and fair play but it was well hooked and eventually I slid it up the beach onto the wrack. Real thick 62cm. New PB for me. Unfortunately there was lots of blood and although I rushed the photo and tried my best it was not swimming away or even looking to get any better. Ive never killed a bass and was massively unprepared. I don't even carry a knife. I looked around the shore for something to speed up the job and inspired by my old parachute regiment days, picked up a brick and used my initiative. To make myself feel better I gave her to a mate who would do something special with her. So a bit high and low on this one but worthy of a report I thought. Thanks for reading.
  8. Well done Dave! Lovely bit of kit 👍
  9. Nice work!! Stuff of dreams. Well done 👍👍
  10. Never had an early finish in years. Fishing gods perhaps.
  11. A bit like synchronised swimming
  12. It wasn't freezing cold for a change today and when work gave me the nod to bugger off at 12:00 I was a man on a mission to catch the last of the flood and hopefully a bass. All excited I rushed from the car to the mark ignoring the usual weird looks I get from normal people not obsessed with a fish, quick thumbs up to a fellow wanker who was waist deep and I was off. The water was crystal clear and the gravity stick looked well good amongst the wrack. 15 minutes and I'm into a fish, got her up onto the beach, couple of dodgy photos, measured at 57cm and back. All over in about 5 minutes. Fished On for a bit only to find my old mate 2 hrs done and dusted. Missus none the wiser. Thanks for reading
  13. Fair play. Cracking effort 👍
  14. hahaha. Surely you can do a pompey accent by now. See many crabs out of curiosity?
  15. Bones

    Thank f#ck

    Honestly, the more I use them the more they surprise me. Never had a reason to use anything other than the khaki one with a paddle tail because it's just been working!? It's just picture editor on the android gallery. One of the pen settings is pixelation 👍
  16. Brilliant. What did you think when you saw that rib coming? Haha! Well done on the bass. Account open. 👍👍
  17. Bones

    Thank f#ck

    Chuffed to be in with a fighting chance again! It's been a miserable boring winter
  18. Bones

    Thank f#ck

    Hard going! Had another go all day today, worked my arse off and managed one of the same size. Probably the same fish. He followed me around all of last year too.
  19. Bones

    Thank f#ck

    Not a whopper but my first fish of the season to get me going. In from work and straight out again, more to enjoy the weather than do any serious fishing and then an hour and half in....BANG! I could barely believe it. Chuffed. 1 week and 1 day earlier than last year on the savage gear gravity stick. Cheers for reading
  20. What's this mate? Something you've bought?
  21. That's what I was thinking. The propeller at the back makes lots of fuss. It will hopefully be my go to big surface lure because it's just a straight retrieve. Nice and easy
  22. Nothing massively different from last year. Got a horrible feeling that Portsmouth will be rammed with lure fisherman this year so been on the scout for new marks. Lure wise, the SG gravity sticks were really good for me at the very end of the season so they will be getting thrashed. Also gone for something a bit different with a berkley choppo. Look it up...dont laugh
  23. Thanks. Not long now and we can get out again...thank god!! Pulling my hair out
  24. They look really good. Where do you get your molds Dave?
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