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Everything posted by Bones

  1. Nice work PH. what a treat 👍
  2. I'm definitely coming to a close. All my gear has been cleaned and put away for the foreseeable but if some good conditions show up between now and December I'll have a go. I filled a whole note pad with blanks last winter haha. I dont bait fish. it costs too much and its hard to get through the whiting in Portsmouth.
  3. Cheers Dave. The area is no secret but word travels fast and all it takes is for one person to put a video up on YouTube and the marks get smashed. I think one of the biggest tricks in this area is to find the spots with very little angling pressure.
  4. Thanks. Just in time for Christmas 👍
  5. Eastney has a nudist beach which can be a laugh. Never seen anyone fishing in the nude though.
  6. The weather has been mank down my end for weeks and I've been chomping at the bit to get out. So when the forecast predicted some "comfortable" weather, I skived off work, lied to my bird and made a day of it. A beautiful crisp morning saw me rubbing my hands together alot and jumping up and down every now and then until the first fish which fancied a p100 for breakfast. Only a small one but beating the blank early on is always a treat, relieves a bit of tension and helps me enjoy my fishing alot more. 9 hours later, 5 fish landed and 2 lost. Quite slow going but nice and spread out over the day. The fish in the photos went 55ish and the better one was just short of 60. man of the match was the khaki gravity stick with the paddle tail again. This is proving to be a good replacement for the fiish black minnow for me. Works shallower and picks up far less debris. PATAGONIA HYBRID PACK VEST Now I dont spend alot of money on ANYTHING and at 75 quid, this is the most expensive piece of fishing gear that I own. It's a massive upgrade from my previous rig which was a couple of old army style bags bodged together with a belt that I found but I needed something that sat higher for when wading and enough space for everything I would need for a day. Few lures, minimal bits of tackle, jacket and a bit of scoff. it does all that and seems robust enough to last a while. What was really nice was having the weight distributed evenly over both shoulders and made for a easier 9 hours. One thing I would say is my last set up had somewhere to put my rod when I needed two hands free, this hasn't and stuffing the butt end into my waders is a proper pain in the arse and awkward. Any suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks for reading
  7. This has been good gear for me. Tough as woodpecker lips
  8. That's bloody good. Cheers for that! As for the dog, haha...my mums basset has shat out a rolled up pair of socks before.
  9. Also it would be nice to know where your lure is. I've wrecked a few leader knots in the dark from retrieving to far. 👍
  10. Nice one. Do you have a different approach at night Dave?
  11. I read a post on another forum not long ago about putting lights on leaders, it got laughed off but personally I thought it was a good idea 😅
  12. I had my last fish late November last year and then nothing until April. I've heard you can catch them throughout winter out west.
  13. I would think the same most predators are more active at night. Would you fish the same at night than you would during the day?
  14. Apart from it being dark, what's the difference......if any? I know that I personally dont do as well under darkness. I've made a handful of dedicated attempts this year but never had a confident separate darkness approach. Also, the success I have had has been contradictory to the surprisingly limited information online about the subject. Other than the regurgitated, "white lures" and "slow everything down", there isn't much else out there in terms of night fishing with lures. That cant be all there is to it so I would love for everyone to share their ideas and theories (no matter how "out of the box") on the matter. Cheers Bones
  15. Sounds like a lovely day out. Cheers for sharing 👍
  16. The first thing I noticed about it was how smooth its was. It increased my casting distance by a considerable amount. As far as abrasion resistance goes, I'm yet to have any breakages. In and around snags I'm not concerned because it feels so steely.
  17. I love to keep things cheap so spending 30 odd quid on string almost broke my heart. But this stuff has proven to change my fishing for the better more than any other bit of kit...
  18. Thanks mate, very kind. I'm not sure how many but hopefully a few more before it gets really hard 👍
  19. Thanks Andy. Theres still time! The amount of fish we saw today was crazy.
  20. Good evening gentlemen. Hope all your fishing is going well 👍 So, a little bit about me seeing as I've skipped the intro... Still very new to lure fishing for bass. Fished most of my life but never any serious salt water efforts until a year ago. I love the sense of freedom sea fishing brings and the watercraft involved with an enormous body of water such as the sea. Report from today... Booked a couple of days off so I could take full advantage of the time of year and today was the first good crack at it. I had a couple of hours of shit tide to use up this morning so popped to Southsea to chuck a seeker about for a laugh. Found a couple of manky gars and then headed over to a new mark that me @Tadpole have been having a pop at. Started covering ground over features with my patch 125 and a kahki gravity stick with the paddle tail. The first fish of around the high 40s came on the stick with just a slow straight retrieve and nothing added to it but the rattle. The second fish exactly the same only this one was WAY better! A nice big heavy lump that kited around me about 8ft away just to show me everything before the hook popped and came flying past my head....FUCK!!! I dont need to describe the devastation do I. Long story short, all was redeemed with 8 fish throughout the day and every one on the gravity stick. All high 40s apart from a couple that were better including a 60cm PB. @Tadpoleturned up last minuite and done his usual thing of catching the biggen and then casting his patch a million miles into the distance over and over again for fun 😉 All in all in all, probably the best days fishing I've ever had 👍 Cheers for reading
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