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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. Nice one, certainly puts my Friday to shame
  2. I see what you're saying The starter motor is 14/15 months old and there's new cable from battery to starter, clean connections etc I just think the engine is too tight when freezing cold, spun over fine on 2 batteries, struggled on the usual one Always been fine until now which I put down to the very low temps There's a few other 250's in my marina with the same engine, I'll see what their set ups are like
  3. Excellent mate, all off the foreshore ? EDIT Just read your report, I'm heading up that way this week
  4. One for the big forheaded people on here I will be fitting one of these DC 12V 500A 4 Pin SPST Starter Relay Contactor Double Batteries Isolator Control | eBay To link up 2 batteries just for starting purposes (especially in this cold weather) Can the relay switch be closed using the crank position on the ignition, would make more sense than fitting an odd switch on the dash panel and would always start on 2 batteries Sounds good in theory to me ?
  5. Well done for the trip on the tender, I would've jacked after that
  6. It was one of those anti-tamper fixed heads, where the rose was slightly larger than the hole in the top of the bottle And the water wasn't instantly warm either ❄️
  7. Not completely, just a bit stiff, I put it down to morning thickness 😎
  8. How did you get on Dai ? Saw a pic of a 10lb Cod caught off the foreshore Saturday, was that you ?
  9. High water was around 7.30 am so decided to catch that lock out Got to the boat at 6.45 to a defrosted windscreen and a very warm cabin (the joys of a heater, especially when you can tell it to come on from your phone) Turned the batteries on, turned the key and the engine didn't spring into life The temp was minus 3 at my house and not much warmer on the water Tested all 3 batteries and they were at 12.6v, just not enough juice in one battery to turn the engine fast enough Anyway, I luckily found a short length of battery cable with an 8mm eye on both ends, result (I can't remember making one up but glad I did) Linked the closest 2 together and she fired up My crew were getting a bit panicky by this time as usually I make the 5 min walk up to get the boat, then pick them up by the fuel pontoon as it's less for the old un to walk They thought I'd fallen in, because it was a fair bit icey, I then had to run back to the clubhouse to fill the water bottle as all the external taps had frozen The only outlet which I could get a 5 litre bottle underneath was a shower head, needless to say I got wet filling it We just managed to get in the 7.30 lock with not many seconds to spare and headed out to a flat calm sea Plan was to stay local instead of running up and down the channel burning fuel unnecessarily First stop was in close near the Rannie to get out of the first couple of hrs of a strong ebb, this produced jack shit, not even a bite between us Around 11 we ventured further out to the outer edge of the coral, plenty of boats around us, but judging by the radio chatter not a lot being caught An hour or so before low water I had the only visible bite of the day which resulted in this juvenile A shade under 3lb but fat (full of prawns) Nipper pulled in a tiny codling which he didn't know he had on about 10 minutes later which was the sum total of our days fishing Shuff never saw his tip move all day Did hear that the dredger had been around for the last 3 days and nights, so may have something to do with it ? As for the battery saga, I have one of these on the way DC 12V 500A 4 Pin SPST Starter Relay Contactor Double Batteries Isolator Control | eBay
  10. I got the Zippo one, fill it up and it'll last all day (haven't timed it, but easily 10 hrs) Never bothered before, but after a couple of ops on my fingers/hands, the digits that were operated on go blue and fecking painfull when very cold It's also nice to have a piss with warm hands before you start, not after
  11. I replaced mine on a previous boat, can't remember who I bought it from but would've been off the net Just a spindle with a split ring on either end on my old boat, nice and easy
  12. 7 of us took a trip way down south to Penzance for a 2 day trip aboard Lo Kie Adventures, aiming to fish the reefs off Lands End The easterly winds nearly put paid to the trip, but luckily the forecast mellowed and down we went I could spend an hour or so trying to write an enthralling report laden with pictures, but I didn't take any and the skipper did The skipper also wrote a report on his Facebook page, so I think I shouldn't out write him 😇 I don't know how to put the post directly on here, but I'll try and put a link to his page, you may have to scroll down to find the report Also thoroughly recommend him, very knowledgeable and eager to get everyone catching lo kie adventures - search results | Facebook EDIT Just tried the link and we are the second report, this I assume will change as he writes more reports ?
  13. Well done that man/11 yr old 🦾
  14. Haven't long got home, I didn't take any pics, but will try and get the ones the skipper took and sort a report out if I can get them off him
  15. Heading down to Penzance tomorrow pm (Wed) Thursdays trip looks very likely and Fridays dodgy, but hopeful Hoping it's going to be as good as the lads who have been before say it is Don't think we're doing any offshore wrecking, just the inshore reefs apparently May finally get something half decent on the slow jigs If it's worthwhile, I'll put a report up when we get back
  16. Tried Newport deeps (dogs, rays and a few biggish (25lb +) congers) Back to Foreshore on ebb and it was shite The cod comp is supposed to be this Sunday, but forecast not looking good I have ordered my bait and will have pay for it whether I go or not, so will probly go out Saturday depending on what forecast says tomorrow
  17. I'm out in the morning, early out and get back to watch the Argies give us a beating Will probly turn left out of Cardiff and catch the tide up channel Supposed to be doing 2 days out of Penzance next Wed and Thurs, can't see that happening
  18. Yamaha 60hp 2-stroke Outboard Engine for sale from United Kingdom (boats-from.co.uk) Don't know if this ad is current or not, doesn't seem a great deal of money if still available And will take an offer
  19. Kinell, I was going to get one done for insurance value, as Porthcawl (like most insurers) will only insure the boat for what you paid for it, not it's current value
  20. Words and pictures, well done What polish/paste did you use for the first cut
  21. Does anyone polish their own prop, or send it away I sent mine away 2 yrs ago as it had a couple of dings in it that needed repairing This year, no damage so just want to polish it up What does everyone use ?
  22. You bought it then ? Can't believe he didn't take me up on my offer of a straight swap #unfuckingbeleiveablejeff
  23. There's a couple of slosh 30's on marketplace in Barry and Newport, £60 and £50
  24. I hope so, but not holding my breath
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