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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. Yes it would, I've got a 50 odd litre old coleman one that I'm quite prepared to straight swap Don't even want any money my way either
  2. Not really top skippering, I fucked up first thing and there's always fish around Castle Rock 😎
  3. 4 of us got the 7am lock out which was pretty much on high water and made our way across to a mark just North of Sand point which I hoped wouldn't be too lumpy in a Northerly It was 25 mins later and with windspeed easily doubling the forecasted 7/8mph , we dropped anchor and slopped about for 10 mins before retrieving it and heading back across towards Wales Decided to head down to Castle rock which would give us some shelter from the wind and if the fishing was shite, we could at least watch the planes coming in to land at Cardiff airport Dropped anchor off the back of the feature in around 40ft and threw a multitude of fish, squid, worm and crab baits out and waited I was first in with a very small bootlace of an eel, followed by a couple of small Blondes Andy was next to pick up his rod and with the fish coming up a good 15 yards away from the boat another Ray was expected A mad scramble to get the net when this little fella surfaced and it was soon on the deck Very slim with next to nothing in it's guts and a shade under 6lb, but what a welcome sight it was Some nice double figure Blondes, Smoothies and a very stocky Huss of around 12lb (plus quite a few straps) kept us busy up until we lost the tide just before low water Repositioned the boat on the flood and had the same sort of results until it was time to pull anchor and head back up for the 3.45pm lock back in Sadly no more Cod, but an enjoyable day with plenty of action Note to self, take weather app forecasts with a pinch of salt and stay local in a Northerly Pissed off with myself for wasting an hour or more running back and fore the Channel
  4. Just read the poster again You can lick a Pro if you go tomorrow, sod the fishing
  5. Yeah, it was a busy day, just not the species we were after Could've been worse, I could've been lumping tubes around with you (did it for a bit, then sold it all so I never had to do it again)
  6. It's around the same era as most of the jokes on here
  7. Or Bristol Channel if you want to use it's full name Locked out at 7 and headed across towards Clevedon and anchored on the edge of the shipping channel in just under 30ft Just myself and Shuff (Mike) today on the hunt for an early Codling, late Sole or any Bass Stayed here for an hour or so and just had strap congers, small thornies and 2 dogs No signs of any Codling, so moved on up channel with the tide still flooding and settled on a Mark that has given us Bass in the past Very busy here with all the usual suspects (Rays, Congers and dogs) and also 2 baby Tope They were of identical size which lead me to believe they were in fact the same suicidal/stupid fish We let the ebb tide swing us around and when the anchor dug back in, fished here for another hour ish and headed back home The ebb was no different to the flood, other than the sun wasn't in our eyes Got the 3.15 lock back in and home for 4.30 The dogs weren't a bad size and I had to take the picture of my Tope as shuff just doesn't do camera phones too well The first camera phone he had, he wanted to take back to Tescos (where he bought it) as he couldn't see through the viewer to see what he was photographing Deleted the pic of the dog as there was a bit of blood on its chin and didn't take any of the small Rays and Conger
  8. It came with 2 racors and the standard engine filter, they're not piped as a bypass just one after the other Did think it was overkill and was going to remove one, just haven't got around to it
  9. Yes, always got a pair (got 2 water separators) and a spare engine mounted filter as well, also regularly check the bowls for water and crap
  10. Had an email this morning saying the hose was with the Post Office and will be delivered before 3pm That would've been too late, so up to the PO depot and asked for it, already out for delivery they said, shit I said The guy behind the counter was very helpful (I vaguely recognised him and he seemed to know me) and rang the postie who would be delivering it Long story short, I met him on his round and picked it up from him (we were in school together and I know him and his family well) A quick call to my fitter mate and the stars aligned (he had a job cancelled) so we met at the yacht club about 11 ish Everything put back together, changed the engine anodes and managed to get the three fuel filters changed as well by 12.30 A quick spin around the bay and all good, still needs to have her arse cleaned though as am down a few knots and rpm Also sorted out my annoying gearbox oil leak, it was coming from the oil cooler (which I assumed was the engine oil cooler) 2 new doughty washers sorted that Just need the selector shaft seal and it will be 100% Will change the engine oil and filter in a week or 2 Roll on Satdee
  11. I didn't scour their website, but looked like they sold a multitude shapes, colours, sizes etc
  12. AutoSiliconHoses.com, they sell in lengths from 50mm upwards and all sorts of sizes £22.31 which includes next day delivery at £9.95
  13. Got a replacement silicon hose coming tomorrow and am going to re-use the copper gasket/washer as it cleaned up OK The fibre gasket I was going to renew, I will leave on as it's not damaged at all and should be fine with a bit of gasket sealer on reassembly Just need my mechanic/fitter mate to give me a couple of hours tomorrow afternoon to get it done May even get out on the weekend 🤞
  14. No, I won't bother him on a weekend I'll ring the VM people tomorrow and also get in touch with him, but none of the parts I want are on his site
  15. I've got the above boat with the Cummins Mercruiser 4.2l "black engine" and need a few bits I've posted on the Arvor facebook group, but my post is still pending Apart from these VM Diesel Specialist Ltd – Servicing and Repair of VM Diesel Engine are there any other UK stockists of spares Ta very much
  16. Nothing political about this post Hasn't she got a cracking set of norks
  17. Wonderfully non PC 8
  18. I hope this coaching also includes hysterically ripping the piss when they get it all wrong
  19. Nice result mate, do you anchor the spit in the 2nd pic or drift ? Who'd have thought the humble Doggie would be so welcome (apart from @Andy135 obviously)
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