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Posts posted by jonnyswamp

  1. 23 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

    Good effort. Plenty of fish and a bonus cod, all in iffy conditions. Top skippering 👍

    Not really top skippering, I fucked up first thing and there's always fish around Castle Rock 😎

  2. 28 minutes ago, JonC said:

    Well done,looks like you had a busy day.  it was a fantastic day in terms of weather here, so glad I had to work. 

    Yeah, it was a busy day, just not the species we were after

    Could've been worse, I could've been lumping tubes around with you (did it for a bit, then sold it all so I never had to do it again)

  3. 4 hours ago, Odyssey said:

     (no fishing on 22nd October… getting wed, so fishing will be perfect all weekend I’m sure 🤣🤣🤣)

    I bloody hope so, got a few days in Weymouth booked for that weekend 

    Congratulations, hope your day goes great 👍


  4. 23 minutes ago, JonC said:

    Good result. 
    Do you carry spare filters? I had a water in fuel alarm last trip out. I drained the racor and bled a bit out of the filter and it got me home.(15 miles back in) I’ve since sourced spare filters, one of each to change and a spare of each Justin. 

    Yes, always got a pair (got 2 water separators) and a spare engine mounted filter as well, also regularly check the bowls for water and crap

  5. Had an email this morning saying the hose was with the Post Office and will be delivered before 3pm

    That would've been too late, so up to the PO depot and asked for it, already out for delivery they said, shit I said

    The guy behind the counter was very helpful (I vaguely recognised him and he seemed to know me) and rang the postie who would be delivering it

    Long story short, I met him on his round and picked it up from him (we were in school together and I know him and his family well)

    A quick call to my fitter mate and the stars aligned (he had a job cancelled) so we met at the yacht club about 11 ish

    Everything put back together, changed the engine anodes and managed to get the three fuel filters changed as well by 12.30

    A quick spin around the bay and all good, still needs to have her arse cleaned though as am down a few knots and rpm

    Also sorted out my annoying gearbox oil leak, it was coming from the oil cooler (which I assumed was the engine oil cooler) 2 new doughty washers sorted that

    Just need the selector shaft seal and it will be 100%

    Will change the engine oil and filter in a week or 2

    Roll on Satdee


  6. Got a replacement silicon hose coming tomorrow and am going to re-use the copper gasket/washer as it cleaned up OK

    The fibre gasket I was going to renew, I will leave on as it's not damaged at all and should be fine with a bit of gasket sealer on reassembly

    Just need my mechanic/fitter mate to give me a couple of hours tomorrow afternoon to get it done

    May even get out on the weekend 🤞


  7. On 9/12/2022 at 2:42 PM, LostPiker said:

    It's a long shaft and I think the 55 is different but thanks for thinking of me

    I have a manual already but thanks for the offer.


    I spoke to Barry at Windsor Marine this morning who serviced it and is sorting an auxiliary that was in a shed for about 10 years that I was given. He has very kindly offered me to borrow the special tools and to offer advice so fingers crossed it should rise from the ashes soon

    Barry sounds like a good egg, fair play to him 😇


  8. 5 hours ago, Odyssey said:

    I’m looking forward to shouting abuse (sorry I mean encouragement) at the anglers who hook up 🙂 


    As crew I’m responsible for coaching them through the fight, leadering, measuring, tagging, reviving the fish with the skipper. Won’t be on every trip as Rob got a few others as crew and I’m sure they will be keen to get involved too 🙂 Just hope the anglers don’t mind a bit of encouragement 😉 

    I hope this coaching also includes hysterically ripping the piss when they get it all wrong

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