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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. Yes mate it was, 90 odd miles and 1 keeper but still worth it just to get on the water
  2. Been itching to get out on my own boat for months after various reasons keeping me away from it, so with one of my usual crew in Norway, myself and the other usual decided on a trip down channel looking for a Bass or 2 Been wanting to try Horseshoe rocks near Ilfracombe again, but tide, weather and my own availability never coincided Fridays weather looked OK ish with a 10-12knt SSW due a bit later in the afternoon which would be with the tide Got through the 7am lock and made our way down channel, mist and rainclouds as far as we could see so went to plan B and headed to Nash Lighthouse Did 8-10 drifts from close in to further out for 1 Scad, we usually find the Bass here but today they were hiding pretty well Glancing across the Channel and the mist/rain seemed to have started to clear so headed across to Horseshoe rocks (back to plan A) Got there and had both main outcrops to ourselves (did the locals know something we didn't ?) We only had chance of about 6-8 drifts here as we were loosing the tide, but we managed 5 Bass between us with just the one being kept Not a monster but in size at around 480mm, with the others being between approx 400 and 420mm The tide left us and I dropped a whole squid down which was taken by a very lethargic Smoothie of around 6-7lb With a 2hr plus steam back home (if we went straight to Cardiff, we didn't) we made our way up the English side and stopped for a drift somewhere near Woody Bay and again just off Foreland We didn't deplete anymore of the English fish stocks, so made our way home and got the 4.45pm lock back in Didn't take any pics of the fish as we were quickly loosing the tide and had no time In hindsight, if we had gone straight to Horseshoe and not Nash, I dare say we would of had a belter of a day But last year I got caught out when the weather turned a bit worse than was forecast and had a real shitter, with a 2hr 15min return journey taking 5 plus hrs so better safe than sorry etc
  3. Nice little sesh, I'd say red as well
  4. Yes I did a couple of weeks ago The finger is still attached to my hand and hasn't gone black, so that's a plus at the moment But it's numb, as is most of my little finger next to it Skin graft is ok according to the doctor I saw yesterday (looks a bit shit to me) so just a matter of waiting for it to heal properly I don't think I did myself any favours going fishing and getting the dressing wet/covered in fish baits the week after it was done TBH
  5. Not me or any of my club this weekend, another trip cancelled out of Dale this Saturday......poxy wind I don't really mind as I have a party this Friday and a wedding on Saturday so wasn't going anyway A few of the lads in the club are off to Norway on Monday, I think for 10 days I shall post some of their pics when I get sent them
  6. That explains a lot πŸ˜„
  7. I've heard of a few that have seized, I never extend mine past the max line Maybe that's why some have jammed Also it's only extended for casting, then retracted for the actual waiting about bit
  8. Have you used a 5-10, if so, whats it like in comparison
  9. Been looking to get another Suveran 5-10oz uptider to match the one I have Couldn't find any new ones and the second hand ones were the same price as I paid for mine when it was new Browsing marketplace last night and found one in ex condition for Β£60 just under an hour away A few messages and we agreed on Β£50 (cos it's an hour away) picked it up earlier and It's in it's new home now Very happy with and it will chuck a slosh 30 on it just like my other one My other uptiders are like tank aerials compared to these, it's quite a stiff rod, but a good tip Just the job for strong tides What do others prefer, jonc does a fair bit of uptide work IIRC
  10. They already have patches, only the finest Saffiano calfskin leather mind you, none of this tough old Crocodile or Elephant leather
  11. And me, I believe you sent me a couple previously I haven't used them as I haven't put a hole in any of my clothes yet
  12. So if I give you a bit of publicty, you send me some freebies ? I'm not proud, I'll take a company pen and mug
  13. I have been stupidly busy with my daughters house and my own work, but I do pop in every night to see if the 2 jons have got a room yet Having another op tomorrow, so will have a bit of time on my hands over the next couple of weeks I MAY be going to Weymouth next weekend, depending on how I'm fairing 🀞
  14. Yeah, my copy was delivered yesterday πŸ˜„ That was the first I heard about it being official Ross, the skipper of Spot on, must have sent it up to the natural history museum to be varified I asked him a while back and he said he would when he got chance, I didn't want to pester him and thought he had forgot as I hadn't heard from him Now I'm just waiting for all the free gifts and prizes to come rolling in Can't remember if I caught it on a jig from jigabyte (terry), a lure from Lymebaytackle (Gpsguru) or if I got it from Harrods sports dept πŸ˜‡ I was sent a selection of Sidewinder lures for winning fish of the month in a local Torbay paper, I want more
  15. I'll check on the plotter next time I'm down, thanks Would appreciate (in monetary terms obviously) if you/someone could run through my system with me, especially to check if the radar can be repaired/brought online
  16. Great days fishing that, I'm not envious at all Would much rather be in work πŸ™„
  17. Some pics of my set up The blue status symbol slow flashes when batteries turned on This lot is nailed to the outside of the little boys room This ais box has a constant red power light and the green one momentarily flashes every now and again (maybe every 30 secs) And this flying lead is connected to the box with the clear lid, this plug has never been connected to anywhere since I've owned the boat I thought it was (maybe) for an external source for updating software ? Any ideas regarding the AIS, should I be able to overlay it to one of the plotters, I'm assuming the radar is fecked
  18. No mate, I've just got the wasp speed button
  19. Tried the marine traffic app, no joy What I have in my cabin, is a small dome shaped thing with a blue flashing neon There isn't any on/off switch I can see, as soon as the house batteries are switched on it illuminates Pretty sure I have an ais box near the V berth with the rest of the electrical stuff though I'll try and get down there and take a few pics
  20. When are you next down CBYC, I thought you'd moved permanently West ?
  21. Ok, thanks I also have AIS, but don't know if it works or not I have a small, bracket mounted "dome" with ais written on it just inside my sliding door that has a constantly flashing blue light on it I need a visit from someone with a bit more knowledge than me
  22. I've never been able to get my radar working since I've owned the boat It hasn't been a problem, but as it has a radome I would like it to work I'll be having a look at the wiring etc next week and if need be, the assistance of a "marine electrician" (depending on how far he wants to pull my pants down) All my kit is Garmin, so if my dome is shot and I have to replace, is there much difference between an 18" and a 24" with regards to performance I do all my fishing/boating in the Bristol channel, in fine weather and daylight (99% of the time) so not as busy as you English channel boys Is the 24 worth the extra 5/600 quid ?
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