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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. jonnyswamp


    Fuck that, I'm aching just reading it
  2. I was supposed to be out of Dale on Saturday, skipper pulled the plug Thursday night Out of 7 club trips this year, all but one was cancelled We did get a few week days as fillers on other boats though, so not a complete disaster Having another hand op on Saturday and am booked to go to Weymouth the following week for 2 days on Offshore Rebel I'm hedging my bets at the moment, If I can go, I will
  3. I would think the way the jigs fall/flutter means the assist hooks are flailing around a few inches from the jig and when a fish goes for the jig, they are just as easily hooked on the outside as the inside of the mouth Maybe a bigger fish with a wider mouth has more chance of getting the jig and hooks in it's mouth than a smaller one I think the foul hooking is part of the catching process for spjing, but as you say not good when there are small fish taking them though
  4. Nice day and report Were you treading water when you took the last picture 😄
  5. Ok, thought that the spots stopped short of the wing ends on a spottie, but go to the ends on a blonde Either way, lovely markings and a great days fishing
  6. My old ZF 250 may be worth something then 😁
  7. A belter of a Bass mate and a nice mix of species Is that a small blonde though, rather than a spottie ?
  8. Tenerife was good, Me and Mrs swamp declined the invitation to spend £40 each to have colonic irrigation at 30mph Our 3 daughters and their boyfriends did though, they were up there pretty much all day and said it was great We spent most of our day eating The op is on my right hand so could still do some fishing (I'll use rod in my left and wind with my right) If I can't fish, I'll spend the day on the camera
  9. I'm all good, been in Tenerife for 2 weeks (no fishing, only a few rounds of golf) and going to Portugal tomorrow for a friends 60th for 5 days Haven't done any fishing for a while, due to working in my daughters house trying to get it finished (got let down by the window supplier, so lost a month) Got a trip out of Dale booked for 23rd July and an op on my other hand on 30th, so may not be able to do our 2 dayer out of Weymouth on Aug 5/6th I may (if I can't get my place filled) go down anyway
  10. No not yet, there for 2 weeks so should be able to get on one of them
  11. Tenerife, 30th (Pearl) wedding anniversary next Monday and Mrs Swamp s having something appropriate A necklace
  12. After having a reefing trip out of Dale cancelled on Saturday, I thought I'd tell some lies to Monday's customer and go fishing instead (well, it is my birthday) No dead bodies this time and not too many fish Locked out at 7 and headed up on the first of the flood to a mark we picked a few Bass up off on the last trip Anchored in 12ft and sent the baits out (Rag, crab, squid, mackerel and combinations of all 4) Fuck all for about 2 hrs, then I hooked in to a small Thornie, Shuff a small dog and the same for Nipper This was how it panned out for the remainder of the flood, so we had short move over to a mark Near Newport deeps This threw up a million dogs and a few Conger (even to the worm only baits) Nippers rod then gave a solid couple of thuds and all hell broke loose (he was using a 12lb class Kenzaki, rather than an uptider) This was the result Around 14lb of angry Smoothhound and the only one of the day (caught on ragworm) Only the one picture as none of the small dogs, rays and conger looked photogenic enough to warrant it Off to sunnier climes Saturday and hope to do a bit of Tuna, Marlin fishing But may end up with just puffer fish again
  13. That's a pair of good Huss mate We're booked on an offshore reef trip either with Fen or Andy (can't remember which) out of Dale this Saturday I hope it's Andys boat as Fens is a bit of a plodder for offshore
  14. A good forecast and a small tide saw me relinquish my tiling/kitchen fitting/general house renovation duties that have taken up pretty much all of my weekends and spare time this last few months With Shuff and Nipper for crew, we got the 7am lock and headed up towards Portishead, with the first half hour of the flood helping us on our way The targets were some Bass and maybe the odd Sole A flat sea made for a comfortable, uneventful journey until an object that appeared a few hundred yards ahead slowly began to take the shape of what looked like a floating corpse I slowed down and had a better look and it was indeed a dead body of a male floating face down Rang the coast guard, gave all the details etc and they asked us if we would stay with it until the Penarth lifeboat got there I stayed around 80yds away and the lifeboat crew got there around 40 mins later, thanked us for staying with him, put on their aprons and gloves etc and we left We carried on to our chosen mark and did a bit of fishing, one keeper Bass at the first mark for Nipper and a tiny Codling for Shuff, then nothing for hours Moved to another mark just before high which gave me a small Bass and a nice keeper that evaded the net and lived to fight another day We called it a day around 2.30 and got the 3.15pm lock back in Bit of a subdued trip and very surreal drifting along side a body for 40 odd minutes wondering how he got there, is anyone missing him etc Mrs Swamp saw an article on one of the news pages and apparently he had gone missing from Gloucestershire on May 10th and there weren't any suspicious circumstances At least his family now have closure, if that's any consolation RIP Victor
  15. That sounds like a great day out, love Bream fishing Top skippering
  16. If you're anything like me, I take all the ingredients and either leave the cups behind Or forget to fill the fresh water bottle
  17. You got out and caught, mission accomplished and well done to Leo on the accidental sabotage 🤣 That thing that was in with the squid, it's a clingon
  18. Is this one of those "magic eye" type pictures, where you have to stare at it for 10 minutes before an image of a small deer appears ?
  19. I understand how the film stars feel now, constant harassment with cameras clicking away every time I leave the house On a more honest note, I've been busy getting my daughters house renovated which is taking up all of my weekends etc Weather looks bang on for this weekend, but massive tides, so limited as to where to fish Unless you got a couple of Bass marks that are ok on a big tide 😇
  20. I had the same email this morning 😎
  21. Sounds like a good day, I was out further up the Channel Friday and had a similar day, apart from the Bass I may have to organise a raid over to your side and try for a few of those 😎
  22. I shall be out in the Bristol channel tomorrow, probably head over the other (English) side out of the tide I'm not expecting much, but haven't been out on my own boat for what seems like months
  23. I don't know regarding confirmation, I've sent the Angling trust an email with all the details etc, but I won't hold my breath It was one of the very few trips where I didn't wear my OO hoodie (Mrs Swamp appears to have shrunk it and it's now a bit snug) May have got it in one of the magazines Don't worry though, when I win BBC sports personality of the year, I'll give the site a name drop in my acceptance speech 😁
  24. Boarded "Spot on" at 6.45, left the pontoon at 7 and steamed straight out past the 30 mile mark, one small Pollock and a few pouting was all this wreck gave up, so we moved a bit further out and didn't fare any better This was how the rest of the day panned out, 2 or 3 drifts and if nothing happening we moved on, with some wrecks not even producing pout ! We tried 8 or 9 wrecks and travelled over 90 miles, we went more South than mid Channel as land (Cornwall probably) was visible all day I didn't bother with the slow jigs as there were 4 others using this method and no-one caught so much as a cold on them Instead I alternated between lures and bait, with my one and only Pollocklet coming on the last drop of the last drift and weighing a hefty 4 and a half pound I didn't photograph my fish, but this was the heaviest of the 7 fish caught all day 6lb 8oz I did however manage to pick up a potential new British record Grey Gurnard on a blue and white sidewinder, which went 2.49 lb on a set of cheep digital scales on the boat The currant record is 2lb 7oz 8dr, so knowing how unreliable cheep scales are, I didn't gut the fish and kept it in water until we got back in Tested the scales on the return journey and found that the .49 was actually nearly half a pound and not nearly 5 ounces, as we first thought I left the fish with Ross (skipper) as he said he had already contacted Brixham Angling and they were staying open to weight the fish (fair play to them ) Had a phone call from him within 20 mins of leaving Brixham for home, to tell me the fish had weighed 2lb 8oz 14dr on their calibrated scales and it was a potential new record If it is a new British record, I am then going for world dominance in the Gurnard fraternity as it seems I may be eligible The new British record holder for the Grey Gurnard Sounds like I won a 1930's dance competition 😄
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