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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. Could be anything you want Tis Christmas after all
  2. 2 x 12 inch pizzas are smaller in area (less topping etc) than 1 x 18 inch The same goes for 4 x 9 inch being smaller So bigger really is better I hope this gives @JonCsome comfort and proves his theory that one should always buy the biggest pizza one can find
  3. Sailtrain: Training for RYA Competent Crew, Day Skipper, Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster sailing courses. This may interest some Iirc @Clinker put this link on another site a few yrs ago And it's free !
  4. I consider myself to be a safe skipper in the waters that I fish in (in that I don't take any chances and will take the long way around what may be a shallow bank ) but haven't got any qualifications Have owned a boat since 2011 and have been learning ever since I'm thinking of doing the coastal skipper/yachtmaster offshore course Should I take the day skipper first ? or will basic knowledge be a good enough start Interested to know what others have and what you class as basic knowledge I've been out on all nighters and navigated out and back in, in the dark using a mixture of electronics and port buoys I can also recognise the different cardinal buoys and their meaning I suspect my experience would be rather less than you Solent boys
  5. Nice one, well worth the trip to Minehead
  6. I've got the heavier suveran I don't use 10oz, but it handles 8oz with big baits in Bristol channel tides easily Haven't used the greys or kenzakis, so can't compare
  7. Kinell, this has gone off on a bit of a tangent 😅
  8. Listen to "little drummer boy" by Bing Crosby and David Bowie You're not that young
  9. Merry Christmas Pete and plenty more of em 👍
  10. No way, its a classic And you can do one too (1, 2) gps!
  11. I shamelessly lifted it from Twitter
  12. Nor me, if we get a settled spell, I want to give Horseshoe rock a go on 30th It can't just be a summer mark
  13. Bowie: why so sad Bing? Bing: My inflatable butt has gone flat. B: You need my rubber bum pump? Bing: Rubber bum pump? B: Rubber bum pump.
  14. My original plan was wide off Sully around the Aldridge shoal area, then on to Stout/Aberthaw until low, then back up with the tide Pleased I went East now Spoke to a guy I knew in the lock that went to Aberthaw and all they had were 1 Ray and a dog
  15. They are, I didn't have chance to do anything with them this year Next years job now
  16. Caught the 7.30 lock and was going to head west, thick fog and a not very nice easterly saw us head up towards Clevedon, where the wind was forecast to be a bit lighter Got into ladye Bay, after a much slower steam up than usual, nearly an hour later and dropped the pick Had one bite in 3 hrs between the 2 of us here, which resulted in this little fella Around a pound and a half And went straight back After the tide had slackened enough, we had a move over to Newport deeps and dropped anchor in 18ft about an hour before low One bite here resulted in a better fish 14lb 8, I got my double I even smiled on the outside Low water came and the freezing wind was holding is side on and as we didn't want a late one, at 1.30, we packed up and made our way through the thickening fog to get the 2.15 inbound lock Very poor day with just 2 bites between us, but I got my double, so not a disaster The cod was caught on double squid and was absolutely stuffed full of crab and one small whiting
  17. We were also out, didn't find any cod either Talking to 2 guys in the lock and they had a codling each first cast, then just one small Ray between them for the next 5/6 hrs
  18. That was precisely why I put the "no photos" line at the end To make sure you read it
  19. Nice one Luke, any old chancer can catch one if they're put straight over the top of it TOP SKIPPERING @headlight catch anything, or is CBYC now too far out of his comfort zone 😎
  20. Locked out at 7.30 on to a sea like a witches tit, headed straight across to the English side to rob them of their cod Got the anchor down in Woodspring/Langford bay and threw out some whole squid, blow lug, mackerel, prawn and combinations of all the above Not a twitch for an hour, then I pulled in a dog Just before and just after low water (around 11) we picked up 7/8 Thornbacks and a solitary Whiting, then nothing again for an hour or so Stayed until 1.25, pulled the pin and caught the 2.15 lock back in Not a total disaster, but still shite No photos as there was nothing worthy of one
  21. We took the 7.30 lock and are in amongst the banks in Langford Bay catching weed atm May try Clevedon for the flood if it stays the same
  22. I suppose it boils down to circumstances When my 3 girls were growing up I could never have afforded a boat, we never had much spare cash and I would've shovelled shit for a quid if I had too The youngest is 22 and the eldest has moved out, with the middle one just about to buy a house and move out So financially, they all have good jobs and need nothing from us That enables me to scale down my workload and kick back a bit Also the old phrase "work smarter, not harder" comes into play
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