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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. As the title, no cod, nada Started the day on a flat sea with no wind anchored on the English side of Cardiff spit, after getting the 7.30 lock out Counted 35 boats between the Rannie and Cardiff North, with more joining after each lock Fish straight away, all the usual contenders, with a couple of small whiting thrown in !3lb on the left, 16lb on the right Didn't weigh mine, but around the same sort of size Moved up to Clevedon after slack low and anchored on the side of a channel, just inside the Clevedon buoy 6 or 7 boats anchored in Ladye bay, that dwindled to 1 or 2 after an hour or so of the flood We stuck it out until 12 ish, after dogs and straps were getting a pain A move to the bottom end of the West middle grounds bank, for the last of the flood gave us more of the same with a few Thornbacks for good measure Out of bait and patience, we pulled the pin at 3.15 and just made the 3.45 inbound lock Heard of a few doubles that came off the coral and Cardiff spit, but sadly, none for us I will show my true colours next Sunday at the cod comp, where I will no doubt be codless again
  2. Two pirates, Morty and Sol, meet in a bar. Sol has a patch over one eye, a hook for a hand, and a wooden peg leg. “Ye gads, matey,” says Morty. “What happened to ya?” Sol says, “Me pirate ship was attacked, and a lucky shot lopped off me leg. So now I got me a wooden peg.” “And yer hand?” asks Morty. “When me ship sank, a shark bit me hand off. So now I got me a hook.” “OK, but what’s with the eye patch?” “I was standin’ on a dock, and the biggest seagull I ever saw poops right in me eye.” “But ya don’t go blind from no seagull poop.” “True,” says Sol. “But it was me first day with the hook.”
  3. A man is struggling to find a parking space. “Lord,” he prays. “I can’t stand this. If you open a space up for me, I swear I’ll give up the drink and go to mass every Sunday.” Suddenly, the clouds part and the sun shines on an empty parking spot. Without hesitation, the man says: “Never mind, I found one!”
  4. I hope they're not hiding tomorrow, at least you caught a few Where did you try, I'm probably going on the bank first then up to Clevedon/Ladye bay on the flood
  5. It's probably just someone in awe of your jokes Then again, if that's the case you need to be worried 😲
  6. I'm out Sunday Thinking of a run up to Portishead way, but most of the bigger fish have been picked up close to Cardiff
  7. All virtual, IIRC the "investment" was around 20 k on each account It may have been more, I really can't remember I just bought stuff willy nilly, cos it wasn't my money Euros made a bit
  8. Anyone invest in stocks/shares/currencies etc I opened a couple of virtual accounts last year (or maybe earlier) and just checked on them and one is up 6k odd and the other 7k odd I have been reading about copytrading and have opened a virtual account with etoro Have copytraded one person and invested in some others, Amazon, alibaba and airbnb being some of the others Going to leave it a month or so and see what happens Anyone got any 1st hand experience with this, be very interested to hear some facts rather than the usual, don't invest what you can't afford to lose etc
  9. Can't see the attraction of caves really, unless you want to hide yourself away Quite a few caves and old shafts/levels around my way, great fun as a kid Never did find the pot of gold/hidden treasure
  10. I'd have more luck finding a Unicorn atm, there's some good doubles about, but they seem to be patchy and not massively widespread
  11. Another fellow Taffy, welcome boyo A bit further West than me, though I plan to do a bit around Swansea next Summer, may see you out and about 👍
  12. Sounds like a busy day, great conditions and plenty of fish 👍
  13. Has this problem just happened recently, or has it always been like it IIRC you've not long moved house ?
  14. I've just ordered another 10 kilo as they're not always in stock, my 2 regular crew will also want some no doubt Yes, good bait and service from both companies to be fair The smaller squid was as described on their website, so no complaints, I knew what I was getting My previous post may have come across as a moan about the size, it wasn't
  15. My last bulk buy was 10kg unwashed squid from online baits, £65 inc delivery All squid around 6/7 inches, with the odd slightly smaller one I think I've used baits r us and the squid were all around the 4", great for beach fishing, but a bit small for me
  16. I had my wedding reception meal thing there, the house not the camp site 30 yrs ago next June 😲
  17. Big tides next weekend too, may push a few more up the channel
  18. No of course not Sadly no too many of the 2 legged species though
  19. Xc Weather saying high winds and the Windy app saying 12kn ish South Westerley , I rang Nipper to see if he fancied a gamble hoping for the lesser of the 2 forecasts He picked up some Rag Friday and we met at 7am Sat morning, to get the 7.30 lock out for low water around 8 ish A very small tide, so only limited where we could go by the wind Got out of the lock on to a relatively flat sea, with very little wind, result ! Opted to fish @Odyssey's suggestion between the Monkstone and the middle sand bank, made the 15min steam and had the anchor down by around 8 What little wind was with the tide, so pretty much perfect, albeit had no real tide run until 1.5 hrs after low Dogs were being sent back fairly regularly, with the odd strap conger, then we started picking up the Blondes and Thornies Hims and hers These rays give good sport in small tides, no fun in a 12m plus though Started loosing the tide and decided on a move up on to the spoil grounds, just inside Cardiff North to see if there was a bit more movement up there There wasn't and the wind was starting to pick up Dogs were a complete pain here, plague proportions almost, with double shots regularly Nipper managed a nice Smoothie and a miniature one, quite late in the year for these up here The larger of the two gave a cracking scrap fair play The strengthening wind was holding us side on in a fair bit of building chop, making things start to get a bit uncomfortable With no signs of any Cod and only hearing of one 6.5lb caught earlier in the morning, we decided to get the 2.45 lock back in and get home in time for the rugby (wished I hadn't bothered) Glad both forecasts were not quite right and we gave it a whirl.
  20. Unfortunately not, plenty of fish so not a total disaster Will put a report up tomorrow, going out to watch the all blacks give us a schooling shortly 🙄
  21. If I don't go fishing tomorrow, I'll end up working, sod that The weather apps I use are contradicting each other, so myself and one of my regular crew, Nipper, are going out on the 7.30 lock I'll decide where we go when I find out the wind direction and strength in the morning Could be Portishead/Clevedon banks or Cardiff I prefer a plan, but needs must and I got to get my double
  22. Acoustic foam tiles and panels (efoam.co.uk) I used these (not the actual same name, but same design) self adhesive and made a big difference when I lined the engine cover on my last boat
  23. Nice one, at least you got out and pulled a few over the gunnels
  24. Was supposed to be out with Silver Halo slow jigging for Bass on the sub 20 mile wrecks today, understandably cancelled yesterday, but said Tuesday could be doable Tuesday's forecast is now worse than today Looks like I'm not destined to do any spj ing this year On a plus note, I have a large U/floor heating job to get ready for Wed afternoon and I would've struggled had I gone fishing tomorrow Would've still gone fishing mind 😇
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