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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. A man and a woman who had never met before, found themselves sharing a sleeper cabin on a train Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly, he in the upper berth and she in the lower. At 1:00 AM, the man leaned down and gently woke the woman saying,………. “Ma’am, I’m sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to reach into the closet to get me a second blanket? I’m awfully cold.” “I have a better idea,’ she replied ‘Just for tonight,…… let’s pretend that we’re married.” “Wow! That’s a great idea!”, he exclaimed. “Good”, she replied. “Get your own fucking blanket.” After a moment of silence.....he farted.
  2. You're too kind, I think it's a 3 max
  3. I know, they're both shit, but I was bored
  4. jonnyswamp


    Prince Charles is looking out the window. Camilla asks "still raining" Charles replies: "Yes. But not for much longer"
  5. My mates uncle has just been run over by a boat in Venice. I've sent My gondolences.
  6. Well done for getting out and a fat little Bass for tea, result 👍
  7. It wouldn't embed yesterday, fuck knows why, but it did today 👍
  8. That's where we were 2 hrs either side of low, albeit a lot nearer the middle bank, until the tide got too much The tide would have been screaming between the banks and I didn't have any grippers bigger than 8oz, but will give your advice a go next time I get out on a smaller tide That's not going to be anytime soon by the look at the forecast
  9. After reading about Codling being caught (and a few good doubles ) I have been desperate to get out, but the wind was stopping any chance of that A weather window opened up between 7pm Friday and 7am Saturday, so a few calls were made to my regular crew and bait was ordered Arrived early and just scraped into the 5.30 outbound lock, along with 2 wafi's and another fishing boat A quick chat to the guys in the fishing boat revealed they weren't revealing anything, one of them had caught 1 nice fish last week and obviously thought he'd found the end of the rainbow and wasn't about to spill the beans Slipped out of the lock on to a flat sea (it was a Westerly and Penarth is sheltered with these) and made our way to the Newport end of the long sand bank near Cardiff North Watched secret squirrel race in front of the 2 yachts and properly cut them up to get to his rainbows end on the Coral, gives us all a bad name Myself, Shuff and Nipper had our baits out well before 6.15 ready for the darkness Tide was ripping through at an easy 5 kts and the 8 oz Gemini's were struggling to hold bottom, with 16 oz needed on the down tiders Nothing for the first hour, but when the tide started to ease, the bites started A few Blondes came up, with Shuff's going 14lb I hooked into a large Ray (Blonde probably) that I couldn't get up off the bottom, no matter what I did, that eventually snapped/bit through my trace Had I got it up in the tide, it's very doubtful I would have been able to land it A steady stream of strap Conger (to around 8/10lb) a few dogs, a few more smaller Blondes and 1 Bullhuss around the double figure mark kept us busy over high water and an hour into the ebb, until the tide got too strong and up we anchored Moved to the outer coral hoping the tide wasn't so bad, but after an hour of kiting, we moved again into Rannie pool area This was a lot easier to fish, had there been any fish there ! We moved again about half hour or so before low water (2.30 ish) to gully/hole a couple of hundred yards out, where, once the tide turns we would be right over the middle of it Low water brought unforecast strong Westerlies that kept us side on well into the flood, and obviously scared any marine life away A quick call to the Barrage to check water levels and the anchor was pulled and we headed towards the bright lights of the Bay through 5/6ft of water and finally into the 4.45 inbound lock So just the one photo (sorry JonC) and it's not of a Cod Got a cancelled South Coast trip to look forward to this Monday, so it's not all bad 😬 Hope next weekend is good, because the tides look perfect
  10. It's quite pleasant out here tonight Just about high water now, huss, conger, dogs, blondes But no cod........yet
  11. I hope your trip is on guys, 4 of us are booked on Silver Halo for a slow jigging trip Monday, it's not looking good for that either
  12. Good luck, you'll have the tide up your arse at least 👍
  13. Should still get an idea of costs based on the print I would have thought
  14. When I get my long sleeved T shirt, I'll take it to the company that supplies my work gear and see what sort of cost they will be There is always a one off set up cost, but once the design is in their system, the cost is/was the same for 1 or 10 items
  15. What time do you plan on getting to Cardiff, I'll make sure I've drunk my tea
  16. Good luck, I'll hopefully be around the Coral/Rannie area from around 6pm ish Grab some blacks before you leave and drop a line in when you get to us 👍
  17. We were on Offshore Rebel, he is now our regular Weymouth charter We were with Katie Anne for 8 yrs, but he sold his boat last year, so we dropped in lucky with Jamie and have booked all next years trips with him
  18. He's got no teeth, that's about the biggest grin he can muster
  19. I realise that, but no point doing any of that if I don't have the correct colour to repair with
  20. Could well be me then, although the first spinner I bought the other month (a Sakura IIRC) was tippy, but a better action than the Ugly stik But I snapped the tip on the first day I used it and couldn't get an exact replacement from the same shop So bought the cheaper Shakespeare as I needed one for the next trip You know what they say, buy in haste repent at leisure I did the same with the fixed spool, bought one without a free spool lever So if anyone wants to buy a Shakespeare uglystick 10ft spinning rod with a Penn 4500 spinfisher mark VI, drop me a line Only been used 3 times 🙄
  21. We booked through one of the agents on the marina, the ones that offer all sorts of tours and trips It was 65 euro, said it should've been 70 and he knocked a 5er off
  22. Haven't been back to see the surgeon, seem to remember him saying something about phantom finger for a few months I'll wait until next year and see how it is
  23. Yes Andy thanks, healed fine Still feels like it's there and if I touch the sewn up bit, it's like touching a filling with silver foil 😄
  24. De ja vu ? I think I may have posted this before
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