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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. Good luck Luke, a few of my mates are out with Andy Truelove tomorrow
  2. If I can't find a decent replacement for around £100, that's what I'll be sticking with £250+ is a no-no for me
  3. It's in the garage at the moment, I'll put it somewhere dry and warm for a while and see what happens It didn't work on the boat (apart from one short toot, then blew a fuse) I'm getting some sound out of it when wired straight to a battery (no fuse) I'll give it a couple of days and try it through a fuse and see what happens Have seen some with covers over the front which would do the job I suppose, but all overseas, not here
  4. Just to add, it's an all electric one, not compressed air powered And I can't really tilt it down, is the answer to mount it backwards ?
  5. As above really, my 2 month old double trumpet horn got drowned on a recent trip and now sounds like an asthmatic mute swan (on the odd occasion it makes a noise) It was only a cheapy, around £50 IIRC I've brought it home, but not all the screws will loosen to be taken apart (so I can repair/make sure it never works again) Are there any decent ones without spending £250+, is there nothing mid range that will last a bit longer than one doushing What has everyone got
  6. Who's that on the left, he's got his kids tee shirt on by the looks and is that fishy with an earing !
  7. Never mind rod storage, sort that flue out 🙈
  8. Yes they were, just saw a video of it on twitter, 23ft with outboard, and all got off the boat safely before it sank Lot of water in the bow, by the look of it
  9. A mate who is on facebook (I'm not) said it was reported a 25ft fishing boat got into difficulty off Lavernock and sank last Saturday Thankfully all 4 were picked up safely, not sure if they were picked up out of the water, or taken off the boat Any of the Welsh crew heard about this ? Quite a big tide Saturday and the rip around that point can be nasty
  10. Was a good result for you, fair play I just won't be able to read a paper for the next 30 yrs if you win 🤣
  11. Don't start that old chestnut again You'll have headlight come out of retirement telling us all how dull we are 😄
  12. Fair play, thankfully there's no one on here who would take the piss 🙊
  13. Terrible, but assumed it was nasty As for the jigs, I've just ordered some heavier ones from @Terry Smith I've a lot of investment in this SP jigging, with not a lot to show for it up to now
  14. Just had a refund, they didn't have the 2.7m only 2.4 I'm hoping the rod will handle a 6oz weight on the drift, or trotting back down tide
  15. Trabucco new 2018 Bay reef special sparide boat rod 6lb class for black bream | eBay Going to give this a try Got the 2.7m
  16. Prices don't show on their site for me, apparently something to do with the settings on my comp But a google search brought up an old post of yours from when you bought it (2018) and it looks like they were 400 plus then, so out of my price range for something I'll only use a few times a year
  17. It's a bit of standing joke in our house, in that I can't smile on cue for the camera and I ruin most family photos (that and my distinct lack of photogene....something) I'm not a miserable bugger, honest I just sometimes forget to tell my face
  18. I'm after a 6-12lb rod for Bream/Plaice I bought a 6-12 Penn rampage 11 braid as it was a long (ish) rod, but it seems more at the heavy end of the scale and not a lot of difference to my 12-20 Suveran I would go for the Kenzaki in a hearbeat, but it's 7"6 and I prefer a longer rod I'm looking at the Trebucco Bay Reef rods, they're up to 8"10, but only rated to 5 oz leads Has anyone used one of these rods and are they OK with heavier weights Or, any other rods that are 8" 4 ish minimum
  19. Sounds like a nasty one As for leaving early, we always do Would rather hang about for half an hour or so on the pontoon, than rush about like headless chickens
  20. Up at 3, met at 4 and 7 of us on the road to Brixham by 4.15 Trundling down the M5 and see a gantry sign telling us that it was closed between J24 and J25 Got diverted off J24 and could see 3 lanes of traffic at a dead stop Cussed the fact that we had to do a bit of a detour, then thanked fuck that it wasn't us involved in the pile up and hoped that there wasn't any serious casualties 🤞 Got to Brixham in plenty of time and left the pick up pontoon on Our Joe-L just before 7 A 3 and a bit hour steam later and we were dropping our various coloured lures down some 70 odd metres First drift produced one small Pollock just over 30 turns up Next drift was more productive, with everyone (bar Lucky John) hitting into decent Pollock This continued up until around slack, with plenty of good fish coming up (not huge, 6-9lb) 2 of us had brought some SP jigging gear with us and gave it a try while the tide was resting I only had 200g jigs and struggled a bit, but did pick up 2 pout. One if which was hooked through the dorsal fin and gave a good impression of a decent fish My mate had brought some 250g jigs and fared a bit better, picking up 2 Pollock around 5/6lb which put a fair bend in the light rod (supplied by @Terry Smith) The start of ebb saw us all back on the lures, but this tide wasn't as productive for us as the earlier flood and just gave us another half a dozen or so Last drift was just before 2pm and was a blank for all Pulled up back in Brixham a bit after 5, unloaded the boat, loaded up the van and headed for home Great day, great skipper and some decent fish for all (well nearly, Lucky John blanked)
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