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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. I knew you could do it
  2. Lovely boat, I had an older 23ft trophy that came with a 5.0l V8 and an OMC Cobra leg Good for low/mid 30's (knots) but could watch the fuel gauge dropping whilst doing it Changed the engine for a GM 6.2l V8 diesel (and a Volvo 290 DP) after the petrol one shit it's self Legs are fine if they are looked after Not picking holes, but looks like you have a rust stain under your transom shield ? Maybe get it checked out as there shouldn't be any thing ferrous on the wet side of it Great boat though
  3. Cracking report and pics, nice one 👍
  4. A brief report from yesterday Caught the 7 am lock and sat out the last of the flood on the bottom end of a large sandbank a few miles South East of Cardiff Straight into dogs, with some small Blondes and Thornies thrown in the mix, around the 6/8lb mark Slack water around 10am saw the arrival of a few straps up to 10lb ish Not expecting to stay on this mark long into the ebb as it can scream through on a big tide, so called for everyone to reel in about 11.30 and my rod starts bouncing The result was a double figure hound on the top hook and a dog on the bottom hook of a 6/0-4/0 pennel rig Moved into the Rannie area to get out of the tide and all this produced for the last hour or 2 were dogs Low water was around 4pm and a quick chat with barrage control confirmed my thoughts that we would have to get the 2.45 lock at the latest to ensure we had enough water under us Not wanting to be stuck out there until possibly 6 oclock, I erred on the side of caution and went for the 2.15, though the later lock would probably have been ok So a mediocre day, but still good conditions and a bit of a craic Youngest daughters 22nd on Tuesday, so we have a BBQ at ours today I believe it will get messy
  5. I quite liked the "joke" though 6
  6. Always though a dutchie was a food bowl Just shows how much notice I took of those giants of music 😄
  7. I'll be out Saturday, haven't decided where yet with these big tides Any suggestions luke
  8. Not ideal conditions with 16 knt winds forecast and chance of showers, but not being able to get out last week made up my mind to give it a go Wind further up the channel was forecast to be less than the Cardiff area, so the plan was to fish local, then head up with the tide Just one other boat in the 7.30 lock for company and when we got out into the Channel, he headed down west and we made the short steam to the bottom of a large sand bar Anchor dug in and myself, Mark and Mike into fish pretty much straight away Wind was less then expected and conditions quite good Had a very busy few hrs here, with Blondes and Thornies to 10lb, Conger to 8lb, Dogs and a solitary Bass of around 46cm No real size to anything, but a good bit of sport (apart from the dogs, who just don't scrap at all) Low water was around 10, so we made our way up towards Portishead to see if the Bass were home Bit of a choppy ride up, but now the wind was with the tide and lessening, it was quite pleasant at anchor That didn't last long, a couple of heavy showers, a strengthening wind and only 2 small Thornies made for a decision to head back to Cardiff Was going to try another part of the sand bank we'd been to earlier, but wind against tide made a 35min trip into nearly an hour and the mark unfishable So pushed further towards Cardiff and dropped the pick on a bit of rough ground just wide of the foreshore Christ, wind speed felt at least double and wasn't a bit comfortable at anchor, with boat swinging all ways making uptiding impossible Stayed for 20/30 mins, picked up 1 small thornie and a heap of dogs, pulled anchor and caught the 3.15 lock back in Not a bad day by any means and nobody blanked
  9. I'm pretty sure I posted this (or very similar) a while back ? Still worth a 7 though, as I know someone it happened to 🤣
  10. If the forecast stays as it is, I'll be wetting a line somewhere in the BC Low around 10am, so may go up with the tide and see if there are any Bass on the banks on the Engerlish side Or down West to see if the hounds are about in numbers, will depend on wind direction/strength
  11. Mine is now working as it should, my orange wire out of the loom is perm live and the red is switched, long story but it works now 👍
  12. No meeting last night as most of the guys didn't want to be in a crowded pub, even though we always use the back room which we have to ourselves I may have had one or two though No hangover for me (don't tend to have too many on a school night) I had to finish off a bathroom refit today And dare I say it, Saturday looks doable, seems like a bit of a weather window 🤞
  13. I'll double check if mine retract when switching the ignition off, I don't think they do I've been manually retracting them before switching ignition off
  14. With the pubs now open inside, is anyone having or going for a pint tonight? I usually have a couple on a Monday, but we have our first fishing club meeting Wednesday, so will wait until then Have had a few texts off mates wondering if I was ill, as I was absent It'll probably be a bit busy for me tonight anyway
  15. I bet Odyssey likes it 😎
  16. On ebay, any taxes or handling charges are displayed at the checkout If buying direct from shop/supplier, ask them to send it as a gift Most won't, but some do so worth an email
  17. jonnyswamp

    Fore !

    A mate of mine has just collapsed into a display of golf clubs Paramedics are on site, but he's not out of the woods yet......
  18. Very good and very true 7
  19. Absolutely ridiculous, that flue bracket is way too short
  20. Nice opportunist trip and well done on the quick jeep repair Is that a silver dream lure that caught both pictured fish ?
  21. Tomorrow is ok if you don't mind getting wet (upper Bristol Channel at least) Not for me though, I'm a fair weather fisherman and it's my daughters birthday, so will be having cocktails tonight And these sort of things usually get messy and late
  22. Just checked my ins policy Seems like I went with Porthcawl last year as my previous insurer would only inure me for what I paid, not the value and my policy renewel is September So Porthcawl turned out to be the better policy and my memory is shite
  23. I think my renewel is around early July, can't remember why I switched to Porthcawl last year ??? but I'll try out the comparison sites again
  24. Yep, with a written report
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