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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. It should've read 10 cows, but the non-conformist in me wrote 2 and fucked it up
  2. Dog walks into a bar and orders a pint and a packet of crisps." Wow" says the barman, "You should be in a Circus" Dog, "Why" "Are they looking for Electricians"
  3. 2 cows in a field, which one is from the Middle East Cow eight
  4. Nice Mike, I'll have to get something booked out of Weymouth soon Have had some great weekends down there The social side being just as good as the fishing 😁
  5. Well done to the skipper I say, unselfishly made sure the young un was on the fish to the detriment of himself Not all heroes ware capes
  6. Got a stuck wastegate which is causing some sluggish acceleration, eventually gets to top speed etc just slowly Freed it about 18 mths or so ago and its happened again The wastegate is obviously within the exhaust system and gets sooted up and sticks Do I free it and just clean it, or oil/grease it
  7. It's not stiff, it's very supple It just stays on the gypsy and eventually jams
  8. it will be cut to suit and yes, any sharp edges will be softened I will be on dragons den before you know it
  9. I've just seen the price of octoplait, anything between Β£400 and nearly Β£600 for 100M ! As for your last sentence, that's exactly what I'll do I have to redo the splice, so will turn the rope around as it's a bit chaffed at the anchor end BTW, I've patented my design so if it works, this time next year I'll be a millionaire If it fails miserably, I will of course deny all knowledge
  10. I've got a windlass which constantly jams the rope when retrieving unless someone is up front pulling the rope into the anchor locker I've had this bit of stainless tacked on to the "thing" that is supposed to stop rope jam, I will cut it to suit so that there is virtually no gap between it and the gypsy when I next go down This will hopefully stop the rope staying on the gypsy and getting stuck between it and the "thing" Was told by a yachtie the other day that octoplait would be a better option than the 3 strand I've currently got What do you all use and do you have similar problems
  11. Yes I read similar, I ran new slightly oversize cables I think it's down to the fact that it was a 30 quid horn
  12. No play mate, so that'll be next year's job now πŸ‘
  13. Why would you think such a thing πŸ€”πŸ«£
  14. Targa came out Monday for a bit of TLC and an arse wipe, surprisingly just a bit of slime underneath A few jobs on the list (apart from the usual clean, polish and antifoul) When I fitted a replacement radome, as well as running a new power cable to it, I ran a new cable to the horns (that didn't work) in readiness for lift out time, all tinned cable I'll have you know too Connected at both ends and gave it a try, you'd have thought a freight train was in the yard, success, then 1 horn failed and sounded more like Brum All connections good, so must be the horn, I'm claiming a 50% success rate for this Then fitted the new temp gauge, turned on ignition and needle went straight to zero, which I would expect Haven't got a decent enough water supply to run engine up to temp, so will claim 50% on this as well for the time being Have to resplice the warp to the anchor rode, so dropped it all on the concrete ready for when it dries (the rope) a bit Thought this would also be a good time to remove the gypsy and give the shaft etc a good clean and regrease All went well until I tried to remove the stainless steel prong thing that is supposed to stop the rope from staying on the gypsy and divert it into the anchor locker (it never does on it's own, always needs someone pulling into the anchor locker) First stainless screw just spun in it's threads (aluminium, never a good idea) the second was pretty much welded in and I rounded the Phillips head No problem for an engineer like myself, I simply swore loudly and drilled the bastard thing out, I have now bought some new 6mm bolts (or screws as I called them earlier) and will tap out the base to suit. I've called this a fail for now, but is completely fixable Next was the prop, no dings or hairline cracks that I could see and popped right off on the first request All boxed up tonight and will be winging it's way to Castle marine by end of play tomorrow, 95% on this exercise just incase it wants more than a polish Also what seemed like a few areas of osmosis, were nothing more than water between the antifoul and the gel coat, as the gel was solid and not blistered or raised underneath it Cleaned the grime off her ready for some chine shine tomorrow and a good mopping when the weather allows As we had the jetwash out I thought I'd try and get the lichen/algae off the wood bits on the gunwhales, not easy when the water pressure isn't great and next door is trying to antifoul his sailing boat He was pretty good about it though Anyway, I'm rambling again TBC Chine shine = Oxylic acid
  15. There was plenty in the fridge, made my buttie that little bit better
  16. I see the Silent Assassin was into a fish again behind me, there was no stopping us
  17. Oh yes, I forgot about the evolving rules I'm obviously not as equal as you 3 πŸ™ˆ
  18. I got fed up of putting them back and lost count after 20 odd, and not to mention my species count of course 😁
  19. Sterling Pro split R dual battery split charge unit in original box etc Only taken off my boat so I could fit a 3 battery unit, was working as it should Had been on my boat for less than a year Β£40
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