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Posts posted by jonnyswamp

  1. 2 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Surely that should be 8 cows in a field? 

    It should've read 10 cows, but the non-conformist in me wrote 2 and fucked it up

  2. Got a stuck wastegate which is causing some sluggish acceleration, eventually gets to top speed etc just slowly

    Freed it about 18 mths or so ago and its happened again

    The wastegate is obviously within the exhaust system and gets sooted up and sticks

    Do I free it and just clean it, or oil/grease it


  3. 51 minutes ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Be sure to put it in a cloth bag first though and do up the end. 
    Or soak it in a bath over night with a bottle of fabric softener poured in. 

    It's not stiff, it's very supple

    It just stays on the gypsy and eventually jams

  4. 37 minutes ago, GPSguru said:

    I use alderney, but with a RIB it is quite a bit more complex than a hard boat as pulling from the bow roller mounted on the bow tube has limited strength. That means I need the lightest anchor (3.75kg bruce) and then 8m of 6m chain the just counter balance the pick. Even then, we often pull from the stern A frame, as I have a load more buoyancy than a hard boat. So even simple is still not without its issues, just like gypsy.

    Yes octoplait would be better, but it is a huge amount more expensive  than welding on a lump of stainless ! Also, the rag and stick brigade tend to anchor in shallow water, whereas I often anchor in 200ft and have 200m of 12mm 3 strand warp out.

    I would stick with what you have, and carefully refine the mod until you get it perfect.


    I've just seen the price of octoplait, anything between £400 and nearly £600 for 100M !

    As for your last sentence, that's exactly what I'll do

    I have to redo the splice, so will turn the rope around as it's a bit chaffed at the anchor end

    BTW, I've patented my design so if it works, this time next year I'll be a millionaire

    If it fails miserably, I will of course deny all knowledge

  5. I've got a windlass which constantly jams the rope when retrieving unless someone is up front pulling the rope into the anchor locker

    I've had this bit of stainless tacked on to the "thing" that is supposed to stop rope jam, I will cut it to suit so that there is virtually no gap between it and the gypsy when I next go down

    This will hopefully stop the rope staying on the gypsy and getting stuck between it and the "thing"

    20240428_111434 20240428_111431

    Was told by a yachtie the other day that octoplait would be a better option than the 3 strand I've currently got

    What do you all use and do you have similar problems

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