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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. With the price of used boats (amongst other things) going up, has anyone had their boat valued recently Was always going to get mine valued for insurance purposes, as my ins co (Porthcawl) would only insure me up to what I paid for it, not what it was worth at the time They said if I had it valued, they would then insure it for that figure, but until then only the purchase price I dare say there could be a fair few people under insured at the moment
  2. Saw a similar one earlier with a different name Original though 6
  3. Next Monday innit ? Had a tit full of sitting outside in the cold, my garage is warmer....... And cheaper
  4. Had to get rid of a load of plastic water tanks and some 45 gal blue drums that have accumulated in the yard Asked no 3 daughter to put them on Facebook market place free to pick up Had a reply and then a phone call saying he could pick them up straight away Told him postcode etc and 20 mins later odyssey (luke) turns up Nice to meet you Luke, but please make room for the rest And thanks for the offer of a trip, may well take you up on it Top man 👍
  5. Fantastic, the 4th photo says it all 👍
  6. Great report and a good few fish, shame about the lost fish
  7. I rang my missus and asked her if she wanted me to pick up fish and chips on the way home and she just grunted I think she regrets letting me name the twins Nicked from elsewhere, but made I chuckle
  8. An excellent and well deserved fish 👍
  9. Some crackers there mate, fair play 👍
  10. Yes, they are a pain They get stuck between your teeth when clearing the line
  11. Decided on a short trip Sunday, as we all had stuff to get back to around 4pm I had a tray of Strongbow with my name on and the others had various BBQ's/pub commitments So, out through the 7am lock to a beautiful sight (if you call coffee coloured, sanitary towel ridden water beautiful) and a rather pleasant run up the Channel for a go at a few Bass Anchor dropped in 8ft of rising water and rods out by about 8ish My 2 usual crew (Mike and Mark, aka Shuff and Nipper) were joined by a newbie, Little Dai, who certainly came prepared As we were getting the 2.15 inbound lock, it was decided to stay put and not move about, as the mark we were on wasn't really specific being a rather large sand bank Fishing was slow with Nipper netting 3 around the 2lb mark, had to keep one as it was deep hooked and bleeding (it was also just in size) Little Dai had a good tussle with a small thornie, that put a hell of a bend in a 20/30lb rod And I just had the one Bass that went bang on 2.5 lb and 460mm, which will be tea tonight And no, I couldn't hold it any closer to the camera The 4 Bass came to squid/rag cocktails on the uptide gear, with the downtide rods not faring too well in the shallow water As Shuff can't cast due to a shoulder injury (ironically caused by casting) he stuck to downtiding and blanked ( he's a stubborn old coot who won't let me cast for him) High water was supposed to be around 11.30, but with a building south westerly against the tide, we didn't fully turn until well after 12 With the wind trying to push the water back up the Channel, it was getting a bit uncomfortable and Little Dai's Saturday tea of Lamb stew was threatening to reappear I called time at Just after 1pm and we made our way back towards Cardiff doing a sluggish feeling 14/15 knts through a nasty chop and a couple of rain showers The worsening weather must have called time on most of the other boats activities as well, as all 3 locks had to be used, for both the fishing boats and the WAFI's #theresalwaysnextweek
  12. Nice one, we have our first trip out of Dale to the offshore reefs early June Hope they will have put on a pound or two by then
  13. A short day for me tomorrow Up past Clevedon looking for a Bass....... Or two
  14. Very good, I shall nick that 8/10
  15. I had to buy a new tv this morning, as ours went black on the right hand side Was chuffed yesterday as I won nearly £500 on a horse Then pissed off this morning when I had to spend most of it in Currys
  16. So true, the basserds
  17. I'll double check my wiring next time I'm down, but pretty sure I've wired it as it should be
  18. Doesn't look like I'll be out unless the forecasted easterlies die down a bit Mrs Swamp has a list of jobs as long as her memory for me to get through, so I'm praying for calm weather so I can dodge them
  19. I had the AZ one a few weeks ago, felt a bit tired after work for a day or two and had a mild ache where I got jabbed, but not til 2 days later Mrs Swamp was fine the following day, but said she felt like she'd been run over on the second day and spent most of it in bed
  20. Only a thought at the minute, but will definitely go somewhere
  21. Not trailering no, would sail down Have also given Milford more than a passing thought too, some cracking reef fishing down there Would have to be somewhere i can book in advance, don't want to leave it to chance I've got the number for Dart Marina, will give them a call tomorrow and see what they have
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