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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. My teacher told me I’d never be good at poetry because of my dyslexia. Well, I’ve made 3 jugs and a vase now. Fuck you Mr McPherson
  2. Pretty good, I can see the 2 mounting bolts and the cable connections, just can't get a full spanner on them On my last boat (an 1988 bayliner 2359) I took out the petrol V8 and fitted a diesel V8, which was a fair bit bigger and everything was done via touch That was soul destroying to work on
  3. New starter motor was ordered Tuesday 4.40pm and turned up yesterday at 10.15am, excellent service Had my first request to open an account with HC Cargo refused, after ordering and paying for the SM on Monday evening Spoke to one of their sales people and as I work in the plumbing/heating industry, I didn't meet their remit to qualify for an account (need to be a mechanic/fitter etc) So I rang back an hour later and spoke to the same sales person who agreed that my newly formed marine service company would qualify and set me up on their system and processed my order 🤠 So, fitted the new SM this morning and all going like a dream Took a quick zip around the bay, then back to the mooring ready for the next outing and back to work by 1 ish
  4. I'll wear shades when I'm fishing, but they react with whatever is in the windscreen, so just squint if I'm heading into the sun Or just look like I'm constantly saluting an imaginary Captain if the sun is low
  5. I spoke to him this morning and he's doing the dolphin watching all week, but we're wrecking Saturday and are good to go barring a weather change He said a few charters have been out to the wrecks and have had mixed results, some good days, some not so good Also said he fished the Skerries last Friday (IIRC) and did pretty good, we've got a trip booked on the Skerries with him in May and June, although the June date could also be a wreck trip if things are better further out Can't wait to loose a few expensive jigs (as well as sidewinders) on Saturday trying SPJing for the first time If it's successful, I predict there will be a few others out of our club giving @Terry Smith's website a visit, if not, his ears will be burning
  6. Good luck Luke, hope it a simple quick fix
  7. Excellent report and some nice fish, must admit my stomach turned a bit when you mentioned 2-3ft of water above the rocks I did similar a year or 2 ago down towards Stout and my arse felt like it was making Cadburys buttons for a bit Should've done the lottery last night
  8. That young woman will never be able step that high She needs a helping hand
  9. Don't know, have found other manus such as Mahler, Delco Remy and one other who's name I've forgotten But I'll be happy if I get 10 yrs plus from it I'll be happy if I'm around in 10 yrs plus TBH
  10. Yes it is, tested it last night Ordered a new starter motor from cargo Just had a reply back from the engine company, they want £722 plus delivery, plus insurance, plus vat and would be a special.order direct from manufacturer The last cargo one was fitted in 2008/2009 I don't mind swapping it again in 12/13 yrs
  11. A new identical one is £133 delivered, just wondered whether this was a direct replacement for the original, or, as you say just a cheap replacement
  12. Popped down to the boat this morning to connect up the new trim tab switch after drilling the hole out on the weekend That's now working as it should, complete with shiny led's to tell me where my tabs are Started the engine and the starter motor stuck on, had to kill main engine battery switch to stop it Tested the ignition switch, seems fine, gives 12v down wire to starter motor when turned to crank and goes dead when key released Run a wire direct from battery to starter solenoid and starter still stays on until main engine switch is turned off The engine kill switch will kill the engine, but with the starter still spinning, it just fires back into life I've got the SM home now and a mate is coming up to have a look a bit later Also it's not the original SM as the label states it was made in 2008 (boat is 04) it's also a "cargo" make, not a well known brand ? The specs say it is rated at 2.7kw, is this adequate for a 4.2l diesel, as always seems a bit laboured when engine is cold So my question is really, if I need to replace the SM, do I replace like for like with what broken down or try and find what was fitted from new Have rang and messaged a firm that specialises in these engines, but no reply as yet PS, what's going on with the italics
  13. I'm hoping the wind comes earlier and is gone by Saturday Channel light vessel showing 12 knots ish in morning, decreasing all day Don't know what the swell will be like though
  14. No fishing for me this weekend, dodgy forecast The trim tab switch came yesterday, so went to the boat this morning and cut a bigger hole in the dash panel, but didn't have any decent connectors It came with female deutsh plugs on the flying lead, but no male ones I'll probly shorten the cables a bit and fit new plugs Supposed to be wrecking next Saturday out of Paington, but unless the forecast changes it will be off
  15. That's not a bad day at all, Skerries?
  16. Delegate your work and get your boat ready Priorities
  17. He tried to be all nonchalant about it, but it hurt 🤣 To be fair, he's a good angler and doesn't fail very often
  18. He was fair play, he's a 64 yr old teenager, it's like having an excitable puppy with you on times
  19. With reports that cod were still being caught up around Clevedon/Portishead and a small tide/good forecast, I decided on one last trip up the Channel The flood always seems to be the better tide up there and with low water at Cardiff around 6am, we made our way through the 6.30 lock and out into a glorious morning A smooth, 30 odd minutes later we dropped the pick on the side of a deep(ish) channel near Clevedon that always seems to hold a few fish An hour or so later and without so much as a twitch on the 10 rods we had out, a move was in order Up with the anchor and a mile or so later it was dropped a couple of hundred yards off the middle grounds sand bank Plan B was no better than plan A, so up with the anchor again and we moved to within 60/80 yards of the bank in 10ft of water In the past I have caught dozens of smaller codling here (2-4lb) in the shallow water, they seem to come in with the tide as the bank gets covered. Feeding on worm I assume This wasn't to be the case today, the only bit of rod movement of the flood tide produced this A shade under 7lb and very welcome We got to high water and, as forecast, the wind was steadily increasing and due to get stronger Anchor up again and we made our way back towards Cardiff in a sloppy, wind against tide sea. With anything above 13/14 knots a bit uncomfortable We got to a mark about a mile off the lower end of Cardiff foreshore, dropped anchor and pondered the dreaded chequebook and pen Andy (who caught the cod) was first in with a small thornie, followed by myself with 2 dogs in quick succession, Mike then dropped a strap conger at the side of the boat (but redeemed himself with a dog), leaving Mark with the potential booby prize unless his last cast could produce I called time at 10 to 3 to make the 3.15 lock back in and on bringing in his last rod, Mark had hooked a dog..... But dropped it at the side of the boat, so he blanked and won the chequebook and pen for the day I think that's the end of targeting cod, East of Cardiff, and will concentrate on further West, plenty of various rays and the smoothies won't be long before they show up in numbers Beautiful morning to be out and the old faithfulls saved the day......again Where to go next week ???
  20. Nice one zook, well done on making the trip for the armour and for letting him get straight back on it I found I stopped bouncing about 5 yrs ago and mine had to go
  21. Not nice, whenever I'm out with our dog (shiht zu) I always take a decent walking stick for a bit of persuasion if needed Find yourself a Hazel tree and cut one out of it
  22. It was well over 15v, but could have been a coincidence I spose Don't think there was a wiring fault as could see all connections etc from source to control box No matter now, I'm getting a shiny new one with lights
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