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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. I haven't met him either, just spoke over the phone a few times. Sounds like a decent bloke without the arrogance that some skippers seem to possess His parents now run a B & B in Paington
  2. Sincere condolences Neil, nothing I can say
  3. Our first wreck trip of the year is on 17th April, after covid put paid to Jan, Feb and March I know April is a bit of an in between month, but you never know And I'm taking my new slow jigging kit with me as well as my usual wrecking gear So I could possibly come back fishless and quite a few quid lighter, at least @Terry Smith will be happy If I blank, I will hold you personally accountable
  4. Did a bit of research and Bennett do a similar version apparently ( I don't know for definite as I found the one above) and will fit Lenco as well
  5. LENCO MARINE INC. 15170-001 Led Indicator All-In-One Integrated Tactile Switch | eBay This is the one I've bought
  6. My trim tab control box (PCB full of relays, diodes and other sorcery) died again last week, died once before when a faulty alternator sent 15 odd volts through it and cooked one of the components Managed to source a replacement and got it soldered in by a mate of a mate and it has worked until now The switch panel also has a small pcb on the underside, so rather than replace the control panel and keep a possible faulty switch I found that Lenco sell an all in one switch panel with the built in control panel, which also has led's to let you know the tab positions A quick google brought up plenty on Ebay USA and a few over here Over here ranged from £450 -£650 plus delivery Usa was £274 including all import duties and will be with me between 7th and 17th April I try to buy from British companies when I can, even if it costs a couple of quid extra, but not this time
  7. I'll be out Sat or Sun, will decide tomorrow Will ring around for worm in morning My trim tabs aren't working so I'll have my crew dancing around the deck with me giving directions from the wheelhouse Should be fun
  8. I went out last Wednesday and all we caught were dogs and strap conger, not even worthy of a report
  9. I think it dated her in the early 90's
  10. jonnyswamp


    Kinell, are you trying to steal odyssey's crown
  11. You're out and catching fish, in good weather, what more can you ask for 👍 I envy that water mind, ours is like fishing in coffee
  12. A small tide meant a trip over the other side to a mark near the Clevedon buoy which on a bigger tide can be unfishable So an uneventful trip through the 7am lock, saw us skirt past the dredger on the wrach channel and with the bow pointed East, away we went Nice smooth ride across a glass like sea, it doesn't happen very often so I had to take a photo Anyway, anchor down by 7.45 and all rods out before 8 A gentle tap turned into a solid nod on Marks rod and his first cast produced what was to be the best fish of the day, at 5lb 2oz As soon as the excitement died down and his fresh bait cast back out, one of his other rods started dancing This resulted in another Codling, slightly smaller than the first, at around 4lb Fish number 3 also fell to one of marks rods, around the same size as his 2nd All 3 fish were caught within the first hour or so, with the remainder of the rods sat motionless I may have seen a twitch on mine, but I put it down as another mirage With no tide we upped anchor and repositioned ready for the ebb, top water was 10.45 and we didn't get any rip for the best part of an hour Strap congers started to become a pest, but they disappeared as the tide run grew stronger, which coincided with the rays getting hungry A steady stream of Thornbacks up to around 10lb gave some good sport in what was becoming a strong tide for it's height This was the biggest Ray of the day No more Codling, but a good day nonetheless We all wanted to get back for the rugby so opted for the 2.15 lock back Anchor up and hammer down saw us make the lock in plenty of time with us being the first in and tied up An Arvor 18 or 20 came in behind us and as he was approaching to tie up, he gave it full forward throttle (instead of reverse to pull his stern in) and nearly lost one of his crew off the bow Luckily, not too much damage to his boat, just a knackered bow roller He said his throttle stuck, it didn't, he did what all of us has done at some point, he fucked up So no Cod for me today, but we're back out Tuesday or Wednesday (will check weather tomorrow and decide) to give a wreck a try that isn't marked on any chart I very much doubt it's an unknown wreck, but it may hold a few fish 🤞 And the less said about the rugby, the better 😭
  13. I didn't buy 4 sets of kit
  14. I thought exactly the same thing, bloody stupid, waste of money Then I bought a jigging rod and some jigs and some assist hooks and ordered more jigs Will be using them April hopefully
  15. I thought exactly the same thing, bloody stupid, waste of money Then I bought a jigging rod and some jigs and some assist hooks and ordered more jigs Will be using them April hopefully
  16. I thought exactly the same thing, bloody stupid, waste of money Then I bought a jigging rod and some jigs and some assist hooks and ordered more jigs Will be using them April hopefully
  17. I thought exactly the same thing, bloody stupid, waste of money Then I bought a jigging rod and some jigs and some assist hooks and ordered more jigs Will be using them April hopefully
  18. I'll be out, probably Clevedon way trying for a codling or two
  19. Kinell, you'd love it in some parts of Wales, that look is still "in"
  20. Only once in around every 425,000 times it's used though
  21. It didn't seem to do my hull any harm, after I used it I polished the hull as normal I will be looking at it very closely on Saturday and report back Surely there would have been extensive testing on gel coat before it was put on the shelves ?
  22. Didn't you have any luck with the polytrol ? worked a treat for me
  23. With the locks opened at 00.01 Sunday morning and nothing but wind since, today was the first real chance at a trip out after a long couple of months being locked up (or down or whatever it was called) Arrived at the boat around 6.30am and opened the door to what felt like a boiler room, a heater that works of your phone is a godsend Went through the 7am lock with just 2 other boats for company and after a chat with one, decided to follow him across to a mark between Clevedon and Weston that would be fairly sheltered from the 12 odd meter tide Had the pick dug in by about 7.45 and my (already set up) rods out a little bit later, 1 off the back downtide and 2 off the port side uptiding, squid on the downtider and a combo of huge fresh black lug and dirty squid on the uptiders You know sometimes how you think you see your rod twitch out the corner of your eye when you're looking elsewhere, I did twice while looking at my downtider I then gave one of the uptiders a steely glare until it started bouncing and I was sure it wasn't my imagination, a very plump Codling of just under 4lb was over the gunnels and I was over the moon, mission completed This should be a photo of a fat, near 4lb Codling, but my flckr thing wont upload and I spect you've all seen one anyway 2 small rays were the next victims (1 for myself and 1 for Mark) which were unhooked and both swam away strongly, then I had that feeling of dejavu with regards to my looking elsewhere etc Codling number 2 was soon on the deck, albeit a bit smaller and slimmer at 2.5 lb, but was still going to be dinner for my old Granny some time this week (96 and still battling on) Codling number 3 was a bit of a non starter at around 10 inches and went straight back Codling number 4 went to Mark and was maybe 10mm bigger than my last one at 10 inch 10mm High water came and went and brought a bit of early wind, took a while for the anchor to set after we turned, but dig in it did and the rods were back out The relatively serene flood had turned into a very strong ebb and brought a load of weed back down with it, so after a fruitless few hours we decided on a move Dodging the barely submerged sandbanks all around us, we made our way out of the Langford grounds and back across to our side of the river where we anchored up on the coral, which is just down from Penarth pier and pretty much dead inline with the wrach channel Good strong run of tide here as well but not so much weed to contend with and after the rip died down a bit, I actually saw my rod tip bounce with both eyes My 4th and last Codling of the day landed on the deck and tipped the scales at 3lb 9oz, again not a monster but very welcome The three takers were full of crab that were very recently eaten by the looks of them, some hard backs and some soft, with the first one caught absolutely stuffed full Tally for the day was 2 thornies (4/5lb), 5 Codling to a shade under 4lb and no Dogs or Conger 😁 The big black lug seemed to outfish Rag today, with my other crew Mike blanking on just fish baits Roll on Saturdays smaller tide for a trip up towards Clevedon
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