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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. I'm looking for a pair of plastic beakers/cups that fit in the helm position either side of the steering wheel on my Arvor 250 I haven't had any luck sourcing the originals so thought about going down the 3D printing route I have one of the originals in tact, the other suffered sun damage and crumbled Anyone know, 1 can you still get the originals or 2, know of a 3d printing company that I can send the original to, so it can be copied ? Have sent a few enquiries out online, but no replies as yet
  2. I agree with Andy (2nd post) contact the builders/manufacturers, there may well be a solid section of the hull you can site it Usually engine bay, around the engine mounts/stringers
  3. My external shennanigans are now curtailed as it's just started precipitating
  4. Have removed the old bird box and put up a new one, drank 3 cups of tea and had a bacon sandwich Now waiting for the 2nd house battery to fully charge so I can take both back to boat, refit and bring the starter battery home for a top up
  5. Were they only 5 days, seemed to last all summer
  6. What chew talking bout Willis ? Friday?
  7. For the hard of hearing, I did say it was an oldie
  8. Listen to cricket ! I'd rather watch a girder rust
  9. jonnyswamp


    My neighbour just banged on the wall at 4.20am, can you believe that? Lucky I was still up playing music. He banged and shouted, "can we have a little respect please?" So I shouted back, "I am not a big Aretha franklin fan, but this ones for you brother".
  10. Got a day off today, van is going in to have an oil leak sorted New van isn't due to be delivered until march/April, so needs to be right for a couple more months Got an attic hatch to fit (I boarded our attic out last weekend) and 2 bird boxes to erect, I need something else to do to keep me off the cans until about teatime Suggestions ?
  11. I have the same as these, recently added another 2 to my tub Not the same name as the above link, but identical (these are probably all Chinese copies) and £50 for 2 delivered Have seen them around £20 each, but unsure of quality Mine seem strong enough and grip the rail well, but time will tell on the quality of the stainless I spose Stainless Steel Fishing Rod Holder Boat Tackle Clamp On Rail Mount | eBay
  12. I bought 5 200g jigs and have on order some 4/0, 5/0 and 6/0 twin assist hooks coming next week If I ever get back on a South coast boat (have a few wrecking trips booked out of Dartmouth up until March) I'll give them a go
  13. OK, my first lot of 200g lures turned up today These are bare, if fishing over a wreck, would you use 2 sets of hooks (top and bottom) or just one set on the top to avoid constant snagging the wreck Single assist or double ? Hook size, 4/0, 5/0 or 6/0 ?
  14. Excellent, nice to hear good news for a change
  15. I'm with you on all fronts there, bar the sharks, they have never really interested me Where abouts do you go for Bream from Cardiff and Milford, I assume it's over the other side and pretty central to both ?
  16. Bit of a shit sandwich that, an insurance claim may take the taste away It's what it's there for at the end of the day, I hope your not out too long
  17. It was on my last boat, but yes, no problems whatsoever I used it as a marker as it was about 15ft from the anchor
  18. I did, cos I was too tight to buy another I used these Osculati Galvanised Chain Quick Link Gael Force Marine
  19. I was sat on the end of the bed last night, pulling my boxers off and the wife said to me You spoil those dogs
  20. Older than covid, but funny the first time around
  21. If I fished in clear water I would give it a go, but the upper reaches of the BC is the colour of coffee so I would think it would be like pissing in the wind Planning on a few more trips down towards Ilfracombe way this year, so may go close in to the cliffs and give it a go
  22. Had a weekend over there around 20 (approx) yrs ago Didn't do much wrecking on the way over, just went straight to the banks for flatfish Had a tremendous weekend with loads of low double Turbot and Brill, the biggest went 17/18lb IIRC Fished the wrecks on the way back and could've literally filled the boat with Pollock if we had wanted to Also did another weekend either the year before or year after with similar results, fantastic sport Speaking to some Weymouth skippers over the last few years and it has been poor, with the mid channel wrecks barely producing anything decent Would love to go again if fishing improved, may look at it for our one of our clubs trips next year That's given me food for thought, cheers Andy BTW did fishy manage to get any marks from that card I sent down
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