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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. Yeah welcome, get some reports up 👍
  2. Having been couped up for what feels like weeks, it seems that looking at my recent ebay purchases, I've made a few 6 way fuse box New 60 amp battery cable and terminals (+ and-) and heat shrink (had cable given to me) 6 and 8 oz ball weight mold Pack of coloured chain markers New insulated smock (not my fault the old one got binned) 2 pairs of braid scissors (ultra sharp, yeah righto) 500m 30lb braid Some led replacement bulbs for nav lights New anchor light (nasa marine, bloody expensive) A pair of sprung bait tools (quite handy really) Another pair of stainless, rail mounted rod holders I need to stop, cos apart from the battery cables etc, not much else was really needed What have you bought lately
  3. That's a shitter that, but as has been said, It's spot on now Onwards and upwards
  4. I've got it, back to work Monday for an ensuite rip out and refit, so won't have chance until next weekend. The forecast for my area isn't much better and I dare say will be blowing and pissing it down all over the Christmas holidays Rumours circulating that we're having a full lockdown from the 27th/28th and the locks will be closed to non emergency traffic Great
  5. Nice one, I would be tempted at that price too The way second hand prices are, you won't lose a lot even after a year or 2
  6. Thats a good discount fp, I've been looking for a 16/17 plate as an upgrade from my 10 plate transit and they're all silly money, I can get a new 20 plate L2 H2 Traffic/Vivaro for 17k plus vat, but don't want to spend that sort of money Every man and his dog are now looking for vans so they can be a courier
  7. I used Ceta for yrs (don't know if this was a firm or a broker) then had a quote off Porthcawl, because they were cheaper, and went with them Easy to deal with, direct phone number and you get to speak to an ins person, not a call centre As long as they remain competitive, I'll be staying with them
  8. My missus suggested we try some toys in the bedroom So I shot her in the minge with a nerf gun
  9. I hope it's not one of the low hours models, could cost him in the long run 😱💨
  10. Come on Fishy, I've bin stuck in all day and this could be the highlight of it
  11. Bought this a while back for my previous boat, but had the original refurbished instead Suitable for 1-1/4 hoses, but also has 3/4 female BSP thread for other fitments Paid around £170 plus shipping £100 inc postage to UK Comes with new impeller
  12. Doesn't make sense though, because my symptoms started last Thursday, I have to self isolate from then Which means I can be free on Sunday, but my Mrs and kids (who haven't had any symptoms at all) have to wait 14 days from now Which also means I have to do all the fucking shopping and go to work
  13. Just had the results.....positive Bollocks ! Thinking back, I had mild symptoms last Thursday (mild aches, flu-like) but no high temp or loss of taste/smell So I'm taking that as my start of 10 day self isolation That means I can go fishing thus Sunday
  14. There's been plenty of reports of good catches, 7lb and upwards with doubles a very regular occurence But not all boats are finding them and for the amount of boats that go out, I'm not sure the catch ratio is as high as it seems Plenty of charters on facebook posting their catches up, good publicity so no bad thing for them EDIT There's also a lot of smaller Codling from 4" up
  15. Had a fishing meeting last Weds with just 8/10 people in attendance One of the lads rang me yesterday to tell me he had just had a positive test result (had been in contact previously, with someone else who was positive) and could I let the rest of the group know Turns out 2 others who were also at the meeting had a positive result yesterday Myself and 2 others were tested yesterday morning and are now awaiting sentence, with all my work put on hold Oh happy days, that's going to be me, Mrs swamp and 3 swamplettes all couped up together for 10/14 days (whichever set of rules we're following atm) I have a garage full of logs and Strongbow
  16. Use flkcr, honestly if I can use it, anyone can
  17. It sounded better than it was TBH, but I was genuinely over the moon that Mike had that 5lber
  18. When I was younger I was blessed with an 8" cock Unfortunately, it belonged to Father O'Malley
  19. Caught the usual 7.30 AM lock out and made a short 15min steam up to a mark I wanted to try just off the Cardiff north buoy With all the other boats (all 3 locks full) seemingly heading straight out, or west, just a couple ended up nearby With only 2 hrs ish left of the flood, the pick was dug in and baits hastily cast out, where straight away one started nodding Target species on the first cast, albeit no monster at 4lb 4, but achieved nonetheless While I was waiting for MY rod to twitch, Mark was in again with a smaller Codling of just over 3lb Next to pull a Cod over the gunnels was mike, with a fish of bang on 5lb, to say he was pleased is like saying Hitler was a bit of a bugger Really pleased for Mike as he's into his 70's, can only drop off the back due to shoulder injuries (old ones) but still comes out whenever he can and loves fishing Slack water produced the Congers and as soon as we had a bit of tide, upped anchor and moved a couple of 100 yds to a mark that looked really fishy (gradual bank with a deep hole behind it This gave Mark his 3rd Codling of 2.5lb and absolutely nothing (not even a bite) for me or Mike in the 2 hrs we stayed there Made a move a bit closer to home for the final anchor drop, off Cardiff foreshore Here I finally caught a Codling, all of about 4 inches, so sent it back down to get a bit fatter All 4 Codling were full of crab, making a change from sprat and sandeel Decided to come in earlier than planned due to the sheer amount of boats out there, so caught the 2.45 lock back in, where we stopped and had a chat with a charter boat we know He had been out since 6 am and had dropped off his first party of anglers and had his second on board ready to go back out through the locks His first trip yielded 6 Codling between the 10 on board and within 2 hrs of going back out, had 10 with 4 or 5 between 7.5 and 9.5lb and finished the night with 14 in total I had planned on a trip out this teatime to the same mark the charter had been on, but woke up this morning feeling like I'd been runover, so gave it a miss Speaking to some others in the lock back in and not all boats are finding them just yet But, there are some good signs
  20. Were you on a Bayliner forum a few yrs back with engine problems (head trouble ?) I think it may have been you I offered a set of heads to, gratis ?
  21. I always bought the cheep 4 strand stuff from China, used to be 5/6 quid for 500m of 30lb (I'm still using it now, but got none left) Just paid £18 ish for the 8 strand spectra 30lb (literally just before coming on here) so will see how that goes Did buy some 18lb J braid that's on a Fathom 12, which I'm yet to use in anger
  22. WhatsApp Video 2020-12-03 at 12.49.45 (1).mp4
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