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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. It seems that the main mod had a word, don't know what happened to the seller, but the thread was deleted etc I will post the reel back if I am paid postage or the seller sends a courier to pick it up, I won't be out of pocket Oh and Andy, modman sent this message Oh and by the way, please tell Andy that I am actually the administrator for the site and can change anything and everything.Create forums and everything.I thought his post was amusing, and shows just how little he actually knows.
  2. I've been refunded, haven't had a message from him yet though 😅
  3. I doubt I'll lose any sleep 👍 I'll play up a bit more over there over the next few days and see what happens
  4. I've sent him a reply and also posted some pics on the reel ad Told him it doesn't reflect well on the seller or the site if nothing is done Oh the drama 😆
  5. My thread has been closed and I've had a PM of nick phillips saying that although he agrees that it was misrepresented, no forum rules had been broken If the ad is still running I'll put a couple of pics of the reel on there Maybe stop some other gullible twat from getting caught
  6. Give headlight a shout, he'll swap you his raider for your 24ft cat
  7. Just nipped home and both of the more prominent mods have commented, I've left a post about Hampshire being a bit far for me to pay a visit, just in case the seller has a read I'll post his name later (if no-one else has) when there's plenty on there
  8. Don't know, don't go on that site on my phone
  9. So not only did you ruin her car, you ruined her arse as well...
  10. I hope you have the Unicorn of RR's, 1 new gear box in mine before I bought it and another after about 3 yrs of ownership Plus the air suspension pump (fixed myself for £25) and an airbag (suspension) I got off quite lightly really, Oh and around 19 mpg
  11. I put it on chatter, it's where all the egos live
  12. I agree with that, also add Range Rover to the list How the fuck are they still making them so unreliable
  13. You got out though mate, you defo wont catch them in an estate agents
  14. There are some knowledgeable people on here and then there's the rest of us, clueless but up for a bit of craic
  15. I see you've replied on there, cheers 👍 I'm trying to get a bigger audience and then I'll name him He's sold loads of tackle on there all given for review no doubt
  16. I put a post up with pics, but no poll I'm just gathering an audience atm and a fair few of the usual suspects have replied, I'm waiting for a mod to get interested This shit stirring is well worth 75 quid, it's quite enjoyable No one has asked a name yet
  17. No he hasn't I will put a post up with a poll attached and ask them to describe the condition, then explain why 😇 I shouldn't really be bothered, but I will
  18. With 9mm board it would end up looking like bubble wrap
  19. No boss, aqua board in wet area, it's only 9mm as it's so tight to get an 800 tray in I always (well, apart from this job) use 1/2 " backer in any wet areas, whether it's tiled or sheeted With a classi seal on edge of tray
  20. Too awkward to use sheet insulation, it's only a narrow stud with quite a few cables (2x2 pse timber with 9mm pboard either side) and I couldn't be arsed to cut 30mm ins boards around cables/pipes/noggins etc
  21. Itching like a twat tonight, spent the afternoon insulating and plaster boarding a stud wall and ceiling in a small ensuite Im building/installing Hate the bastud stuff
  22. I have reels that are 25 plus years old in better condition and I'm not fanatical about maintenance either No worries, I'll put it down to experience But if I lived a bit closer, I'd find the prick and ram the reel down his throat
  23. No pics (it's obvious why now) He just told me it's 8 yrs old That's what you get for being too trusting I spose I'll see how I get on with Paypal after I raise a dispute
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