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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. I'm out again this Sunday, although I'm only after Conger, Rays and Dogfish I have my excuses lined up if I can't find some Cod Too much fresh water in the channel, tides too small, shit bait (feel free to add more on Sunday night)
  2. What are the dimensions of it Luke I'll have it if it fits in the stern locker Got a pic EDIT Just googled the size and it's a bit small for me It's a bargain at just £50 though
  3. Do you mean removing a jet drive, repairing the hull, then installing a leg Don't think a shaft would work (wrong hull, no stern tube)
  4. I don't think there's any more, if there is I'll forward them
  5. That's Cardiff Bay Yacht Club isn't it? Was it definitely the transom seal, or failed u joint bellows Tragic mate either way
  6. Tell her to get her priorities straight mate, that just wont do
  7. Just noticed your soft furnishings, they could be better
  8. That's a nice looking piece of kit More photos
  9. I've just downloaded flckr and posted some pics up on the site If I cam manage it, believe me, anyone can
  10. PM me your address mate, I'll post them in the morning
  11. Isn't there a way to convert from one format to another If you have this card, download Garmin homeport and insert the card, all the marks/wrecks are listed with their coordinates A long winded way, but you can cherry pick the marks you want
  12. Found these as well Luke/Ian You probably have your own marks, but I found these on there as well Out wide off Dale/Milford, the guy I bought the boat off took it to Milford every summer apparently for sharking
  13. Tried the flckr route and it seems to have worked (Suzook 👍) These are the marks if anyone wants the card, I've kept a copy for myself just in case Mrs Swamp kicks me out and i move down that way EDIT There is a shit load that show up when you zoom in (on the plotter, not this pic)
  14. There was a woman ranting on the train today. She screamed, 'You can stick your fucking Coronavirus vaccine up your arse!' I reckon I'll just get mine in the arm if it's all the same.
  15. Apparently if your wife ever says "if anything happens to me, I want you to meet someone new...." "anything" doesn't include getting stuck in traffic.
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