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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. I'm just guessing with regards to the area, but if it's any good you're welcome to it Can easily be copied if others want it
  2. I've just finished putting a load of marks into garmin homeport ready to put onto my plotter card and remembered that I removed a card from one of the plotters when I first had the boat I don't think it's a genuine Garmin card, but it was full of marks and wreck names They weren't from my area so I didn't use the card or research any of them I'm going down to the boat tomorrow and I'll take a photo of the screen with the marks/wrecks listed The boat originally came from Hampshire, so assume they relate to that area and maybe further out If they are of any use to anyone, I'll send them to you
  3. So the Garmin g3 will be the same as the current navionics If so, I will probably up grade the newer unit
  4. Can't find any demos of their charts, or of the sea contour mapping Be interested to see the comparisons
  5. I don't mind it to be honest, I'm very low brow
  6. Always used fresh blow lug and did well, but that was when Cod were plentyful though In our part of the BC it's all down to scent (it's like fishing in a bowl of soup) and I used to think worm always outfished squid, but I'm not so sure now If we get a decent run this season, I'll try a day just on squid, while someone else just uses worm and see what happens
  7. I thought you'd say opposite That aint an option, all Garmin at the moment and won't be changing all electrics unless I get 6 numbers up
  8. Thanks for taking the time GPSguru, much appreciated I have a house full watching I'm a jungle at the moment, so will look at the link tomorrow 👍
  9. I have Garmin stuff on my boat (came with it) 1 x 5012, 1 x 5022 and a newer 7410 xsv I've not really played around with the newer one, just use the other 2 The detail on the older units is no match to the detail on the Navionics app on my phone The 2 plotters run the g2 vision card, is the g3 vision as good as the Navionics Has anyone compared the both side by side Seem to remember Andy or Fishy upgraded all their electronics a while back ?
  10. I didn't buy the cards, they came with the boat, so would have to buy another (or just take the existing one home every time and that's just something else to leave at home along with my grub/bait) It has a Garmin 5012, a 5022 and a newer 7410 xsv. I may upgrade the 2 older units, but don't like the price tag of similar sized new ones
  11. Speak for yourself Jon I welcome any readers wives style photos
  12. Has your plotter got the built in maps, or are they on a card
  13. Will try and download from the plotter next time I'm down, thanks If I remove my card from the plotter, I think the screen returns to base map with very little detail on contours etc ?
  14. Just been back to the boat with the card and all is good Would I need to take the card out and bring it home if I want to add more marks, or can I copy it and use a spare so to speak BTW thanks for your help 👍
  15. Looks like you were right Andy, what I'd saved to favourites was the download page, not the home page Seems the homepage can only be saved in docs ? EDIT I've pinned homeport to the taskbar and hopefully moved my marks to my Garmin card (under devices on the top of the page) won't know until I go back to the boat and try it on the plotter
  16. Christ knows Uninstalled homeport, then reinstalled Put my card out of the plotter into laptop (with homeport running) and have similar to GPS's screenshot, also showing all the marks I typed in last night Will these marks automatically and magically now be on my card, or do I need to do something else
  17. Windows 10 on laptop Can find homeport in docs but wont open Can find my collection as well, but when I click open, it just duplicates itself underneath and doesn't open If I click on homeport in my favourites, I'm asked to download it again and when I do, I get the homeport screen with an option to close or ininstall Nothing like your pic
  18. Downloaded this earlier and spent hours typing in marks, put an sd card in the laptop and moved (hopefully) them on to the card Just fired laptop up and couldn't open any of the files or Homeport Keeps asking me to download an app to open them, which I did and still nothing opens Have I just wasted a bastud evening
  19. I honestly thought we would get a few What happened to all the 20 and 30lb ers of the Solent, seemed to be reading about those fairly regularly up to a few yrs ago Are Cod that scarce over there now
  20. Couldn't make our first day out of lockdown (work keeps getting in the way) so plumped for the Tuesday instead, as the forecast for the rest of the week was shite My mate (and one of the usual crew) was out on a charter on the Monday fishing up near Clevedon (my intended area on Tues) After the picture of his 3rd codling, I rang him and spoke for all of 5 secs before he said "got to go, got a bite" He rang me back after 10 mins or so just after his picture message pinged on my phone showing a plump 6.5 pounder, seems like it's carpeted with them says I "Well", says he, "I've had 4 and there's one other on the boat" I went back to my work wondering if I should take the big cooler box, instead of the smaller one for all the cod we were going to get Tuesday And after receiving another 2 pics showing his total for the day (6 to around 7lb) I genuinely considered the larger one Anyway, back to our report (can you tell I'm trying to pad it out a bit) We took the 7.30 lock and headed straight up/over to Clevedon, on a steep bank/reef which is usually a good spot Plenty of conger, couple of dogs and a few thornies were all we had for the first 2 hrs of the flood, so opted to move a bit closer in to Ladye Bay We found a parking spot in between the flotilla and dropped anchor, much the same here with one small (8lb ish) ray doing a very good impression of a double figure cod and really got the blood pumping A phone call from the charter skipper that my mate had been on the day before revealed he hadn't even had a bite on his boat (he opted to go further up channel) Another move across the channel to just inside Newport deeps resulted in more of the same, so by about 2.45 I miserably pulled the pin and trundled off down the channel to get the 3.45 lock in........Codless Speaking to the others in the lock, there were 2 codling between 20 odd anglers, although I did hear of a few doubles that had came out (including 2 from Clevedon the previous day) and the charter we spoke to ended up with 6 Shit weather for the foreseeable, but I will return They can't hide forever Can they?
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