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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. I have spoke to them in the past and found them great, but this is more of an installation/wiring question or problem, rather than a technical issue I need someone who installs these systems regularly to have a look I'm going down tomorrow to go through some basic fault finding, will have to take panelling off to check/identify cables which will be a PITA Also to see if I actually have power going to the Radar, as noting is listed on any of the fuse boxes
  2. I need someone to visit my boat to go through my electronics system to determine if my AIS and radar actually work The Radar doesn't appear on any of the MFD screens The AIS has a flashing light on the unit (which is mounted in the cabin) but doesn't show up on the MFD's either Boat is in Cardiff Bay Would ideally like someone with plenty of experience with Garmin stuff (installation and set-up) and not a general electrician @Odyssey Luke, did you mention a while back that you knew of someone locally ? EDIT 1 x Garmin gpsmap 7410 xsv 1 Garmin gpsmap 5012 1 Garmin gpsmap 5212 1 Garmin 18 ?? radar dome Plus usual transducers, antennae etc
  3. Spoke to him earlier and he's happy to take us to the inshore reefs, which is better than not going at all 👍 As for the Mackerel, I can't see us having an abundance of them, but you never know if nothing else is about
  4. Good result there Luke, well done We're booked on with Rob this Saturday, either wrecks or reefs depending on his advice Looking dubious to say the least at the moment
  5. Spinning or slow pitch jigging, rod in right hand crank with left Up or down tiding, rod in left crank with right I'm right handed and unequivocally correct in this instance
  6. That doesn't sound good, hope the other person that was on board is found soon and safe 🤞
  7. Not a disaster Ian, you both got out and snagged a few 👍 We're booked for a Skerries trip in august, but I'll be looking for an individual day before then Ross (Spot on) does them quite often, so will probably do a couple after I get back off holiday which is the end of June
  8. That's a busy enough sesh Neil, nice one Never seen a quintopus before though
  9. Do you find bead colour makes a difference, always used black/green out of Weymouth (matching the pea mussels they feed on in that area) And the couple of times I've fished the Skerries, used red/yellow. Both on advice of the skippers Also got told by the Brixham skipper we use that peeler tends to attract the bigger fish What's your preference ?
  10. Out of interest, what's your go to rig for Plaice Wishbone, running ledger, paternoster ?
  11. Glad you got the marks eventually, they were on my plotter when I got my boat, so may be of use I see I also sent you my much coveted BC marks as well, I must've copied those by mistake Be worth a fortune to someone up here who likes blanking 😎
  12. Aah OK, I'll go for Willow Warbler then
  13. Nice one @Odyssey, I've sent you a PM regarding some possible bookings for our club, both reef and sharking 👍
  14. Don't think it's a Wren, the tail is too long A Warbler of some kind I'd say, we've had a couple over the years around this time of the year when wrecking out of Weymouth
  15. Nice one Mike, cracking day and report Those cuckoo's are beautiful fair play
  16. Yes luke, I've got a similar portfolio All taken just off penarth peir
  17. I didn't really apart from the Codling
  18. No work booked in this week due to being on a training course from Tues to Fri, so kept Mon free just in case...... Didn't make any plans, so didn't ask anyone else, just got up Mon morning and decided to go Grabbed some dirty squid from the bait freezer, bought some rag on the way down (along with some food) and got to the boat around 10am hoping to get the 10.30 lock out Had to wait a few extra minutes in the lock for another boat to join us and was out the other side not long after, ready to make the short steam to a mark wide of the Coral With only an hour or so before low slack, I decided on anchoring in a position that would sit me over a hole on the flood, expecting the fishing until the turn of the tide to be dire as this ground looked to be featureless. I decided this as, being on my own, I didn't want the faff of retrieving and resetting the anchor too many times 2 downtide rods out baited with just Squid, then 2 uptiders with Rag/squid heads on each Not expecting much yet, I put the kettle on The last uptider to be cast out starting rattling, I wound into it and pulled it in hoping it was a small codling It wasn't, it was a small strap Conger that broke the surface. So I left it in the tide while I poured my cup of tea (the effing kettle was going like a 70's factory hooter and making sauna of the cabin) then T barred it off to enjoy my cuppa and a rocky bar (chocolate type not caramel) Next to go was one of the downtiders with another strap, this one a bit better at around 12/14lb. Didn't have chance to Tbar this one, as soon as he/she saw me, it/they turned into a Tasmanian devil and snapped me off. Happily though, both my hooks were left on the swim platform Not long after I had a small Thornie on the other uptider, quickly followed by a very sizeable dog (though on reflection it may have been a Huss pup) Pretty much bang on low water the last virgin rod (2nd downtider) made a couple of nods, on bringing this in I was expecting another small strap due to the state of the tide and was pleasantly surprised to see the head of a Codling appear through coffee coloured water He went 4 and a quarter lb and put a bit of a smile on my face It also had another baited hook in it's mouth, which looked like a fairly fresh peeler crab that must have come from one of the 3 other boats that were all quite close (I was first out of the locks and everyone followed me to my mark, obviously aware that I know of the guru ghillie that is Jonc and that some of his wisdom has rubbed off on me) A celebratory cup of tea and another Rocky bar kept me busy until the tide turned and I was now over the honey hole Now I'll see some action !!! Loaded all the traces with the various baits and sent them all out and waited Retrieved, rebaited, cast out and waited Rinse and repeat x 4 And waited again until 2.45 when I reeled in the untouched baits again, pulled anchor and got the 3.15pm lock back in What an anticlimax after a good start, but as I mentioned in a previous post, we can't always expect an Aussie jon day
  19. Nice one Mike, good Bream too Nothing like a monetary gain to sharpen the instincts, what you gonna spend your winnings on ?
  20. jonnyswamp


    Fair play you put the hrs/miles in We can't always have an Aussie Jon day 😘
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