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Everything posted by jonnyswamp

  1. More of a nightmare for the first couple of hrs
  2. With the foreseeable future weekends being taken up I thought I'd take advantage of a slow builder (job not ready til next week) and pop out for few hrs before the winds and rain came in Just myself and Nipper got through the 7am lock and headed east to Clevedon, a small flooding tide allowed us to drop anchor on the English side of the shipping channel on a mark that's usually pretty good I had a small thornie on whole squid on the first drop of the downtide rod, and not a twitch on any of the 6 we had out for the next hour. Didn't want to waste any more time here as high water was around 12 ish and the wind and rain were forecast to increase from late morning onwards, so we would only have comfortable fishing up until high water A quick move out to the "English and Welsh" where we stayed for an hour, again without any success. Not even a bite Last move was back to the Welsh side just above the Newport Deeps buoy where I'd caught a nice 14.5lb Cod in Dec 21 A slow start here with the odd thornie coming up, then pretty much bang on high water things went very busy We ended up with 18-20 Thornbacks and 3 small Codling to 3.5lb, the majority caught around slack high water when it's usually just Congers that show themselves The wind and rain were still not as forecast, so we stayed until we'd used all our bait This corresponded with the swell and rain picking up, so we caught the 2.15pm lock back in A half decent end to a crap start, but some good sport for a few hrs No pictures cos Aussie Jon would slightly trump mine (if I actually took any that is)
  3. I'm not, have to start our living room refurb this weekend and will take me quite a few more weekends to finish I even had to pull out of a weekend out of Penzance next week as well 😭 Will try and fit the odd mid-weeker in if I can though
  4. No, we weren't near a harbour/port and it's windy as feck on Lanzarote
  5. I had my navionics on when flying back from Lanzarote Friday night (GPS) and it showed 590 knts at one point, pilot said we were doing 76% of the speed of sound One of our instruments were lying, I wonder which one ?
  6. Supposed to be wrecking out of Weymouth Sunday, going down Sat afternoon and staying Sat night Looking iffy at best atm
  7. I think mine has arrived as well, there's a parcel in the kitchen which hasn't been claimed by anybody yet, so must be mine It's like the bloody Parcelforce sorting office here sometimes, Even the swampettes that have moved out still get there parcels sent here
  8. Nice one Mike, I've done similar off the wrecks a few years ago Brought up a Cod with my own bright orange sidewinder in it's chops, the very one I'd lost the drift before (Hit into a fish and snagged the wreck at the same time, the weight slid free and I had the fish and my lure back) Can't say It comes close to catching the same fish thrice though 👍
  9. Be careful, it's addictive, but what a buzz when you get hit by a decent fish And bloody expensive
  10. Yes, I saw his post, the next compatible tide and that's where I'm heading
  11. I hear what your saying, but 2 bites all day ! Not even a dog or a slack water strap This year is definitely different to previous ones, don't know whether the dumping of dredged silt etc has had an adverse effect on our side of the Channel, or we've all forgotten how to fish All except daio of course
  12. Just myself and Nipper for todays adventures Made the trip down to Cardiff this morning full of optimism and anticipation, got the 7.30 lock out and had the anchor down for the first of the ebb on the inner coral out of the worst of the rip I did consider a trip up to the English and Welsh to try and emulate diao's weekend trip, but thought the bigger tide would have caused me a few issues as it can really rip through there Beautiful crisp morning that lasted all of half an hour, then the mist rolled in and the visibility dropped to about 100yds 6 rods out with Dirty squid, rag and frozen blacks the order of the day that all came back untouched.....Apart from a small Codling that had impaled itself on one of Nippers hooks and didn't give any indication it was on until by the side of the boat That was the only "action" here, so when the tide had slackened a bit we moved out into a very promising looking gully This mark was very similar to the first, in fact it was identical in the pissing fog I had one bite about 30 mins before slack low and pulled in a fat little 3lb 4oz Codling, so that was it for the whole tide...two bites The boat swung around, the mist rolled out and we buggered off back in on the 3.45 lock There were 3 other boats in the lock with us and they had done a bit worse than us I'm raiding the English side next time I get out
  13. That's a belter, fair play for letting your old man take the honours 😁
  14. Nice Mike, how did the Leeda icon get on ? I nearly bought one for the Bream down Weymouth, but went for a Maxximus with the interchangeable tip instead
  15. You should see me in speedos
  16. I take it you already know my order?
  17. jonnyswamp

    b /c

    Find your inspiration. | Flickr
  18. No, just a bit of extra info And the midweekers are a little bit sweeter as I'm supposed to be in work
  19. jonnyswamp

    b /c

    Flickr is easy mate, even I can manage it
  20. jonnyswamp

    b /c

    That's sounds like a good trip Dai, were you local to Newport or further afield
  21. Nice one, I don't see you holding a Codling up, did you not catch one..... Or did them young uns show you how it was done
  22. If they are sikaflexed on, use a guitarstring/cheese wire to get between them and the gelcoat, then a stanley blade scraper to remove excess adhesive Sounds easy on paper Is every one of those fitted using screws through the hull ?
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