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Posts posted by jonnyswamp

  1. 16 hours ago, Odyssey said:

    Looks like a good mix 🙂 

    I’ve heard a few pollack around the west wales reefs, hopefully an exploratory trip in a few weeks to see what can find 🙂 

    Never Met Kieran but he seems to work hard to find the fish 🙂 

    Yes he does, he lives and breathes fishing, if he isn't on the boat he's off the beach/rocks

    We had some trips booked out of Dale this year, but fell out with the skipper over deposit, so cancelled them all

    Managed to book Rob Rennie for a wreck/reef trip (what ever is fishing the best at the time of trip) in June

    What boat does he have now Luke, does he fish 10 or 8 ?


  2. 6 minutes ago, JonC said:

    Whatever scales you have you will still be accused of fibbing by the usual people, so save your money. 

    Sounds like you speak from experience

    This is why I wanted the digital scales, whatever they read (after 2 identical weighs) will be recorded, unlike listening to someone arguing that they thought it was an ounce or two heavier

  3. Right then experts (that's you jonc) what scales are you all using

    I'm after a set for our club as we have a heaviest fish comp that lasts until our last trip of the year (10 species in total)

    It's £20 per species, so not a fortune, but can mount up if you get a few lumpers

    We have been relying on various Chinese crap that don't always show the same weight twice, so want something a but more accurate/reliable

    I've just had a look at the Reuben Heaton 9000, small enough and at around £40 won't break the bank

    Prefer this type as these allow for a bit of pitch and roll of a boat, unlike an analogue set

    Has any of you got a set of these or have you got something better ?

    Budget is up to £50 

  4. A good morning and some nice Whiting there, we don't get them anywhere near that size up here (Bristol Channel)

    We did have one decent year in early nineties IIRC, quite a few 2lb plus around for a while

    Be interested on what your mates had off the wrecks, we were supposed to be out of Weymouth this Sunday but not looking likely now so I'll have the rest of the week off (been looking for a new car also) and take my boat out Friday if weather holds

  5. Nothing massive for me, had plenty of doubles whilst wrecking, but never out of the Bristol Channel

    My best Cod out of the BC at 14lb something earlier this year (Jan or Feb I think)


    Oh and my British record Grey Gurnard of course 😁


    Caught on a blue/white Sidewinder copy this April out of Brixham



    Just checked and the Cod was last December 19th, so doesn't count really


  6. Went down to the boat the day before to have see how thick the ice was, at least 25mm around my boat and out towards the main drag

    The forecast was 2-3 degrees overnight, so thought we would be able to break what ice would be left by my 2 crew on the front using brushes

    Got down at 6.30 Sat morning and it was quite obvious that it stayed well below freezing all night and the ice had thickened

    No chance of breaking the ice with brushes, or ploughing through without damaging the hull, so back home we came

    Shite weather for the foreseeable as well

  7. 5 minutes ago, Odyssey said:

    Thanks for offer but already got plans. Was a mates boat up river. 

    Saturday looks warmer! Will spend day get boat fixed up me thinks 🙂 

    No worries, if you change your mind I'm getting the 7am lock


  8. 19 hours ago, GPSguru said:

    Yes, it has an old school glow plug system. No glow plug light, the plugs are energized through a timed relay that is connected to the ignition live.

    The plugs 'glow' for 8 secs. Each plug draws 10 amps. I haven't looked, but I assume the relay is old school with a mechanical bi-metallic timer, and it is probably bolted to the engine.

    Without the plugs, it would never start in temps of 5c or lower (unless you pump ether into the intake 😉)

    This system was used by old school yota, BMC, commer, Bedford, and Vauxhall engines.


    Modern engines (that fail to start more often), are vastly overcomplicated with algorithms to determine how long the plugs should glow given the air and fuel temp, and some have a diesel heater in the secondary fuel filter bowl to shorten the glow time, blah,blah, etc, blah ........



    Interesting, I was told that these engines didn't have any glow plugs and simply rely on fuel pressure to start, even in the cold weather



    They certainly aint very visable either

  9. 8 hours ago, GPSguru said:

    So I guess that will be the Merc ......... nice motor

    Yes, the cold weather will play havoc with starting, as that motor will need a lot of current to get it going.

    Not only will you have thicker engine oil to turn, but you will also have an additional 50 amp of glow plug current.

    So the battery must be able to supply the additional starter current, the glow plug current, and whilst supplying all that current, also maintain quite a high (IIRC 11.5V) voltage to the ECU in order to fire the injectors.

    Given that the temperatures we have recently experienced are a rarity, I would be inclined to just keep a couple of purpose made jump leads in the boat for when you need to parallel the batteries for the extra current.

    Automatic marine battery systems are marmite, some swear by them, others swear at them, and there is a lot that can go wrong.

    When I had my boat built in 2019, I specified twin batteries, but also specified a simple (but quality) OFF - 1 - BOTH - 2 switch, and not the blusea automatic system that they wanted to fit.

    Generally I run on both, but when at anchor or drifting, I switch to one battery and save the other for starting (if needed).






    This engine doesn't have an ecu or glow plugs, but I get your point

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