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  1. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Josh in 29th June southwest   
    Too good a Saturday forecast to miss saw me towing to Cornwall Friday night.
    arrival around 1ish launching at daylight meant couple hours sort rods unstrap pack away and shut eye for not very long but it all helps.
    first stop was bait and I was picking up some
    jumbo mackerel only close in which was great after about 8/9 I headed out.

    i stopped off on the way out around the reefs what difference the not netting of pollack has made. Well saying that Iv seen more fish in the past but compared to last year there were a few good fish back !

    Pushed out to the 20mile band it was glass on the way out which was lovely then I spent an hour or so over the slack trying for ling on this wreck. I know they’re on there I just couldn’t get them ..another time !
    dumped the chum over and waited quite a while with no wind i was moving with the tide but not a great deal.
    then I had one probably of 40lb.
    Hour or so later I had a better one round more like 75lb the boat going for the chum bag and the proper.
    i had this fish round the bait and I could wind up any more so I just hand hooked her and she wernt happy gave me a searing run. Great fun

    the Yank
    The run 


    curious blue

     I ended up with another one so 3 in total
    Had to pull the hook in again by hand to get that last one tight , rather that than deep hook. 
    food as follows

    Bangers on boat took some skin damage @JonC

    Dinner made up for it
    then I crawled into the tent 💤 
  2. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Dicky in Burnham On Sea 23/6   
    Did think about it, but the amount of boats heading down that way on the morning meant it would've been like the M25 at rush hour
    Had the Foreland trip planned for a couple of weeks
    In hindsight, Nash would've probably been more productive
  3. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Dicky in Burnham On Sea 23/6   
    Nice sesh dicky, we went from Cardiff over to Foreland, then on down to Copperas rock trying a few reef/rock marks as we went
    All we had to show for our efforts was one Bass off Foreland (56cm) and a Pollock of around the same size off Copperas 
    Shit loads of Mackerel around though 
  4. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Dicky in Burnham On Sea 23/6   
    Got out Sunday for a club comp. Best day weather wise for us this year, absolutely flat calm. Started off local looking for a bass but just small thornbacks and dogs. A move down just below Watchet produced even more dogs, thornbacks and some straps but we did find half a dozen hounds or so. Too many dogs here for my liking and the hounds were small so at slack we shot back up channel to a piece of coral. More of the same but a few more hounds and a bigger average size so was a good move. We spent the last hour failing to find a bass again but overall a great day out 

  5. Agree
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from GPSguru in Wreck Fishing - 25th Jun   
    That's great, something else for me to piss about with 🤣
  6. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Malc in Rod bending fun 2 hours   
    Checked out a new launch site and went out into a haar but visibility was 300m and better at times. I hadn't used the yak for 9 months or so and it was nice to get out, I plotted in way points so I can get back safely as it is a rock fest if you aren't careful. 
    Eventually spotted arches after 3/4 hrs of drifting and searching and sent down a 20gm wedge with 3 sabikis on a 10-40gm rod and 4000 shimano. Bang and away we go!
    Lots of fish but concentrated in a small area around 50m² or so, mackerel were in ones and twos and coalfish in threes and fours. The coalies were 1lb+ and hauled me about the place which was fun. Took 8 mackerel for the table and put the coalies back, they outnumbered the mackerel 3-1
  7. Haha
    jonnyswamp reacted to GPSguru in Wreck Fishing - 25th Jun   
    Yes the trip info is readily available on your 7410 plotter, however, the fuel used info will require an input from the engine (I use a Mercury CAN bus to NMEA black box), but generally I red this infor diect from the mercury smartcraft gauges. When we are moving, I have the smartcraft set to show me fuel burn per hour and litres used since last fill up.
    But the trip distance, odometer, time moving, avg speed, max speed etc is all in the plotter.
    RTFM 🤣 ........... page 114

  8. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from daio web in Wreck Fishing - 25th Jun   
    The screen picture that you have posted, is that available on most garmin mfd's
    I have a couple of old 5012's and a slightly newer 7410 XSV, can I get that info on any of these
    BTW, looked a nice few hrs out 👍 
    EDIT I assume that it's linked to the outboard and not an option for me
  9. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to GPSguru in Wreck Fishing - 25th Jun   
    Mid springs, nice weather, flat sea forecast, what is not to like.
    It was a hard call, due to the usual slipway spring tide limitations it was to be either a morning wrecking session getting back at 13:30, or a full day on the skerries getting back at 16:00. The call was easier as fishing the skerries on a spring is hard work and often not productive, so it was out to the wrecks.
    Launched at 07:30 with kyle as crew and headed to a wreck at 18 miles. Wind over tude was an issue on the trip out with a short sea coming from all directions, but managed at steady 22knts being careful not to stuff the bow. 
    There was a commercial from Dartmouth fishing the wreck and we saw he was catching bass using one rod with hookais, and 2 handlines with multiple lures. The stamp of bass looked to be 3lb ish. We kept 4 fish that were 48 / 49 cm.
    we made a few drifts and had a good few bass on small lures, however, there was a large quantity of monster pout on the wreck and we had a few of those as well. We did try a wrecking rig with mack flapper over slack, but it only produced pout.
    Once slack came the sea quietened down, so it was a cracking morning to be out there.
    The trip in was quick on a flat sea, and we caught the tide ok by being back on the slip at 1 pm.

    Here is a pic of the trip off the plotter 😉

  10. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to GPSguru in Skerries Banks 23rd Jun   
    It is great to have Kyle back as crew, now that he has finished his A levels, so we launched at 07:30 into a flat sea, with an intention of getting back to the slip at 15:30.
    The forecast for the skerries area was fog / mist until 09:00 and then a cloudy but warm day, but the weather guessers got that very wrong.  Once we rounded Berry Head, the mist was thick and getting worse, so I dropped the speed to 24knts, however the visibility was 1/2 mile so no real issues. On went the Nav lights and I also double checked that the AIS was fully functional.
    We arrived at the Skerries at about 08:15 and the visibility was just a few hundred yards, but the sea was mirror calm, and no wind.
    A few drifts across the banks produced numerous small Plaice and only one keeper (we don't keep anything under 35cm), 4 plump Mackerel, one monster Launce (snake), and numerous Red and Grey Gurnard, so plenty to keep us busy.
    At the end of slack water (12:15 ish), we motored over to the outer edge of the banks and I dropped the pick. Bite were slow, with kyle getting a doggie and 2 decent  blonds (8lb & 10 1/2lb). I was trying out some other ideas and only managed a 3lb spider !
    At 14:30 we pulled the pick, the visibility was getting worse at maybe 200 yards, so a gentle trip off the banks at 20kts, but we picked up speed once we reached the Mudstone Ledge.
    Back on the slip at 15:30, a total trip of 48nm, and a very pleasant day.
    Just one pic that says it all

  11. Agree
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from daio web in Nice to get out again - 17th Jun   
    Not a criticism in any way, but wouldn't it be easier to bring a fish in with your left (rod) hand above the reel ?
    You'd get more leverage, making it easier, especially on something that wants to put up a bit of a scrap
  12. Agree
    jonnyswamp reacted to GPSguru in Nice to get out again - 17th Jun   
    Normally yes, but I knew it was a pout and didn't need the net.
    Under normal circumstances I never hold the rod on the blank above the handle, as that is a sure way to snap a rod as you change the blank dynamics by the grip position. 

    just before the fish surfaced you can see me levelling the as it was bunching to the left.
    generally I hold the rod at the reel, usually left hand. That way I have full control and quick access to the lever drag.

  13. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to daio web in First trip in a while   
    well done mate glad the boats how you wanted it i am out the 5 th july overnighter down that way kip in coldnapp overnight cant wait 
  14. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from daio web in First trip in a while   
    Can't remember the last time I fished from my own boat, it's been that long
    Decided on a short trip West to target the Smoothhounds
    In the 7.30 lock was just ourselves and another (ex) CBYC boat, they were heading further West to Nash and we were staying closer to home just West of Barry
    We got the pick down by about 8.15 and waited, I was first in with a small blonde after 30 mins or so, closely followed by a dog
    That was pretty much it for the first 90 mins, so we moved out wider. A small tide meant we could fish and anchor comfortably in just over 50ft at slack low
    I was first in again with a small hound of around 6/7lb, with crewman will boating its sibling pretty much straight after
    This was the story for the next few hours, with hounds coming in 3's and 4's of similar size periodically, and the odd few just making double figures
    We also had quite a few dogs and Rays (Blonde and Thornies) which were mostly juvenile and pretty unexciting
    We moved when the anchor starting slipping in 70 odd ft and had the last hour on the Coral, near Penarth
    On a plus note, my bit of stainless tacked to the "prong" on the windlass, worked a treat
    Had my normal "windlass man" up front on first anchor retrieval just in case, and he wasn't needed
    The 2nd and 3rd retrievals were both done from the cabin
    Also both the new temp guage and new oil pressure switch work spot on
    No pictures of inferior fish today, but did get a couple of this old girl on the way in, parked up on the end of Penarth pier
    The Waverley, doing a bit of a tour around parts of Britain 
  15. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from mick in First trip in a while   
    Can't remember the last time I fished from my own boat, it's been that long
    Decided on a short trip West to target the Smoothhounds
    In the 7.30 lock was just ourselves and another (ex) CBYC boat, they were heading further West to Nash and we were staying closer to home just West of Barry
    We got the pick down by about 8.15 and waited, I was first in with a small blonde after 30 mins or so, closely followed by a dog
    That was pretty much it for the first 90 mins, so we moved out wider. A small tide meant we could fish and anchor comfortably in just over 50ft at slack low
    I was first in again with a small hound of around 6/7lb, with crewman will boating its sibling pretty much straight after
    This was the story for the next few hours, with hounds coming in 3's and 4's of similar size periodically, and the odd few just making double figures
    We also had quite a few dogs and Rays (Blonde and Thornies) which were mostly juvenile and pretty unexciting
    We moved when the anchor starting slipping in 70 odd ft and had the last hour on the Coral, near Penarth
    On a plus note, my bit of stainless tacked to the "prong" on the windlass, worked a treat
    Had my normal "windlass man" up front on first anchor retrieval just in case, and he wasn't needed
    The 2nd and 3rd retrievals were both done from the cabin
    Also both the new temp guage and new oil pressure switch work spot on
    No pictures of inferior fish today, but did get a couple of this old girl on the way in, parked up on the end of Penarth pier
    The Waverley, doing a bit of a tour around parts of Britain 
  16. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Malc in First trip in a while   
    Can't remember the last time I fished from my own boat, it's been that long
    Decided on a short trip West to target the Smoothhounds
    In the 7.30 lock was just ourselves and another (ex) CBYC boat, they were heading further West to Nash and we were staying closer to home just West of Barry
    We got the pick down by about 8.15 and waited, I was first in with a small blonde after 30 mins or so, closely followed by a dog
    That was pretty much it for the first 90 mins, so we moved out wider. A small tide meant we could fish and anchor comfortably in just over 50ft at slack low
    I was first in again with a small hound of around 6/7lb, with crewman will boating its sibling pretty much straight after
    This was the story for the next few hours, with hounds coming in 3's and 4's of similar size periodically, and the odd few just making double figures
    We also had quite a few dogs and Rays (Blonde and Thornies) which were mostly juvenile and pretty unexciting
    We moved when the anchor starting slipping in 70 odd ft and had the last hour on the Coral, near Penarth
    On a plus note, my bit of stainless tacked to the "prong" on the windlass, worked a treat
    Had my normal "windlass man" up front on first anchor retrieval just in case, and he wasn't needed
    The 2nd and 3rd retrievals were both done from the cabin
    Also both the new temp guage and new oil pressure switch work spot on
    No pictures of inferior fish today, but did get a couple of this old girl on the way in, parked up on the end of Penarth pier
    The Waverley, doing a bit of a tour around parts of Britain 
  17. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Dicky in First trip in a while   
    Can't remember the last time I fished from my own boat, it's been that long
    Decided on a short trip West to target the Smoothhounds
    In the 7.30 lock was just ourselves and another (ex) CBYC boat, they were heading further West to Nash and we were staying closer to home just West of Barry
    We got the pick down by about 8.15 and waited, I was first in with a small blonde after 30 mins or so, closely followed by a dog
    That was pretty much it for the first 90 mins, so we moved out wider. A small tide meant we could fish and anchor comfortably in just over 50ft at slack low
    I was first in again with a small hound of around 6/7lb, with crewman will boating its sibling pretty much straight after
    This was the story for the next few hours, with hounds coming in 3's and 4's of similar size periodically, and the odd few just making double figures
    We also had quite a few dogs and Rays (Blonde and Thornies) which were mostly juvenile and pretty unexciting
    We moved when the anchor starting slipping in 70 odd ft and had the last hour on the Coral, near Penarth
    On a plus note, my bit of stainless tacked to the "prong" on the windlass, worked a treat
    Had my normal "windlass man" up front on first anchor retrieval just in case, and he wasn't needed
    The 2nd and 3rd retrievals were both done from the cabin
    Also both the new temp guage and new oil pressure switch work spot on
    No pictures of inferior fish today, but did get a couple of this old girl on the way in, parked up on the end of Penarth pier
    The Waverley, doing a bit of a tour around parts of Britain 
  18. Agree
    jonnyswamp reacted to Andy135 in First trip in a while   
    Well that sounds like a very decent session. Good work 💪
  19. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from GPSguru in First trip in a while   
    Can't remember the last time I fished from my own boat, it's been that long
    Decided on a short trip West to target the Smoothhounds
    In the 7.30 lock was just ourselves and another (ex) CBYC boat, they were heading further West to Nash and we were staying closer to home just West of Barry
    We got the pick down by about 8.15 and waited, I was first in with a small blonde after 30 mins or so, closely followed by a dog
    That was pretty much it for the first 90 mins, so we moved out wider. A small tide meant we could fish and anchor comfortably in just over 50ft at slack low
    I was first in again with a small hound of around 6/7lb, with crewman will boating its sibling pretty much straight after
    This was the story for the next few hours, with hounds coming in 3's and 4's of similar size periodically, and the odd few just making double figures
    We also had quite a few dogs and Rays (Blonde and Thornies) which were mostly juvenile and pretty unexciting
    We moved when the anchor starting slipping in 70 odd ft and had the last hour on the Coral, near Penarth
    On a plus note, my bit of stainless tacked to the "prong" on the windlass, worked a treat
    Had my normal "windlass man" up front on first anchor retrieval just in case, and he wasn't needed
    The 2nd and 3rd retrievals were both done from the cabin
    Also both the new temp guage and new oil pressure switch work spot on
    No pictures of inferior fish today, but did get a couple of this old girl on the way in, parked up on the end of Penarth pier
    The Waverley, doing a bit of a tour around parts of Britain 
  20. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Andy135 in First trip in a while   
    Can't remember the last time I fished from my own boat, it's been that long
    Decided on a short trip West to target the Smoothhounds
    In the 7.30 lock was just ourselves and another (ex) CBYC boat, they were heading further West to Nash and we were staying closer to home just West of Barry
    We got the pick down by about 8.15 and waited, I was first in with a small blonde after 30 mins or so, closely followed by a dog
    That was pretty much it for the first 90 mins, so we moved out wider. A small tide meant we could fish and anchor comfortably in just over 50ft at slack low
    I was first in again with a small hound of around 6/7lb, with crewman will boating its sibling pretty much straight after
    This was the story for the next few hours, with hounds coming in 3's and 4's of similar size periodically, and the odd few just making double figures
    We also had quite a few dogs and Rays (Blonde and Thornies) which were mostly juvenile and pretty unexciting
    We moved when the anchor starting slipping in 70 odd ft and had the last hour on the Coral, near Penarth
    On a plus note, my bit of stainless tacked to the "prong" on the windlass, worked a treat
    Had my normal "windlass man" up front on first anchor retrieval just in case, and he wasn't needed
    The 2nd and 3rd retrievals were both done from the cabin
    Also both the new temp guage and new oil pressure switch work spot on
    No pictures of inferior fish today, but did get a couple of this old girl on the way in, parked up on the end of Penarth pier
    The Waverley, doing a bit of a tour around parts of Britain 
  21. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Malc in First tope :)   
    Annual trip was written off due to weather conditions but my friends kindly twisted my arm into going over the weekend on the proviso that they got me to the airport or home before my flight to Spain. 
    First day was choppy at times and finished flat, but we managed to get some mackerel, scad and launce to bolster our few frozen baits and ended up with a topelet, a similar size smooth, a mid sized huss and a mid sized TBR.
    Day two and we headed off for tide and depth. First off was a huss of around 90cm but as the tide strengthened we headed to another spot just to the side of a drop off, the anchor kept pulling out and then stopping us, so a slow drift really. 
    On one of the stops my friend had a knock and a slow run so we thought Huss, but on striking it went bananas! It was great to see a good bend in the rod and eventually the fish obliged and headed to the boat and then towards the warp!!!! It was expertly handled back towards us and netted and tailed in one swift move. 

    151cm iirc.
    Short while later I had a couple of sharp pulls and then a run, I gave it a count of 3 and tightened and she was off! I thought I would lose her as the tide was raging and she was using it to good effect, however I managed to get some line back before a couple of short runs, and started to pump her back in towards the boat but she wasn't heading up just keeping deep until under the boat and then she headed up...
    Then well before we saw the leader she saw the boat and I just held on as she shot off downtide, when she slowed I turned her and started again. She surfaced 15m downtide and managed to turn and run a few yards and then wrap herself on the leader! However after really testing the tackle she came alongside and unwound and was lifted in by my friends!

    mid 150's in French inches. 
    I was cream crackered on the plane after 2 eight hour days in choppy conditions and just 2 hours kip but I have recovered sufficiently and am off to the pool to wallow and slumber! 
  22. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to GPSguru in Nice to get out again - 17th Jun   
    Another morning solo trip as I had to do the school run in the afternoon.
    Launched at 7:45 into a flat sea, so I decided to head out to the same bunch of wrecks as my last trip.
    At 15 - 20 miles out it was mirror flat, I decided to stay on one largish wreck, and my drift was along the wreck which is unusual.
    It was pout city on both spj and lures, but I did manage 2 small Cod of about 4lb each. 

    Some of the pout were huge. I had some frozen mack to use up, so I quickly tied a blood loop wrecking rig from 150lb mono, and a 9/0 hook. I loaded the 9/0 with a mack flapper hoping for Ling, but the monster pout were shredding it, and I hooked 4 of them, bloody monsters, probably close to 3lb fish !
    I will look at the camera later to see if there are any pics worth using.
    Just cleaned the boat and I noted the AIS stopped working on the way back in. The AIS 800 has the ‘ready’ and ‘receive only’ lights on, which suggests it has lost its GPS signal, so I suspect the Garmin puck. I will order a new one tonight.
    Total trip of 38miles and a cracking day to be out there.
  23. Haha
    jonnyswamp reacted to captin slows old outlaw in boat hook   
    what is a little blue pill going to do for my broken lenth of wood ???
  24. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to daio web in happy   
    happy fathers day all the sun is shinning for us 
  25. Agree
    jonnyswamp reacted to GPSguru in Nice to get out - 12 Jun   
    Yes, I think a little more than 10 miles, closer to 12.
    I might be wrong, but IIRC the British record Conger came off the wreck, Vic Evans (RIP) skipper of Sea Spray caught it in 1995, 133lb
    It is a 15mile steam for me from Teignmouth
    On a decent day there are a group of 4 wrecks about another 5 miles out and all of those fish well. However, this area is known for its rougher than normal sea. I have been out there on my boat when the swell was 15 - 20ft, but a decent 10sec between swells.
    BTW, the Commerical Pollock ban has made a huge difference to our wreck fishing this year, long may it continue 👍
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