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  1. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from GPSguru in Hi from Donegal   
    There are some knowledgeable people on here and then there's the rest of us, clueless but up for a bit of craic
  2. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Maverick in Been stitched up   
    I see you've replied on there, cheers 👍
    I'm trying to get a bigger audience and then I'll name him
    He's sold loads of tackle on there all given for review no doubt
  3. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Andy135 in Been stitched up   
    I put a post up with pics, but no poll
    I'm just gathering an audience atm and a fair few of the usual suspects have replied, I'm waiting for a mod to get interested
    This shit stirring is well worth 75 quid, it's quite enjoyable 
    No one has asked a name yet
  4. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Andy135 in Been stitched up   
    No he hasn't
    I will put a post up with a poll attached and ask them to describe the condition, then explain why 😇
    I shouldn't really be bothered, but I will
  5. Haha
    jonnyswamp reacted to Saintly Fish in Fibreglass   
    Glad to hear it. I thought I was going to have to run and tell mother !
  6. Agree
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Fibreglass   
    With 9mm board it would end up looking like bubble wrap
  7. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to thejollysinker in Catch report Teignmouth (late...)   
    Out from Teignmouth on a very flat and calm start just over a fortnight ago saw me heading straght for an inshore wreck not toof ar out. Got the hammer down as just re-sized my prop coz the old one was way out ( I thought it was my engine/carbs) and attained 22 kts so was there in a jiffy 😊 
    started drifting with jigs and feathery things and immediately  had some joeys and small pout. Chucked them in my BIG bucket and went around for another drift. This went on for several goes and then bang, rod hoops over and decent fish on.... played it hard 2/3 of the way up and whoosh, gone... not happy. Next drift dropped one of my jigs on freespool (fixed spool) and dropped another lighter jig on another rod and could hear a strange whistling sound????? looked over to see the spool on the other rod emptying at an alarming rate, and I mean fast! I thought oooh, here we go... picked it up, whacked the bail arm over and the rod arched into its tightest curve then ping! Reeled it in to see the 20lb leader had been cut quite cleanly right near the critters mouth ('twas a short leader), so I don't know what it was but it left me wanting.....
    After that I anchored up over the wreck... sort of. Didn't get it quite right but was close enough. Dropped a live pout over the side and another rod rigged with mackerel fillet and within minutes had my first sizeable Bass, whoop whoop! (on the live Pout).
    Another boat is heading straight for me now and it looks like another Orkney, indeed it was. A chap from Exmouth had made his way over. We exchanged greetings and I signed him up to the Orkney Boat Owners UK (FB) coz he wasn't aware we existed and exchanged pleasantries. A couple of drifts later and he disappeared homeward bound.
    I managed another sizeable Bass, a nice big Pout, loads of smaller Pout, the inevitable Dogfish and a solitary Whiting before I had to pack up and head for home arriving in time to unload and park the dinghy up before getting home for a couple of ciders.... 
    All in all, a bloody good day out 😊
    PS. sorry about the photos, they're not the best 

  8. Agree
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Geoff in Fibreglass   
    Too awkward to use sheet insulation, it's only a narrow stud with quite a few cables (2x2 pse timber with 9mm pboard either side) and I couldn't be arsed to cut 30mm ins boards around cables/pipes/noggins etc
  9. Agree
    jonnyswamp reacted to Saintly Fish in Feedback requested: regional catch reports   
    When numbers increase I suppose it would be handy for quick reference. 
  10. Agree
    jonnyswamp reacted to suzook12 in Been stitched up   
    One word..... C**t!!!
  11. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Gordmac in Hello all.   
    I live on the Scottish West coast. I enjoy messing about with boats and a spot of fishing. Having sold my Levi Corsair I have only been on the water in a wee inflatable this year. On the lookout for a replacement.
  12. Sad
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from captin slows old outlaw in Been stitched up   
    Bought a reel off Norm B from the other site and it turned up today
    He described it as VGC
    It wasn't, I am awaiting his reply
  13. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from suzook12 in Minted   
    If I had a pound for every time a debt-collector came round.........
  14. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from GPSguru in Imax coast smock wanted   
    And there's me thinking you were better than the rest on here
    I'm hurt 
  15. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Andy135 in Minted   
    If I had a pound for every time a debt-collector came round.........
  16. Agree
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from JonC in Am I missing something.   
    Check under the cap on the underside of the levelwind bar, there's a small "V" shaped stud that sometimes snaps, so doesn't engage with the grooves in the level wind spindle
  17. Haha
    jonnyswamp reacted to Saintly Fish in What's on your fishing bucket list?   
    A man of not very many words. Just like an assassin !
  18. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Am I missing something.   
    Check under the cap on the underside of the levelwind bar, there's a small "V" shaped stud that sometimes snaps, so doesn't engage with the grooves in the level wind spindle
  19. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Odyssey in Bristol channel 10th Nov   
    Not coming back to Cardiff this year. 
    Was torn on what to do but it’ll cost me quite a bit to get to get to Cardiff a d back to Milford with the extra Maria fees
    Also buying a house so that’ll keep me busy fitting it out.... so winter wrecking and sharking it is 🙂 
    Next year I’ll be back 🙂 
  20. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Geoff in Clevedon cod   
    Still without a definite idea of where we intended to fish, we called up the barrage and booked a spot in the 7.30 AM lock out
    As today was the first fine and flat sea forecast, all 3 locks were full and it resembled the wacky races when we got through the other side
    Out of the 25 or so boats that went through the locks, around 20 headed west so I headed back up the channel towards Clevedon
    Got the pick down and rods out by about 8.30 and it was a full hour until anything showed an interest in any of our baits
    Soon the dogs (few) and congers (many) were seemingly suicidal, with the eels going to around 16/18lb and the dogfish going.....well dogfish size
    We were close to a charter that two friends were on and they had picked up a small codling since they had been there (7.30) and not much else, so moved a bit closer in to Ladye Bay
    We stuck it out and I was rewarded, after dropping a couple of fish, with a plump 3lb plus codling that was stuffed with prawn
    Thinking that there may be a good shoal coming through, we stayed up until high with no other cod coming over the gunnels, but plenty of the previous species
    After speaking to one of the 2 mates on the charter, we moved out to the English side of the middle grounds and dug in on a rough bit of bank
    With it being a small tide, we had to wait an hour or so for a bit of a run of tide and as soon as it started, so did the fishy interest with a constant stream of conger, just the odd dog, a couple of small whiting and a nice few thornies to about 10/12lb
    While thinking about a run down to the foreshore for the last hour, I noticed a rod give that slow pull down, then a bit of a bounce
    With a good flow of water and the rod bent over (it's only a cheap outfit that lives on the boat for mates that don't have any gear) The rod holder, ex miner, quite small, 76 and has chronic COPD, was struggling a bit and went to hand the rod over
    Knowing he'd only dropped straight down off the back and in about 30ft of water, I explained he only had about 10ft of line to reel in and to keep at it
    With the line coming up directly behind the boat and the fish trying to stay deep, it could only have been a decent cod and when it surfaced I wasn't wrong (for once)
    One knackered old fella and one fat 9lb cod on the deck (that had a small flattie in its guts) and that was pretty much the end of our day, as I wanted to get the 3.45 lock back in before the Armada started jostling for position in the dark
    Talking to the other boats in our lock and there were quite a few good doubles caught today, everywhere from Sully (and probably further west) up past Clevedon
    So they are about Luke, get them twins fired up and back to Cardiff
    Over and out
  21. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from captin slows old outlaw in What's on your fishing bucket list?   
    Yes and yes 
  22. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Dicky in Clevedon cod   
    Forgot to add the pics, in case anyone forgot what they look like
    Top one 3lb, bottom 9lb
  23. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Dicky in Clevedon cod   
    Still without a definite idea of where we intended to fish, we called up the barrage and booked a spot in the 7.30 AM lock out
    As today was the first fine and flat sea forecast, all 3 locks were full and it resembled the wacky races when we got through the other side
    Out of the 25 or so boats that went through the locks, around 20 headed west so I headed back up the channel towards Clevedon
    Got the pick down and rods out by about 8.30 and it was a full hour until anything showed an interest in any of our baits
    Soon the dogs (few) and congers (many) were seemingly suicidal, with the eels going to around 16/18lb and the dogfish going.....well dogfish size
    We were close to a charter that two friends were on and they had picked up a small codling since they had been there (7.30) and not much else, so moved a bit closer in to Ladye Bay
    We stuck it out and I was rewarded, after dropping a couple of fish, with a plump 3lb plus codling that was stuffed with prawn
    Thinking that there may be a good shoal coming through, we stayed up until high with no other cod coming over the gunnels, but plenty of the previous species
    After speaking to one of the 2 mates on the charter, we moved out to the English side of the middle grounds and dug in on a rough bit of bank
    With it being a small tide, we had to wait an hour or so for a bit of a run of tide and as soon as it started, so did the fishy interest with a constant stream of conger, just the odd dog, a couple of small whiting and a nice few thornies to about 10/12lb
    While thinking about a run down to the foreshore for the last hour, I noticed a rod give that slow pull down, then a bit of a bounce
    With a good flow of water and the rod bent over (it's only a cheap outfit that lives on the boat for mates that don't have any gear) The rod holder, ex miner, quite small, 76 and has chronic COPD, was struggling a bit and went to hand the rod over
    Knowing he'd only dropped straight down off the back and in about 30ft of water, I explained he only had about 10ft of line to reel in and to keep at it
    With the line coming up directly behind the boat and the fish trying to stay deep, it could only have been a decent cod and when it surfaced I wasn't wrong (for once)
    One knackered old fella and one fat 9lb cod on the deck (that had a small flattie in its guts) and that was pretty much the end of our day, as I wanted to get the 3.45 lock back in before the Armada started jostling for position in the dark
    Talking to the other boats in our lock and there were quite a few good doubles caught today, everywhere from Sully (and probably further west) up past Clevedon
    So they are about Luke, get them twins fired up and back to Cardiff
    Over and out
  24. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Andy135 in What's on your fishing bucket list?   
    Yes and yes 
  25. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Clevedon cod   
    Forgot to add the pics, in case anyone forgot what they look like
    Top one 3lb, bottom 9lb
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