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  1. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Dicky in Clevedon cod   
    Forgot to add the pics, in case anyone forgot what they look like
    Top one 3lb, bottom 9lb
  2. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Saintly Fish in What's on your fishing bucket list?   
    Norway’s fantastic, you’ll be too knackered for a pub after fishing. Just buy duty free spirits enough to last the time . Alcohol far too expensive there, about £15 for a 4 pack of lager. 


  3. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Andy135 in Camberwell, Sandown Bay and Dean Tail   
    Yep, no blanks therefore it must have been a good day by definition 👍
  4. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Andy135 in Camberwell, Sandown Bay and Dean Tail   
    Nice one and as you say, a day on the water is always enjoyed
  5. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Geoff in Clevedon cod   
    Still without a definite idea of where we intended to fish, we called up the barrage and booked a spot in the 7.30 AM lock out
    As today was the first fine and flat sea forecast, all 3 locks were full and it resembled the wacky races when we got through the other side
    Out of the 25 or so boats that went through the locks, around 20 headed west so I headed back up the channel towards Clevedon
    Got the pick down and rods out by about 8.30 and it was a full hour until anything showed an interest in any of our baits
    Soon the dogs (few) and congers (many) were seemingly suicidal, with the eels going to around 16/18lb and the dogfish going.....well dogfish size
    We were close to a charter that two friends were on and they had picked up a small codling since they had been there (7.30) and not much else, so moved a bit closer in to Ladye Bay
    We stuck it out and I was rewarded, after dropping a couple of fish, with a plump 3lb plus codling that was stuffed with prawn
    Thinking that there may be a good shoal coming through, we stayed up until high with no other cod coming over the gunnels, but plenty of the previous species
    After speaking to one of the 2 mates on the charter, we moved out to the English side of the middle grounds and dug in on a rough bit of bank
    With it being a small tide, we had to wait an hour or so for a bit of a run of tide and as soon as it started, so did the fishy interest with a constant stream of conger, just the odd dog, a couple of small whiting and a nice few thornies to about 10/12lb
    While thinking about a run down to the foreshore for the last hour, I noticed a rod give that slow pull down, then a bit of a bounce
    With a good flow of water and the rod bent over (it's only a cheap outfit that lives on the boat for mates that don't have any gear) The rod holder, ex miner, quite small, 76 and has chronic COPD, was struggling a bit and went to hand the rod over
    Knowing he'd only dropped straight down off the back and in about 30ft of water, I explained he only had about 10ft of line to reel in and to keep at it
    With the line coming up directly behind the boat and the fish trying to stay deep, it could only have been a decent cod and when it surfaced I wasn't wrong (for once)
    One knackered old fella and one fat 9lb cod on the deck (that had a small flattie in its guts) and that was pretty much the end of our day, as I wanted to get the 3.45 lock back in before the Armada started jostling for position in the dark
    Talking to the other boats in our lock and there were quite a few good doubles caught today, everywhere from Sully (and probably further west) up past Clevedon
    So they are about Luke, get them twins fired up and back to Cardiff
    Over and out
  6. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Dicky in Clevedon cod   
    Still without a definite idea of where we intended to fish, we called up the barrage and booked a spot in the 7.30 AM lock out
    As today was the first fine and flat sea forecast, all 3 locks were full and it resembled the wacky races when we got through the other side
    Out of the 25 or so boats that went through the locks, around 20 headed west so I headed back up the channel towards Clevedon
    Got the pick down and rods out by about 8.30 and it was a full hour until anything showed an interest in any of our baits
    Soon the dogs (few) and congers (many) were seemingly suicidal, with the eels going to around 16/18lb and the dogfish going.....well dogfish size
    We were close to a charter that two friends were on and they had picked up a small codling since they had been there (7.30) and not much else, so moved a bit closer in to Ladye Bay
    We stuck it out and I was rewarded, after dropping a couple of fish, with a plump 3lb plus codling that was stuffed with prawn
    Thinking that there may be a good shoal coming through, we stayed up until high with no other cod coming over the gunnels, but plenty of the previous species
    After speaking to one of the 2 mates on the charter, we moved out to the English side of the middle grounds and dug in on a rough bit of bank
    With it being a small tide, we had to wait an hour or so for a bit of a run of tide and as soon as it started, so did the fishy interest with a constant stream of conger, just the odd dog, a couple of small whiting and a nice few thornies to about 10/12lb
    While thinking about a run down to the foreshore for the last hour, I noticed a rod give that slow pull down, then a bit of a bounce
    With a good flow of water and the rod bent over (it's only a cheap outfit that lives on the boat for mates that don't have any gear) The rod holder, ex miner, quite small, 76 and has chronic COPD, was struggling a bit and went to hand the rod over
    Knowing he'd only dropped straight down off the back and in about 30ft of water, I explained he only had about 10ft of line to reel in and to keep at it
    With the line coming up directly behind the boat and the fish trying to stay deep, it could only have been a decent cod and when it surfaced I wasn't wrong (for once)
    One knackered old fella and one fat 9lb cod on the deck (that had a small flattie in its guts) and that was pretty much the end of our day, as I wanted to get the 3.45 lock back in before the Armada started jostling for position in the dark
    Talking to the other boats in our lock and there were quite a few good doubles caught today, everywhere from Sully (and probably further west) up past Clevedon
    So they are about Luke, get them twins fired up and back to Cardiff
    Over and out
  7. Thanks
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Clevedon cod   
    Still without a definite idea of where we intended to fish, we called up the barrage and booked a spot in the 7.30 AM lock out
    As today was the first fine and flat sea forecast, all 3 locks were full and it resembled the wacky races when we got through the other side
    Out of the 25 or so boats that went through the locks, around 20 headed west so I headed back up the channel towards Clevedon
    Got the pick down and rods out by about 8.30 and it was a full hour until anything showed an interest in any of our baits
    Soon the dogs (few) and congers (many) were seemingly suicidal, with the eels going to around 16/18lb and the dogfish going.....well dogfish size
    We were close to a charter that two friends were on and they had picked up a small codling since they had been there (7.30) and not much else, so moved a bit closer in to Ladye Bay
    We stuck it out and I was rewarded, after dropping a couple of fish, with a plump 3lb plus codling that was stuffed with prawn
    Thinking that there may be a good shoal coming through, we stayed up until high with no other cod coming over the gunnels, but plenty of the previous species
    After speaking to one of the 2 mates on the charter, we moved out to the English side of the middle grounds and dug in on a rough bit of bank
    With it being a small tide, we had to wait an hour or so for a bit of a run of tide and as soon as it started, so did the fishy interest with a constant stream of conger, just the odd dog, a couple of small whiting and a nice few thornies to about 10/12lb
    While thinking about a run down to the foreshore for the last hour, I noticed a rod give that slow pull down, then a bit of a bounce
    With a good flow of water and the rod bent over (it's only a cheap outfit that lives on the boat for mates that don't have any gear) The rod holder, ex miner, quite small, 76 and has chronic COPD, was struggling a bit and went to hand the rod over
    Knowing he'd only dropped straight down off the back and in about 30ft of water, I explained he only had about 10ft of line to reel in and to keep at it
    With the line coming up directly behind the boat and the fish trying to stay deep, it could only have been a decent cod and when it surfaced I wasn't wrong (for once)
    One knackered old fella and one fat 9lb cod on the deck (that had a small flattie in its guts) and that was pretty much the end of our day, as I wanted to get the 3.45 lock back in before the Armada started jostling for position in the dark
    Talking to the other boats in our lock and there were quite a few good doubles caught today, everywhere from Sully (and probably further west) up past Clevedon
    So they are about Luke, get them twins fired up and back to Cardiff
    Over and out
  8. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from suzook12 in Clevedon cod   
    Still without a definite idea of where we intended to fish, we called up the barrage and booked a spot in the 7.30 AM lock out
    As today was the first fine and flat sea forecast, all 3 locks were full and it resembled the wacky races when we got through the other side
    Out of the 25 or so boats that went through the locks, around 20 headed west so I headed back up the channel towards Clevedon
    Got the pick down and rods out by about 8.30 and it was a full hour until anything showed an interest in any of our baits
    Soon the dogs (few) and congers (many) were seemingly suicidal, with the eels going to around 16/18lb and the dogfish going.....well dogfish size
    We were close to a charter that two friends were on and they had picked up a small codling since they had been there (7.30) and not much else, so moved a bit closer in to Ladye Bay
    We stuck it out and I was rewarded, after dropping a couple of fish, with a plump 3lb plus codling that was stuffed with prawn
    Thinking that there may be a good shoal coming through, we stayed up until high with no other cod coming over the gunnels, but plenty of the previous species
    After speaking to one of the 2 mates on the charter, we moved out to the English side of the middle grounds and dug in on a rough bit of bank
    With it being a small tide, we had to wait an hour or so for a bit of a run of tide and as soon as it started, so did the fishy interest with a constant stream of conger, just the odd dog, a couple of small whiting and a nice few thornies to about 10/12lb
    While thinking about a run down to the foreshore for the last hour, I noticed a rod give that slow pull down, then a bit of a bounce
    With a good flow of water and the rod bent over (it's only a cheap outfit that lives on the boat for mates that don't have any gear) The rod holder, ex miner, quite small, 76 and has chronic COPD, was struggling a bit and went to hand the rod over
    Knowing he'd only dropped straight down off the back and in about 30ft of water, I explained he only had about 10ft of line to reel in and to keep at it
    With the line coming up directly behind the boat and the fish trying to stay deep, it could only have been a decent cod and when it surfaced I wasn't wrong (for once)
    One knackered old fella and one fat 9lb cod on the deck (that had a small flattie in its guts) and that was pretty much the end of our day, as I wanted to get the 3.45 lock back in before the Armada started jostling for position in the dark
    Talking to the other boats in our lock and there were quite a few good doubles caught today, everywhere from Sully (and probably further west) up past Clevedon
    So they are about Luke, get them twins fired up and back to Cardiff
    Over and out
  9. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Mark in Cardiff cod   
    Ignore first picture 
  10. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Andy135 in Bristol channel 10th Nov   
    Loads of conger, few dogs and just the one codling around 3.5lb
    Have heard of a few doubles 
    Maybe the ebb will be a bit kinder 
  11. Haha
    jonnyswamp reacted to captin slows old outlaw in Tee Hee   
    troble is there are a lot of them about, when on the ships i was in singerpore we went down to  a sertin rd in the city, we headed strate to a bar that we used a lot. we wer sat at at table with a few of the  girls, where apon one of the boy ratings came to our table and jioned us after a drink or two, he said is that one yours ( pointing to a yong lady ) i replied nuthing to do with me.he promtly chated her up and went home with her. the chife cook said pete did you tell him that she is a kiteti , no i replied he find out for himself.
  12. Haha
    jonnyswamp reacted to Andy135 in Tee Hee   
    Lol. Fisty is mis-using his Admin privileges tonight 🤣
  13. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from suzook12 in Tee Hee   
    I'm bored of hearing, "When I was a lad....."
    I told my Thai girlfriend.
  14. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Andy135 in Tee Hee   
    Well, it made me let out a little bit of wee. Tena/10
  15. Haha
    jonnyswamp reacted to Saintly Fish in Tee Hee   
    A new depth of low 2/10
  16. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Andy135 in Tee Hee   
    I'm bored of hearing, "When I was a lad....."
    I told my Thai girlfriend.
  17. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Plaicehunter in Beesands Today   
    Here in sunny South Devon, mackerel can turn up in any month of the year. However, my shore spinning session today at Beesands yielded just five garfish and a pretty tub gurnard. The two biggest garfish came home for whiting bait; everything else went back.
    Not a thrilling report I know, but good to get out in the fresh air and paddle in the waves! PH 
  18. Agree
    jonnyswamp reacted to GPSguru in So, what’s next ?   
    You have probably done enough for the moment, however, a detailed visual inspection of the engine and keeping both the engine and engine bay very clean  will show up potential faults quicker when you have that last look in the engine bay before you leave the boat ................
  19. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Mark in My boy on the trout   
    Took my 8 year old fly fishing, and he had two pb one after another, proud dad moment 

  20. Agree
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Andy135 in Penguins (Best Joke of 2020 (honest 😉))   
  21. Thanks
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Odyssey in Penguins (Best Joke of 2020 (honest 😉))   
  22. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Odyssey in Penguins (Best Joke of 2020 (honest 😉))   
    Kinell Luke
  23. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Andy135 in Penguins (Best Joke of 2020 (honest 😉))   
    Kinell Luke
  24. Haha
    jonnyswamp reacted to Andy135 in Ling in the Solent approaches?   
    That's a coincidence. I invited you to fish for ling on the Camberwell but then I uninvited you for being too fat 🐽. 
  25. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to GPSguru in Tune of the day (or week, or month, or whatever)   
    Tonights  music.
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