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  1. Haha
    jonnyswamp reacted to Saintly Fish in Boating fails   
    I used to keep my first boat on a trailer on the drive. My drive is a 30deg slope. Back then before I converted the garage I used to have a 12v lorry winch bolted to the floor with a remote control so I could winch the boat up and down the drive to get it hitched up. Always did this with assistance. 
    One day I fancied a trip out on my own, so lowered the boat down to the road (I live in a crescent so it’s quiet), I put a choc under only one wheel thinking I’d done both 🤷🏻‍♂️, anyway I released the winch cable and the jockey wheel moved and the whole boat span 180. It started to roll down the hill heading toward the lounge of the house opposite the end of my road. Luckily to make space I’d moved my car onto the pavement , I just managed to make it to the front of the trailer and divert it to the left where it promptly buried itself into the rear bumper of my Audi . Soon after I gave up trailering and got a pontoon berth!
  2. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Davemc in Lost wife   
    2 men at an airport. 1st man says, "I can't find my wife." 2nd man says, "I can't find mine either, what does yours look like?" 1st man " Six foot tall, blonde, big tits, mini skirt, high heels and a boob tube, whats yours look like?" 2nd man says, "Fuck her we'll look for yours.
  3. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Davemc in Mr DIY   
    A wife is tired of all the problems that need fixing in her house

    She asks her husband, "Can you please fix the leak in the bathroom? ", the husband says "Do i look like a plumber?"

    She asks him "Well can you please fix the light in the living room, its been flickering for ages?", he replies "Do i look like and electrician?"

    Growing tired she asks him "Can you at least mow the lawn?" again he replies "Do I look like a gardener?, now leave me alone I've got to go to work".

    When he comes back from work, the leak is fixed, the light has stopped flickering and the lawn has been cut perfectly, he turns to he wife, "How did you do all this?"

    "You know fat Terry down the road, i called him and asked him to do it for me" the husband grows angry and says, "how much have you wasted now?"

    "Nothing at all" she says "Terry said he would do it for a chocolate cake or a blowjob" The husband smiles, "He does like his cake old Terry", the wife replies "Do I look like a baker?"
  4. Agree
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from GPSguru in Trailer Repairs - what to do with the boat?   
    Lower the jockey wheel all the way down, so the stern of the boat is at it's highest
    Put some beer barrels/railway sleepers under the stern (near the edge where it's strongest), then wind jockey wheel up as far as it goes and put some timbers/supports under the bow sides, so trailer can be slid out
    You may also need a good trolley jack, depending on the trailer design
    I did this with a 23ft Bayliner that weighed around 2 ton  
  5. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from JonC in Trailer Repairs - what to do with the boat?   
    Lower the jockey wheel all the way down, so the stern of the boat is at it's highest
    Put some beer barrels/railway sleepers under the stern (near the edge where it's strongest), then wind jockey wheel up as far as it goes and put some timbers/supports under the bow sides, so trailer can be slid out
    You may also need a good trolley jack, depending on the trailer design
    I did this with a 23ft Bayliner that weighed around 2 ton  
  6. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to suzook12 in Pickshures....... Aka image hosting   
    Pictures aka image hosting.
    Don't know how many of you have considered image hosting, but there is a very good reason to do it. If you use a host such as flickr, then they are paying for all the storage, if you don't use a host, the offshore outlaws pic up the tab.
    I use flickr, so will work with that, but there are others such as imgur that work more or less the same..... So, basically I download my camera to the pc, open flickr, select what pics I want to keep then upload them.
    I have my flickr account well locked down with regards who can access my pics or share them ie, me and only me........
    When I want to use an image, I open it, click share and the link comes up then just copy and paste the link into the forum post and voila.....
    Theres no messing around with resizing and resaving in correct format, it's done.... Flickr is free to use for 1st 1000 images, which for most people is a lot. It can be used with phones as well......
    It may seem pointless to some, but there are 3 people paying for this site out of their own pockets, as the site grows, and content with it, there will come a point where there is an excess of content that is beyond the licence of the site..... The more like this we do, the less liklihood of needing ads etc to pay for it........
  7. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Josh in Solent   
    So trip planned for the lymington launch (as per last post)
    arrived 7am ready for action
    unstrapped boat ect ready to go 
    bung plug in .
    Turn , turn , click..... spin...
    oh dear ....
    threads gone... wow this is a first .
    ok so now the trip is done... I’m head in hands gutted.
    hold on i kno I’m keen but I’m not putting lives at risk over a cod ... 
    hold on
    There’s still some thread in there 🤣.
    get the electric tape out . Thicken the screw head up in she went and much tighter ! Not as tight as normal but a damn sight tighter ..
    gameplan was if in the unlikelyhood it was now to come out , whack the bilge on ... then throttle wide open to the beach’s.
    to be fair I was confident with the bodge or I wouldn’t of gone.. anyway the fishing .
    so plan was to go on a cherry pop south needles ground but with the above I felt a little better about staying in the Solent also a first, I usually fish the east IOW.
    found some ground set the anchor a little way away from the masses of boats.
    We were straight into straps from the off and a steady flow of pouts coming in bursts.
    about half way thru the day I had a solid bite that I was convinced was a cod and turned out to be a better conger of the standard we was getting Rebait drop down 
    off it goes again . Another eel I said to Charlie , ‘Yeah pulling really hard defo another eel .’
    up she came my first in years ! 
    into the cool box.
    thankyou very much.
    ‘twas the only one but a very happy bunny . Absolutely flat calm eary foggy water all day.
    a salvage success !

  8. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Scotch_Egg2012 in Nab Spoils   
    Decided to try a spot on the spoils at Nab which has done us well in the past,  lumpy run out which pegged us back on speed so took a little bit longer than we were hoping for. 
    Dropped anchor started fishing and realised I'd left my bag in the car which had all my food and drink in it d'oh, too late to go back for it now. 
    Had a very busy day with loads of fair sized whiting a couple of which were just sub 2lb, sorry no pics from my boat as my bag also had my phone in it!!  Absolutely tons of smaller straps with a few better ones thrown in. Biggest of the day just under 40lb.   Annoyingly nearly all of them falling to our whiting rigs not the bigger baits geared up for some something a bit better to latch on to.
    I had a take quite early on in the day which was going well on my scratching rig only for the hook length to let go (17lb flouro) I reeled in a Conger a couple of hours later that had my brand new hook and short section of line stuck in it's gob.  I've seen eels landed that have been snapped off before but usually very close to the time of loosing it not 2 hours later.
    Had heard some very quiet noises that the Spurdogs were starting to show and that was the reason I ended up out there, sadly none showed today but a friend had landed a 14lber from nearby earlier in the week.  Did hear of some being caught today by the chatter on the VHF so hopefully we'll be lucky and bump into one or two next time out. 
    Our buddy boat got a nice pic of us passing the forts on the way back in the fog,  radar is a godsend in those conditions. 

  9. Agree
    jonnyswamp reacted to suzook12 in Tune of the day (or week, or month, or whatever)   
    There is no shortage of troubled souls in this world mate, leaving the rest of us to try and understand why......
  10. Like
  11. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Odyssey in Weather Window   
    Let me know how you get on 🙂 
    there’s a comp on Sunday but it’s a monster tide so I may go to Sully
  12. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Andy135 in Solent live! 8th Nov 20   
    Fisty and I left early to chase a unicorn in the Solent. As we made our way down to the pontoon we were stopped by @Scotch_Egg2012 to say hello. Good to meet you Scott 👍
    As we headed out of Pompey Harbour I caught Neil doing his best catalogue model pose

    We're now anchored outside of Cowes.

    Whiting, pout, dogfish (yes!!!) and a couple of straps so far.

    Stay tuned for more updates...
  13. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Odyssey in Weather Window   
    Well weather still looking like it’s half holding for Tuesday.... last chance to to get back for at least a week....
    Strap myself in and ride the swells for 100NM... going to be a long 5-6 hours I think 🤣🤣🤣
  14. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Tadpole in Catch report 07/11   
    Apologies to the exiled dude down under, rather than continue in his excellent threads blatant hijacking,  thought I'd stick up a quick ditty here.
    Couple of hours to waste, went out to pester Mullet, had two on floating bread before they went off the feed at HW, switched over to lures and ran SPs in the run at the mouth of the harbour.. with a Wrasse followed by two Bass one after the other. 

  15. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Geoff in Early start tomorrow   
    Hi Neil,thanks for your interest, She had the operation this morning - it only took about 20 minutes. Her tongue is sore, but paracetamol every 4 hours is helping that. It must have been a bit uncomfortable for  her as one person was pulling her tongue out as far as possible while the other went in with the lazer cutter. Joyce is milking it a bit today (I have to sort out the meals), but she is only eating soft food and drinking almost cold tea. I am very pleased and relieved to say that she is doing very well and the hospital said there is nothing to worry about. Geoff.
  16. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Dicky in Hayling 4 th November   
    Like many others after seeing the weather for Wednesday and the lockdown coming I thought a short notice trip was in order. A quick call to Glen of Valkyrie charters resulted in a booking with Zac so a few phone calls later I had another 5 to fill the boat.
    We started off on the bass but that was slow with just 1 to me. Hook down for the slack and it was fish from the off with blondes to 22lb, conger to 35 ish, Huss and spurs to double figures and a few whiting. Once the tide picked up it was back on the drift with just 1 more bass to me again around 6lb. There was also a Thornback hooked on an evolution eel in 2.8 knots of tide!!!
    Great day in fab weather and just what I needed 

  17. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to moonlighter in Good morning from Moonlighter   
    Gretings All.
    By way of introduction I am a near 60 year old life long angler having been bitten by the bug at the age of 4 fishing off the inner harbour wall in Brixham.
    I live in surrey and have fished and boated as mush as possible since those early days.
    I have been fortunate enough to have fished with some great skippers and with plenty of good anglers whilst chartering and on my own boat.
    Dave Fellick taught me a lot about ground fishing and seasonal fish movements out of Littlehampton (my go-to port with my Icelander 18) and Chris Martin of Nikaria fame taught me so much about wrecking for which I am very grateful. Others such as Kevin Benham and Roger Bysand were great help too.
    I hope that this Covid bug gets beaten soon and we can all get out and enjoy fishing and the great outdoors.
    Best wishes and tight lines to you all. John (Moonlighter)
  18. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from ever optimistic in Lost wife   
    2 men at an airport. 1st man says, "I can't find my wife." 2nd man says, "I can't find mine either, what does yours look like?" 1st man " Six foot tall, blonde, big tits, mini skirt, high heels and a boob tube, whats yours look like?" 2nd man says, "Fuck her we'll look for yours.
  19. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from ever optimistic in Monty   
    A man called Kevin is selling his python on ebay

    So some bloke rang him up and said “is it massive”
    Kevin replies “huge”
    Then the bloke says “how many feet”
    Kevin says “none its a snake you twat”
  20. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from ever optimistic in Mr DIY   
    A wife is tired of all the problems that need fixing in her house

    She asks her husband, "Can you please fix the leak in the bathroom? ", the husband says "Do i look like a plumber?"

    She asks him "Well can you please fix the light in the living room, its been flickering for ages?", he replies "Do i look like and electrician?"

    Growing tired she asks him "Can you at least mow the lawn?" again he replies "Do I look like a gardener?, now leave me alone I've got to go to work".

    When he comes back from work, the leak is fixed, the light has stopped flickering and the lawn has been cut perfectly, he turns to he wife, "How did you do all this?"

    "You know fat Terry down the road, i called him and asked him to do it for me" the husband grows angry and says, "how much have you wasted now?"

    "Nothing at all" she says "Terry said he would do it for a chocolate cake or a blowjob" The husband smiles, "He does like his cake old Terry", the wife replies "Do I look like a baker?"
  21. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from ever optimistic in Pretty Polly   
    A Woman goes to buy a Parrot. The prices are £100, £200, and £15. She asks why the last one is so cheap?

    "Because he used to live in a brothel" says the shopkeeper. She pays $15.

    When she gets home the parrot says: "Fuck me, a new brothel!" The woman laughs.

    When her daughters get home the parrot says: "Fuck me, 2 new prozzies!" The girls laugh too.

    When the dad gets home the parrot says: "Fuck me Pete, haven't seen you for weeks!"
  22. Agree
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from ever optimistic in What's your favourite fish to catch?   
    I'm happy catching pretty much anything
    Though the hit of a Bass or Pollock is a good buzz, black Bream on light gear as well
    Not a big fan of trying to drag a 20lb Blonde from 80yds out against a 5 knot tide
    The humble dog or conger often saves a blank 
  23. Thanks
    jonnyswamp reacted to GPSguru in Slow jigging   
    Another slow jigging action is to make the jig tumble 3 or 4 times .............. this action keeps the jig roughly in the same position in the water column, great when the fish are tight over a wreck ...........
    Drop down and wind up 'X' number of turns to where the fish are (on a wreck between 5 and 10) ............ point the rod parallel with the water and use a quick wrist flick upwards by about 30 degrees (not a lot) and then lower the rod to parallel ............ this has the effect of making the jig tumble , but also leaving it at the same position in the water column................
  24. Thanks
    jonnyswamp reacted to GPSguru in Slow jigging   
    I added a link for you to look at ............. the videos are quite helpful
  25. Thanks
    jonnyswamp reacted to GPSguru in Slow jigging   
    No, but it does the job better ...............
    Yes, but I don't like mangles for slow jigging ................
    No, it is done at all states of the tide, using a jig weight to suit ................ mine vary from 60g to 250g....................
    OK ...........TBH, a 6 -12 with a soft (ish) tip will do the job quite well ...................
    I use Hearty Rise Slow Jigging II rods ... the SJ632/230 & SJ632/340 (£300 each)  ................. https://www.heartyrise.cn/product/slow-jigging-2/?lang=en
    The rods are very light and you can use them for hours without fatique .................
    You need braid of about 20lb (no heavier) , the braid needs to be thin and good quality 8 strand (1 or 1.2PE)............. using Jig master braid I can quite happily work a 200g in 200ft on a mid spring .................
    The easiest action to master, is .............. drop to the bottom, lift the rod to vertical, then lower the rod to pointing at the sea . This will leave coils of line on the surface as the jig flutters down, wind 2 turns and repeat ............... the take will be on the fluttering drop.
    Slow jigs work due to their geometric shape ........... one side of the jig is heavier than the other, so they flutter in the water like a leaf falling for a tree .............
    However, the jigs are expensive (£10 -£25) and it is easy to lose a few on a wreck ...................
    It is additive, but also can be quite expensive .................
    The best resource to learn is Japanese Anglers Secrets .........http://www.anglers-secrets.com/slow-pitch-jigging/
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