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  1. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to GPSguru in Heading 90 degrees out   
    It looks like you might need to think about an electronics rewire, as it seems to me that bits and pieces have been added ad hoc in the past and although it works, it may not have been the best way to do it.
  2. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to mike farrants in Sunday 14th Jan - Weymouth   
    Light winds and big tides meant another trip out - met at the marina at 7am and immediately found a problem - the marina are doing work on the wall near my mates boat and they left a dingy in our way and a floating pontoon half blocking our exit -

    quick rant at the harbour master (who assured we would have unrestricted access throughout the works) and they come and move it - but that took nearly an hour and with the big tide flooding rapidly to high at 9am that left us very little room under the bridge - which wasn't lifting until 10am. we chanced it and squeaked under with 6 inches to spare at the highest point!  
    the day didn't get much better for me despite big tides - only managing pout and a dog. Luckily I caught more than a weekends worth last weekend - and still had fresh fish in the freezer!
    Tim did better with pout, poor cod, Thornie, spotted ray, a strap and a decent +30lb eel. 
    freezing cold all day - but stunning skies. 

    (tip if you didn't know - if you suffer from cold hands wear a pair of surgical gloves under your neoprene fishing gloves - works wonders for warmth.)
  3. Optimistic
    jonnyswamp reacted to mike farrants in Sat 13th Bristol Channel   
    at least you were out eh?
  4. Thanks
    jonnyswamp reacted to Andy135 in Heading 90 degrees out   
    @jonnyswamp, the heading sensor will likely be plugged into one of your old MFD's, which then shares the heading data with the network, so turning off that MFD will also cut the flow of heading data.
    Solution will be to either connect the heading sensor directly to the network, or simply don't turn off the MFD.
  5. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from daio web in Heading 90 degrees out   
    Update for those interested
    Picked up a 2nd hand Garmin 18HD radome this week and fitted it Friday morning
    Didn't have time to give it a proper test as I had a few jobs booked in, so left it until the Saturday
    When the mfd's are switched on, none of them showed the radar option, checked power cable at radome end and it was dead
    However, the heading problem I had after removing the knackered radome had been resolved, result !
    I thought it was a couple of degrees out, so opted to carry out a factory reset at sea
    Bad choice as all 3 plotters were then 180 degrees out and we appeared to be going backwards
    Tried the recalibration procedure on the fluxgate compass a few times and got it back to 90 degrees out again
    Got up on the roof and unplugged the network cable, left it a minute or so then reconnected and it was OK again
    Which was a relief as we had to navigate some shallow water to get back in and it gets a bit confusing when your boat doesn't know it's arse from it's elbow
    I couldn't trace the power cable as some panels need to come off, but will get it done as soon as I get chance
    Also noticed something that never happened before, when at anchor and I switch the 2 older mfd's off and leave the newer one turned on, I get a message saying that the heading sensor has been lost ?
    I'll get power to the radome first, then go from there 
    But, I may need the services of a teenager, they're usually pretty good with tech stuff
  6. Haha
    jonnyswamp reacted to Saintly Fish in Heading 90 degrees out   
    Or a ginger nerd? ............ 📢 ANDY !!!
  7. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from daio web in cutlass b   
    Haven't done mine yet, but need to this year
    Are you going to remove the shaft ?
    Don't think mine will come out unless I remove mine
  8. Agree
    jonnyswamp reacted to daio web in Sat 13th Bristol Channel   
    nice pics mate shame about the fishing always next time mate at least you give her a run and cleaned the anchor
  9. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from daio web in Sat 13th Bristol Channel   
    Caught the 7.30am lock out, along with quite a few others
    Was first out of the lock and sped off to our mark
    Apart from dragging anchor and repositioning twice, we caught the 12.45 lock back in
    Quite easily my/our worstest day out on a boat
    Not one bite between 8 rods
    But I didn't run aground
  10. Agree
    jonnyswamp reacted to Odyssey in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Nice to see you got out Stu 🙂 
    You caught more cod than all the Penarth charter boats combined. One had only 1 bite in his daytime trip and not even that on the evening trip 😮
  11. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to daio web in Garmin cables needed (possibly)   
    thanks jon that would be great i would not have a clue how to update them to the card mate  on the computer me and tec stuff dont mix well all the best for today 
  12. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Andy135 in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    I shall be out Saturday, excellent forecast but big tides, not sure where I'll go yet
  13. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to mike farrants in opened my 2024 account properly! Weymouth 6th Jan 2024   
    The bream stay here all year now! 
  14. Thanks
    jonnyswamp reacted to mike farrants in Fri Dec 5th 2024   
    good report and cracking fish! nice one!
  15. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Odyssey in Fri Dec 5th 2024   
  16. Haha
    jonnyswamp reacted to captin slows old outlaw in Fri Dec 5th 2024   
    not a time waster then
  17. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Dicky in Fri Dec 5th 2024   
    Picked up some rag on Thursday and decided that if when I got up Friday morning I felt ok, I would wet a line for a few hrs
    In bed by 11pm on Thursday night, couldn't sleep due to being bunged up (nasally) so got up at 2am
    Got my gear together and got to the boat about 3.45, just in time for the 4am lock out
    Dark is an understatement, the lock gates opened and I gingerly made my way out into the inky blackness, with the outer perimeter walls barely visible it all felt a bit surreal
    I really should've wore my glasses
    Decided that I would fish the Coral as this is only a 10 min steam from the locks in the light, took me over 30
    The bright lights of Penarth seafront very visable, as was the lights all over Lavernock point caravan park
    Neither were any use to me
    Got to my mark and breathed a sigh of relief when the anchor went down and dug in
    A very small (sub 10m) tide, but quite a strong rip for approx 1.5 hrs before low water and very little wind
    Dropped a whole squid on both down tide rods straight off the back and cast out an uptider either side with a few rag and a small squid on each
    It was now 5am and time for a cuppa
    I was just getting the stove out and noticed the first rod do a bit of a bounce, with one long stride I had it in my hand poised to strike
    No need for a strike as the fish had quite obviously realised it had hooked itself  and was none to pleased
    Felt a few tell tale head shakes on the way up and with the fish staying tight into the boat, I was sure it was a Cod
    It's head broke the surface and I could see it wasn't a bad one either
    With the net out of reach I had to hand ball it over the gunwhales and was happy to see it land on the deck
    A fat little bugger that went just shy of 6.5 lbs
    Sent another squid straight back out, made a cup of tea, ate a Viennese whirl and waited
    And waited
    Had a good pull down on the other downtide rod about 20 mins later that didn't amount to anything
    Then had a small strap on the port side uptider
    That was pretty much it for the last of the ebb
    Slopped about a bit on slack water then swung into the tide fairly quickly to start the flood
    All that happened here for 3 hrs or so, was another 4 Congers that were T barred off at the side until the tide just stopped
    and the slight N Westerly swung me a full 360
    Wrapped up the uptiders and just used the downtiders with the baits just bobbing along the bottom as the boat swung about
    Looking about and the 12 or so boats that were around me were all doing the same sort of thing and one by one they were moving about looking to find a bit of tide 
    It was now 10.45 so I packed in, pulled anchor and caught the 11.15 inbound lock
    No a red letter day by any means, but got me off to a start for 2024
  18. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Malc in Fri Dec 5th 2024   
    Picked up some rag on Thursday and decided that if when I got up Friday morning I felt ok, I would wet a line for a few hrs
    In bed by 11pm on Thursday night, couldn't sleep due to being bunged up (nasally) so got up at 2am
    Got my gear together and got to the boat about 3.45, just in time for the 4am lock out
    Dark is an understatement, the lock gates opened and I gingerly made my way out into the inky blackness, with the outer perimeter walls barely visible it all felt a bit surreal
    I really should've wore my glasses
    Decided that I would fish the Coral as this is only a 10 min steam from the locks in the light, took me over 30
    The bright lights of Penarth seafront very visable, as was the lights all over Lavernock point caravan park
    Neither were any use to me
    Got to my mark and breathed a sigh of relief when the anchor went down and dug in
    A very small (sub 10m) tide, but quite a strong rip for approx 1.5 hrs before low water and very little wind
    Dropped a whole squid on both down tide rods straight off the back and cast out an uptider either side with a few rag and a small squid on each
    It was now 5am and time for a cuppa
    I was just getting the stove out and noticed the first rod do a bit of a bounce, with one long stride I had it in my hand poised to strike
    No need for a strike as the fish had quite obviously realised it had hooked itself  and was none to pleased
    Felt a few tell tale head shakes on the way up and with the fish staying tight into the boat, I was sure it was a Cod
    It's head broke the surface and I could see it wasn't a bad one either
    With the net out of reach I had to hand ball it over the gunwhales and was happy to see it land on the deck
    A fat little bugger that went just shy of 6.5 lbs
    Sent another squid straight back out, made a cup of tea, ate a Viennese whirl and waited
    And waited
    Had a good pull down on the other downtide rod about 20 mins later that didn't amount to anything
    Then had a small strap on the port side uptider
    That was pretty much it for the last of the ebb
    Slopped about a bit on slack water then swung into the tide fairly quickly to start the flood
    All that happened here for 3 hrs or so, was another 4 Congers that were T barred off at the side until the tide just stopped
    and the slight N Westerly swung me a full 360
    Wrapped up the uptiders and just used the downtiders with the baits just bobbing along the bottom as the boat swung about
    Looking about and the 12 or so boats that were around me were all doing the same sort of thing and one by one they were moving about looking to find a bit of tide 
    It was now 10.45 so I packed in, pulled anchor and caught the 11.15 inbound lock
    No a red letter day by any means, but got me off to a start for 2024
  19. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from GPSguru in Fri Dec 5th 2024   
    Picked up some rag on Thursday and decided that if when I got up Friday morning I felt ok, I would wet a line for a few hrs
    In bed by 11pm on Thursday night, couldn't sleep due to being bunged up (nasally) so got up at 2am
    Got my gear together and got to the boat about 3.45, just in time for the 4am lock out
    Dark is an understatement, the lock gates opened and I gingerly made my way out into the inky blackness, with the outer perimeter walls barely visible it all felt a bit surreal
    I really should've wore my glasses
    Decided that I would fish the Coral as this is only a 10 min steam from the locks in the light, took me over 30
    The bright lights of Penarth seafront very visable, as was the lights all over Lavernock point caravan park
    Neither were any use to me
    Got to my mark and breathed a sigh of relief when the anchor went down and dug in
    A very small (sub 10m) tide, but quite a strong rip for approx 1.5 hrs before low water and very little wind
    Dropped a whole squid on both down tide rods straight off the back and cast out an uptider either side with a few rag and a small squid on each
    It was now 5am and time for a cuppa
    I was just getting the stove out and noticed the first rod do a bit of a bounce, with one long stride I had it in my hand poised to strike
    No need for a strike as the fish had quite obviously realised it had hooked itself  and was none to pleased
    Felt a few tell tale head shakes on the way up and with the fish staying tight into the boat, I was sure it was a Cod
    It's head broke the surface and I could see it wasn't a bad one either
    With the net out of reach I had to hand ball it over the gunwhales and was happy to see it land on the deck
    A fat little bugger that went just shy of 6.5 lbs
    Sent another squid straight back out, made a cup of tea, ate a Viennese whirl and waited
    And waited
    Had a good pull down on the other downtide rod about 20 mins later that didn't amount to anything
    Then had a small strap on the port side uptider
    That was pretty much it for the last of the ebb
    Slopped about a bit on slack water then swung into the tide fairly quickly to start the flood
    All that happened here for 3 hrs or so, was another 4 Congers that were T barred off at the side until the tide just stopped
    and the slight N Westerly swung me a full 360
    Wrapped up the uptiders and just used the downtiders with the baits just bobbing along the bottom as the boat swung about
    Looking about and the 12 or so boats that were around me were all doing the same sort of thing and one by one they were moving about looking to find a bit of tide 
    It was now 10.45 so I packed in, pulled anchor and caught the 11.15 inbound lock
    No a red letter day by any means, but got me off to a start for 2024
  20. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from captin slows old outlaw in Fri Dec 5th 2024   
    Picked up some rag on Thursday and decided that if when I got up Friday morning I felt ok, I would wet a line for a few hrs
    In bed by 11pm on Thursday night, couldn't sleep due to being bunged up (nasally) so got up at 2am
    Got my gear together and got to the boat about 3.45, just in time for the 4am lock out
    Dark is an understatement, the lock gates opened and I gingerly made my way out into the inky blackness, with the outer perimeter walls barely visible it all felt a bit surreal
    I really should've wore my glasses
    Decided that I would fish the Coral as this is only a 10 min steam from the locks in the light, took me over 30
    The bright lights of Penarth seafront very visable, as was the lights all over Lavernock point caravan park
    Neither were any use to me
    Got to my mark and breathed a sigh of relief when the anchor went down and dug in
    A very small (sub 10m) tide, but quite a strong rip for approx 1.5 hrs before low water and very little wind
    Dropped a whole squid on both down tide rods straight off the back and cast out an uptider either side with a few rag and a small squid on each
    It was now 5am and time for a cuppa
    I was just getting the stove out and noticed the first rod do a bit of a bounce, with one long stride I had it in my hand poised to strike
    No need for a strike as the fish had quite obviously realised it had hooked itself  and was none to pleased
    Felt a few tell tale head shakes on the way up and with the fish staying tight into the boat, I was sure it was a Cod
    It's head broke the surface and I could see it wasn't a bad one either
    With the net out of reach I had to hand ball it over the gunwhales and was happy to see it land on the deck
    A fat little bugger that went just shy of 6.5 lbs
    Sent another squid straight back out, made a cup of tea, ate a Viennese whirl and waited
    And waited
    Had a good pull down on the other downtide rod about 20 mins later that didn't amount to anything
    Then had a small strap on the port side uptider
    That was pretty much it for the last of the ebb
    Slopped about a bit on slack water then swung into the tide fairly quickly to start the flood
    All that happened here for 3 hrs or so, was another 4 Congers that were T barred off at the side until the tide just stopped
    and the slight N Westerly swung me a full 360
    Wrapped up the uptiders and just used the downtiders with the baits just bobbing along the bottom as the boat swung about
    Looking about and the 12 or so boats that were around me were all doing the same sort of thing and one by one they were moving about looking to find a bit of tide 
    It was now 10.45 so I packed in, pulled anchor and caught the 11.15 inbound lock
    No a red letter day by any means, but got me off to a start for 2024
  21. Like
    jonnyswamp reacted to Andy135 in Fri Dec 5th 2024   
  22. Haha
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Andy135 in Fri Dec 5th 2024   
    Well, I do drive a delorean  😉
  23. Haha
    jonnyswamp reacted to Saintly Fish in Fri Dec 5th 2024   
    Nick thats  amazing, you have fished the 5th December 2024 already and made it all the way back to January safely. 
    Good work 👍🏻💪🏻
  24. Like
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Fri Dec 5th 2024   
    Picked up some rag on Thursday and decided that if when I got up Friday morning I felt ok, I would wet a line for a few hrs
    In bed by 11pm on Thursday night, couldn't sleep due to being bunged up (nasally) so got up at 2am
    Got my gear together and got to the boat about 3.45, just in time for the 4am lock out
    Dark is an understatement, the lock gates opened and I gingerly made my way out into the inky blackness, with the outer perimeter walls barely visible it all felt a bit surreal
    I really should've wore my glasses
    Decided that I would fish the Coral as this is only a 10 min steam from the locks in the light, took me over 30
    The bright lights of Penarth seafront very visable, as was the lights all over Lavernock point caravan park
    Neither were any use to me
    Got to my mark and breathed a sigh of relief when the anchor went down and dug in
    A very small (sub 10m) tide, but quite a strong rip for approx 1.5 hrs before low water and very little wind
    Dropped a whole squid on both down tide rods straight off the back and cast out an uptider either side with a few rag and a small squid on each
    It was now 5am and time for a cuppa
    I was just getting the stove out and noticed the first rod do a bit of a bounce, with one long stride I had it in my hand poised to strike
    No need for a strike as the fish had quite obviously realised it had hooked itself  and was none to pleased
    Felt a few tell tale head shakes on the way up and with the fish staying tight into the boat, I was sure it was a Cod
    It's head broke the surface and I could see it wasn't a bad one either
    With the net out of reach I had to hand ball it over the gunwhales and was happy to see it land on the deck
    A fat little bugger that went just shy of 6.5 lbs
    Sent another squid straight back out, made a cup of tea, ate a Viennese whirl and waited
    And waited
    Had a good pull down on the other downtide rod about 20 mins later that didn't amount to anything
    Then had a small strap on the port side uptider
    That was pretty much it for the last of the ebb
    Slopped about a bit on slack water then swung into the tide fairly quickly to start the flood
    All that happened here for 3 hrs or so, was another 4 Congers that were T barred off at the side until the tide just stopped
    and the slight N Westerly swung me a full 360
    Wrapped up the uptiders and just used the downtiders with the baits just bobbing along the bottom as the boat swung about
    Looking about and the 12 or so boats that were around me were all doing the same sort of thing and one by one they were moving about looking to find a bit of tide 
    It was now 10.45 so I packed in, pulled anchor and caught the 11.15 inbound lock
    No a red letter day by any means, but got me off to a start for 2024
  25. Informative
    jonnyswamp got a reaction from daio web in Fri Dec 5th 2024   
    Luck of the draw I think luke, they're not about in any numbers yet, but the ones that are coming out are a decent stamp
    There's been a few doubles out this weekend though 🤞
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