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  1. Haha
    Cuda4 got a reaction from Geoff in Newbe   
    Wecome aboard Ron, I have just cancelled my Sea Start membership as you offer a excellent service,well done on helping out a fellow boater.
  2. Like
    Cuda4 reacted to Tony smith in PB Tope twice in 30mins   
    Forgot to say in this post that James had a 12lb Undulate Ray at midday 

  3. Like
    Cuda4 reacted to Tony smith in PB Tope twice in 30mins   
    The trip started on the Friday night got down to the boat about 7pm 
    Met up with my mate James and had a few beers. We had a plan to go out to the Conger Mark 5 miles past the Nab Tower
    to target the early Tope hoping we would get some mackerel on the way out.
    I had just serviced the boat last weekend so feeling good that she’s all up together 
    woke up to a beautiful day with a big red sun on the Saturday morning perfect 
    So its over to the fuel barge at Portsmouth then off we go two days fishing seas like glass great feeling it’s what’s having a boat is all about 😁
    As we was just going out from Portsmouth the engine started to die on us. We decided to head for the passage in the blocks out of the shipping channel.
    we tried to bleed the system again then we had no engine at all. There we were drifting out to sea. I had left my spanner’s in the car 🥱. We got it started again and headed out hoping it would clear I knew I could get back ok at low revs so not such a problem if you know what I mean.
    I put a shout out on channel 10 if anyone had a 19mm spanner.
    Within  a minute a bloke called Ron said I am fishing Gilkickers there’s nothing doing here so I will pop over. 
    He had a Rodman 700 lovely boat we decided to head towards each other we met up by the middle fort. What a really nice fella he was. 
    he tried to bleed the air out but it was no good. He asked us where we were going.
    we was going to Dean Tail to get some mackerel he said I will follow you there.
    What a nice bloke.
    We didn’t catch much there Ron had just one herring 
    Ron said to us why don’t you follow me to a fishing spot I know we might get some smoothound 
    so off we go about 6 miles off Southsea 
    we anchored up along side each other 
    Had  a few doggies Ron had a few Smoothounds then I pulled up a string of four mackerel then another four then Ron had four then James had a couple 
    we had a nice bit of banter going between the boats 
    we had enough bait to go out to our Conger Mark just had to sort the boat out.
    We decided to follow Ron home and try and get the boat sorted he was heading to the dry stack at Gosport 
    Said our good byes what a Legend he was 
    such a nice bloke. 👍
    We went on to Hardway at low revs with no problem
    Talking to a Arvor Specialist Stuart Monk 
    he said it could be the hand primer pump letting in air so we decided to bypass one of the filter to the fuel.
    I had a few plumbing bits in the car I had a 10mm straight joiner perfect for joining the fuel pipe together.
    Couldn’t try the boat as it was sitting in mud 
    The next morning we was up at 6am nice morning again tried the boat PERFECT 
    We headed for our Conger Mark about 15 miles out 
    Weather was warm and sea was perfect 
    Anchored  up fished all day with nothing 
    Had a problem with boat pulling anchor we re anchored about three times 
    the water was moving so fast out there 
    It started to calm down and I could feel that we was going to get a bite I even told James it looks promising now 
    We had plenty of fresh mackerel and even caught some out there we also had squid.
    I said to James we will give if half a hour here then we will go to the Nab about 5 miles away a bit calmer water 
    I decided to put my shark rod out on the float I put the rod up on the roof of the boat 
    baited with live mackerel about 25foot down 
    we started getting bites but not connecting 
    then bang I had something on good it pulled out a load of line on the first run 
    after a decent fight a 25lb Tope my PB to date I was in the cabin looking at my photos 
    James could hear a reel screaming he looked at all the rods nothing then he looked up at my rod on the roof it was bent over with line streaming out.
    to say I was excited was a understatement 
    My shark rod had gone off. I put my phone down believe it or not in the frying pan with fat in it 🤣🤣
    Picked up my shark rod the float was still under struck into it  I’m in 
    it was about 200 yards from the boat 
    after a good fight about 10 minutes we had a 35lb Tope on board it’s head had popped out of my landing net one end and he tail the other. 
    So after a bad start to a two day session 
    a great ending 
    we headed back to Hardway 
    with a big smile on my face 
    sorry it’s a bit long 👍🎣🎣👍

  4. Like
    Cuda4 got a reaction from Scotch_Egg2012 in Hi everyone   
    Hi All
    I've been looking at this sight and have now decide to join up,my name is Steve and retired last March after working in oceanography for 33 years and then Covid hit and scuppered alot of my plans for my retirement. On the boat front I've been in partnership for years and have had Pilot dory,Raider 18 wheelhouse and since 2008 a Aquafish 23 which is based in Haslar marina and fish Nab and Selsey areas and occasionally the Solent.
  5. Like
    Cuda4 got a reaction from Andy135 in Friday 30th   
    Well this will be a very short catch report,tried to temp plaice to the boat at Southsea blocks on Friday,lovely sunny day nd only two other boats there although I did watch a few boats going out further afield,I'm afraid no plaice were caught only dogs,small hounds and loads of bream but I'm afraid they were very small and very hungry as soon as the worm baits went down we were constantly hit and ravaged our stock of worm,also had a couple of bass which were just under the sizable limit so everything returned to get bigger. I've had 5 plaice this year so I think it's time to go further out in the future.
    This caused a traffic jam getting in and out of portsmouth harbour.
  6. Thanks
    Cuda4 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Friday 30th   
    Well this will be a very short catch report,tried to temp plaice to the boat at Southsea blocks on Friday,lovely sunny day nd only two other boats there although I did watch a few boats going out further afield,I'm afraid no plaice were caught only dogs,small hounds and loads of bream but I'm afraid they were very small and very hungry as soon as the worm baits went down we were constantly hit and ravaged our stock of worm,also had a couple of bass which were just under the sizable limit so everything returned to get bigger. I've had 5 plaice this year so I think it's time to go further out in the future.
    This caused a traffic jam getting in and out of portsmouth harbour.
  7. Like
    Cuda4 got a reaction from Geoff in Friday 30th   
    Well this will be a very short catch report,tried to temp plaice to the boat at Southsea blocks on Friday,lovely sunny day nd only two other boats there although I did watch a few boats going out further afield,I'm afraid no plaice were caught only dogs,small hounds and loads of bream but I'm afraid they were very small and very hungry as soon as the worm baits went down we were constantly hit and ravaged our stock of worm,also had a couple of bass which were just under the sizable limit so everything returned to get bigger. I've had 5 plaice this year so I think it's time to go further out in the future.
    This caused a traffic jam getting in and out of portsmouth harbour.
  8. Like
    Cuda4 got a reaction from GPSguru in Friday 30th   
    Well this will be a very short catch report,tried to temp plaice to the boat at Southsea blocks on Friday,lovely sunny day nd only two other boats there although I did watch a few boats going out further afield,I'm afraid no plaice were caught only dogs,small hounds and loads of bream but I'm afraid they were very small and very hungry as soon as the worm baits went down we were constantly hit and ravaged our stock of worm,also had a couple of bass which were just under the sizable limit so everything returned to get bigger. I've had 5 plaice this year so I think it's time to go further out in the future.
    This caused a traffic jam getting in and out of portsmouth harbour.
  9. Agree
    Cuda4 reacted to Dicky in Feeling a bit ripped off   
    As already stated if you photo evidence then name and shame him and refuse to refund. He won't take it any further.
  10. Agree
    Cuda4 reacted to suzook12 in Feeling a bit ripped off   
    If you can prove it's not the card you sent him, dont refund him, simple, and post the evidence up for all to see so that they know it's not you taking the piss. $300 is $300 and it's better in your pocket!
  11. Sad
    Cuda4 reacted to Andy135 in Mayday bank holiday weekend   
    Don't forget to take a pic for the Biggest Doggie comp! 🐶🤣
  12. Like
    Cuda4 got a reaction from andyO in Advice for new boat owners   
    If my wife ever becomes a computer geek and finds my spreadsheet I think I'm done for😂😂🪓
  13. Haha
    Cuda4 got a reaction from Geoff in Advice for new boat owners   
    If my wife ever becomes a computer geek and finds my spreadsheet I think I'm done for😂😂🪓
  14. Haha
    Cuda4 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Advice for new boat owners   
    If my wife ever becomes a computer geek and finds my spreadsheet I think I'm done for😂😂🪓
  15. Haha
    Cuda4 got a reaction from Andy135 in Advice for new boat owners   
    If my wife ever becomes a computer geek and finds my spreadsheet I think I'm done for😂😂🪓
  16. Agree
    Cuda4 reacted to LostPiker in Advice for new boat owners   
    This is the most important one. As I went half on my boat we have a spreadsheet with everything on it to keep it fair. That spreadsheet will never be seen by my wife ...😂
  17. Agree
    Cuda4 reacted to Odyssey in Advice for new boat owners   
    Most of all, 
    Under no circumstances ever tell your significant other how much you paid for boat or how much it costs to run 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  18. Like
    Cuda4 reacted to LostPiker in Advice for new boat owners   
    As a new boat owner, do the powerboat 2 course. Just done mine and its the best money I've spent by far.
    Icom will send you a sticker with the mayday script on it, got one to put next to our radio and will take everyone we take on the boat through the procedure 
  19. Agree
    Cuda4 reacted to Odyssey in Advice for new boat owners   
    My advice on top of all of the good stuff is as follows:
    - understand the weather and tide, you can do this by reading books/YouTube. A safe sea can be dangerous as soon as the tide turns.
    - Read the Col Regs, those nice red and green buoys mean something, as so the black and yellow ones with pointy bits on top. The candy stripes are not that colour to match your favourite cushions. Learn the rules of the road.... 
    Most important, if in doubt, don’t go out. It’s better to be sat on land in the warm sunshine with a pint in your hand rather than wishing you were in a pub or on dry land as take another green wave over the roof of your cabin! 
  20. Agree
    Cuda4 reacted to GPSguru in Advice for new boat owners   
    When it goes wrong at sea, it escalates very quickly.

    Take advice from a seasoned boat owner, who will check your boat and gear. 
    Ask a seasoned boat owner to go out with you for the first couple of trips.
    spend time practising close quarters boat control in flowing water.
    Make a check list for each time you go out or launch.
    Learn the ‘rules of the road’ and rigidly stick to them.
    Learn about weather, swell, swell timing, wind, and learn to take into account tide direction and wind.
  21. Like
    Cuda4 got a reaction from suzook12 in Monday 19th April   
    Well after reading some of the reports about local fishing I thought it was going to be a waisted trip out,departed Haslar at around 9am only to leave the entrance to Portsmouth harbour into a wall of fog,made my way to one of my marks at the blocks at Southsea for a days fishing,the sun finally burnt the mist away and it turned out to be a nice clear day and we were the only boat there untill 2 others turned up later in the day,well that's enough on the weather😃now for the fishing,it did start a bit slow but we were soon into doggers (sorry Andy couldn't be bothered to measure them) and small whiting, then came the fish we were after I had a nice knock on the rod which turned out to be a nice plaice weighing in at 2lb 10oz,not long later a thornback of 5lb came onboard and was returned to get bigger,another period follewed dogs than twp plaice one after the other both weighing in at 1lb and 1.5lb, so all in all a good day.
    Must also give a shout out to Cosham angling as the ragworm was superb and at £16 per pound👍,I also took some frozen lug with me from my stock in the freeze but strangely only attracted dogs.

  22. Haha
    Cuda4 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Monday 19th April   
    Cheers,saving the hoodie for Sunday best😂
  23. Like
    Cuda4 got a reaction from mike farrants in Monday 19th April   
    Well after reading some of the reports about local fishing I thought it was going to be a waisted trip out,departed Haslar at around 9am only to leave the entrance to Portsmouth harbour into a wall of fog,made my way to one of my marks at the blocks at Southsea for a days fishing,the sun finally burnt the mist away and it turned out to be a nice clear day and we were the only boat there untill 2 others turned up later in the day,well that's enough on the weather😃now for the fishing,it did start a bit slow but we were soon into doggers (sorry Andy couldn't be bothered to measure them) and small whiting, then came the fish we were after I had a nice knock on the rod which turned out to be a nice plaice weighing in at 2lb 10oz,not long later a thornback of 5lb came onboard and was returned to get bigger,another period follewed dogs than twp plaice one after the other both weighing in at 1lb and 1.5lb, so all in all a good day.
    Must also give a shout out to Cosham angling as the ragworm was superb and at £16 per pound👍,I also took some frozen lug with me from my stock in the freeze but strangely only attracted dogs.

  24. Thanks
    Cuda4 got a reaction from Tony smith in Monday 19th April   
    Well after reading some of the reports about local fishing I thought it was going to be a waisted trip out,departed Haslar at around 9am only to leave the entrance to Portsmouth harbour into a wall of fog,made my way to one of my marks at the blocks at Southsea for a days fishing,the sun finally burnt the mist away and it turned out to be a nice clear day and we were the only boat there untill 2 others turned up later in the day,well that's enough on the weather😃now for the fishing,it did start a bit slow but we were soon into doggers (sorry Andy couldn't be bothered to measure them) and small whiting, then came the fish we were after I had a nice knock on the rod which turned out to be a nice plaice weighing in at 2lb 10oz,not long later a thornback of 5lb came onboard and was returned to get bigger,another period follewed dogs than twp plaice one after the other both weighing in at 1lb and 1.5lb, so all in all a good day.
    Must also give a shout out to Cosham angling as the ragworm was superb and at £16 per pound👍,I also took some frozen lug with me from my stock in the freeze but strangely only attracted dogs.

  25. Agree
    Cuda4 got a reaction from Andy135 in Weekend out of Weymouth - always carry a bucket with you......   
    Great report, just goes to show anything can happen while at sea and a lesson to all of us to check the basic things.👍
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