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  1. Great bit of variety there and some cracking fish plus a new mark to boot. Excellent report and pics.
  2. Nice to see the mackies turning up in force. Maybe the big bass wont be far behind. As for Cod?
  3. Looked a great day to blast out behold the horizon. Enjoy your catch.
  4. Quick report. Boat left the mooring at 03:15 for a lovely jog down river into the sunrise. First cast 30lb+ tope which was quickly returned without the need for scales or proper photos. That should have been the start of a great day on the tope but that was it. Changed tactics and targeted the bass at another mark. Came home with bag limits of fish between 3&6lb mostly coming on lug but a couple of the bigger ones fell to live mackerel (which made a very brief appearance and shows its always worth having a set of feather handing over the side). Oh and it was hot hot hot.
  5. Great use of a short weather window.
  6. Excellent bass & what a power unit it has. No wonder it was stripping line.
  7. Great report and pics plus 2 pb's in a day. Excellent news they're on there way round as and I had a go over the weekend with no joy.
  8. Can't say we avoided the dogs completely but they weren't a problem. Think I only had 2 all day.
  9. 🙂 North side, shallow.
  10. And yes peeler and soft crab got the hounds. Lug the bass and rag fished very poorly in comparison.
  11. Didn't bother with photos of fish as no great shakes. Unhooked most in the water as there's only so much rock eel you can eat. Catch also included many undersized bass, a flounder and a five bearded rockling (not seen one of them before on the boat)
  12. Had a first go for the hounds yesterday and despite the freezing conditions wasn't disappointed. Managed over 30 fish mainly small 4-6lbers but with a few 8's and the best 12lb. Great bit of sport.
  13. It is. I was checking the boat one day and a guy was taking photos. Got chatting and he said he'd recently won a competition with a photo of my boat. He kindly sent me a copy.
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