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Tony smith

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Tony smith last won the day on July 11 2021

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About Tony smith

  • Birthday 03/09/1963

Boat name

  • Boat name: Dream On

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Offshore Outlaw

Offshore Outlaw (3/3)

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  1. Had Local Marks Fishing on my boat to make a video on conger fishing it’s on YouTube at 8pm. for anyone that’s interested πŸ‘πŸ‘
  2. Next to Hardway sailing club free slip and free parking for trailer and car. Just got to get the tides right. It has a pontoon as well. Straight out from Portsmouth which has a fuel station as well πŸ‘
  3. Cod already been caught at Selsea Bill off the beach way early for them. maybe it will be a good year for them. πŸ‘
  4. Having a boat is not all about the fishing. There great fun to be had with the family. Had mine nearly two years and the family don’t want to know. So it’s just fishing for me. Took the grandson fishing two weeks ago and he loved it. Sounds like you had a great day πŸ‘
  5. Just a quick one guy’s if your interested. I have teamed up with a fishing YouTube star Local Marks Fishing to do a live from my boat tonight Conger Fishing. Please drop in and say Hello. Say you are from Offshore Outlaws and I will explain it to the group. Let's hope we get some good Congers. Thanks Tony
  6. Well this trip we did have a few shark rods out but it was all about my grandson Jack on his second trip out. We got down to the boat late on the Friday night. Got the chum made up. Jack had chum up to his elbows but fair play to him he got stuck in. So there was three of us on the trip James, myself and my grandson Jack. We woke up to a beautiful morning Jack was well impressed with getting up at 6am. We fueled up and headed for the Needles 35mile trip. Spotted a few seagull working so we pop over to them. We could see the Bass boiling on the water. Terns we're diving in and coming out with white bait. So I set Jack a rod up with feathers. He didn't have to wait long every drop was a fish or two. He had 20 mackerel 6 Bass 5 Scad he was over the moon. We didn't even get a rod out we just unhooked Jack’s fish. πŸ˜‚ The sonar was full with fish We was soon on our way the the Sharking ground. We drifted about 3 miles with no takes. We decided to anchor up and get some fish onboard. I set up three rods but it was still a bit slow. Jack had a couple of Dogfish it's great to see someone pleased to get a Dogfish. (I can see the attraction Andy) sorry mate πŸ˜‚ Then Jack had a great little fight with a 3lb Conger. He was loving it on the boat. It’s a bit of a worry when you take them that far in case they are seasick and you have to head home. He was sick at one point but got over it like a pro. A great days fishing for my grandson James and I blanked ☺️It was all about getting Jack interested in boat fishing. He had a great time and it makes a change from playing computer games as most kids do now. Great to get them out. It was as good watching him catch fish as catching them myself. Thanks πŸ‘ Tony
  7. Thinking of going After the Threshers again. What's the weather for the weekend south IOW πŸ‘
  8. Nice fish Andy what a lovely meal. Making me feel hungry πŸ‘
  9. Hi Dicky I was told to give it a try from Angling & Anxiety that's where he caught his. won't be doing it again. I would say about 7 miles on a drift. Thanks for the info πŸ‘πŸ‘
  10. Diceded to go early Sunday morning Met up with James my fishing buddy early. Got down to the boat at 5.30am Weather was as good as it gets. We had chum to cut up and fill the boat with fuel then we were off. Thought we would hit Deantail again for the mackerel it hasn't let us down yet. I was right 40 mackerel in 20 minutes well chuffed. We decided to drift from the Nab Tower down to St Catherine's Point. It was the worst day we've had in a while. I had a save the blank Dogfish James had a small Tope about 8lb. Even though we were on neap tides the water was pushing through hard. James had a right old scrap with his Tope. The weather was so hot. The best thing is getting a cold beer out of the cool box. Nothing taste better than an ice beer out on the boat. We headed back and saw a couple of Threshers jumping just to rub our noses in it. All in all a great day out on the boat with great company. Boat went great. See you all when I have a Thresher to talk about. I will still keep dreaming πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ tight lines everyone. See all of our videos on sharksmithangling on YouTube thanks Tony
  11. Pop round to Dartmouth and have a trip up the river. so nice there πŸ‘
  12. Lovely part of the world mate My eldest daughter has just moved to Dartmouth she loves it πŸ˜πŸ‘
  13. Love Devon Andy Do the Dartmouth Fishing Festival every year nearly won last year. Craig had a monster Bass on Blackpool Sands. It managed to get off 2ft Up the beach rolled down the shingle and away. That year it was won by a 10lb Bass. ours was bigger that that ☹️poor Craig
  14. I have just sent the link to the MD of Cox & Rawle πŸ‘πŸ‘
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