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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. Twas definitely worth a like
  2. Have you changed your name and turned into a scaffolder?
  3. Our club record plaice 6lb 11oz was caught on the shambles using a half side of mackerel on a 5/0 hook with no bling. We were fishing for the illusive turbot which we had but they were smaller than the plaice lol
  4. power Boat Training UK out of Cobbs Quay? You would have passed 2 Sunseekers boat factories
  5. I know the answer to that one, they forgot their rods so had to go back and get them. They'll be back later
  6. Well I’ll happily (very) go on my own. I’ll send piccys of all the dogfish and roker pests
  7. If you want a trip out of Poole I’d happily (well almost) take you out?
  8. I know but what's 19months between friends
  9. Brian I believe that was my boat before you bought it. I owned it in partnership with another guy, the partnership didn't work (do they ever). We kept it in holes bay then sold to a chap. Within a few weeks of him owning it there was a storm and the front bollard/cleat pulled out, she then ended up on the rocks on holes bay road
  10. Yes was a good day apart from the deteriorating weather which cut short our offshore foray. We also had tiny congers, blonde and thronback rays. Inshore we had bream and plaice so all in all not a bad result Neil don't forget to log both the Bullhuss and Tope in our fish of the month comp John, up your pole ya plank
  11. Nice report on what sounds like a great day out, thanks for sharing. I hope you will be doing some overtime at work next week to make up for the day off?
  12. Story has it that the prop wash from the trip boat created turbulent water that affected bathers in the water but unfortunately some couldn't swim. Boat involved is as Brian says above impounded. Such a tragic unfortunate accident the true story of which may not come out until the MAIB report is published
  13. All Done in the best possible taste
  14. Manowar does it, twice I have lost radar and plotter as one went past and they were 4/5 miles away from us. Quite scary the first time it happened as didn't have a clue what caused it. Always have a reciprocal course at the ready
  15. My last boat had both AIS and Radar. The most useful is definitely the Radar. Yes if you're offshore commercial shipping will show up on AIS but both commercial and private boats will show up on the radar. My current boat has Radar only, I have it on most days when travelling just to keep used to using it, also I think if you have navigational aids you are supposed to use them. I don't go out in fog intentionally however I have been caught out with near nil or very close visibility mid channel the piece of kit I would rather have is yep you guessed it Radar as it will see you safe from well offshore to inshore where most small craft don't have AIS. Don't get me wrong AIS is brilliant and I have been called up by name by commercial shipping asking my intentions so from that perspective it is useful just not as useful as Radar. If you can afford both then have both if not radar is the thing to have Get radar do a course and use it, learn how to adjust manually without relying on auto settings which are ok but just not as good as using the correct settings.
  16. Had that happen to mine once Jon but I have two inboards so we got home ok without having to get wet but after that I did fit rope cutters
  17. Relaunched Madness yesterday so I'm in but not out yet, hopefully soon though
  18. How did you get that? apparently only genuine gays are given that spreadum sheet. I always wondered why I got sly looks now I know thanks, I'll go back to wearing mums knitted bobble hat. Have you any idea what that means
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