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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. Christchurch Run showing the then channel or lack of it
  2. The day our club held a junior competition in perfect weather
  3. The guy (Jim) that took that vid is a member of PBSBAC and a fairly regular crew member of Madness. He has done several others videos of club members boats, if anyone's interested I'll post them up for all to see
  4. That brought a song into my head,,,,,,,,,,,then I woke up Lovely looking boat you'll have oodles of fun on her, looking forward to the reports
  5. Lock down easing of fishing rules Covid-19 Angling Trust statement on fishing in England from March 29th Updated: March 23rd, 2021 Following the Angling Trust’s February 11th submission to the Cabinet Office making the case for a relaxation of travel restrictions and a return to all forms of angling – including night fishing, charter boat angling and match fishing – we have been having intense discussions with government officials who are drawing up the new guidance for the return of outdoor sports and recreation for the next relaxation in the Covid restrictions due on March 29th. The Angling Trust is pleased to announce the Cabinet Office and Defra have now confirmed to us the following from March 29th: Fishing will remain permitted as outdoor recreation or exercise for up to 6 people, or in a larger group if everyone present is from the same two households. A ‘household’ can include the support bubble linked to that household [if eligible]. Outdoor recreational activities and exercise may take place at night so you may fish into or through the night. There are no time limits on outdoor recreation. However, you may not go on holiday to go fishing or use fishing as a pretext for a camping trip as overnight stays for these purposes remain prohibited until April 12th (Step 2) Match fishing will be enabled as an organised outdoor sport from March 29th. Organised outdoor sports will not be subject to the gatherings limits, but should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing bodies to ensure appropriate steps, including risk assessments, are taken to make it Covid secure in line with the law. At this stage, these gatherings must only include participants – not spectators. Private boat fishing under the Rule of 6 and charter boats operating in accordance with Covid precautions should now both be allowed. However, where fishing takes place on a partially enclosed boat (eg with a cabin or lounge area) with the exception of the skipper, those outside the household support bubble must not go indoors (except for access to/use of the toilet). The statutory stay at home restriction will be lifted but the guidance will encourage you to minimise travel outside of your local area. This means avoiding making unnecessary journeys, combining trips and avoiding travel at peak times where possible. People should avoid travelling further than is reasonably necessary to take part in, or during, their activity. Tackle shops and other ‘non-essential retail’ can fully open at Step 2 (April 12th) but can continue to offer click/call and collect until this point. Fisheries offering self-contained accommodation such as campsites and holiday lets, where indoor facilities are not shared with other households, can also reopen at this time. Throughout, anglers must also ensure they are in possession of a valid fishing licence, adhere to fisheries bylaws including the close season (March 15 to June 15 for coarse fishing on rivers) and have permission of the fishery owner. The regulations have now been published by the Government (22.03.21) and they are in line with both our guidelines and the FAQs published by Sport England which can be found here https://www.sportengland.org/how-we-can-help/coronavirus/return-play/frequently-asked-questions-national-coronavirus Therefore the Angling Trust continues to advise angling clubs and fisheries to plan on this basis.
  6. Just phoned Mercury Yacht Harbour to book in and they had already booked Madness in so I have my berth for the weekend 👍 Well done fishy you must have done it for me
  7. Us oldies are old and proud to have achieved our ages and couldn't give two flying F's about it. Youse younguns still have to navigate the trials and tribulations of life and looking at the responses I see on here I doubt many of you will survive that long. BTW I don't yet annoy the DWP that's next year, go warn them if you like
  8. Geoff You should have gone to the above is the first post on this thread which mentions photos and weekend, I think Andy had both ends covered, unless he edited his post of course
  9. That's some stonking fish, well done
  10. Beautiful photos of a very purposeful sea worthy looking craft. BTW when is the water due back?
  11. Your colours wouldn't suit my decor, ours are Blue (royal of course)
  12. Love this, don't complain as he is your best excuse to get out there
  13. So you made it to dogsville, Andy is going to be so so jealous
  14. Well done for trying According to Andy I also blanked however, I managed to achieve lots of interior cleaning and moving rod holders and the like yes I am a tart. Just got to sort the cushions and carpets now
  15. I'm not polishing, paying some guys who have not quite finished their part of the work, the only blank will be the look on my face come Sunday if they haven't finished lol
  16. Yep weather permitting we are hoping to go on the Friday, return Sunday
  17. Although my boat is back on the water and I can walk to its berth I will be concentrating on finishing off little jobs inside the boat so, no fishing for me this weekend but thereafter I'll be out there lol
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