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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. Was going to put a long post on but decided it wasn't worth the effort so instead I'll just put OUCH! we do bathroom installs, kitchens plumbing heating and anything else property related
  2. I was going to give mine a good rub over today but looked out of the window this am and thought stuff that lol. I am now just going to go and remove a years worth of accumulated crap ready for the big clean up. Valets have started the outside but rain stopped play
  3. Lol They are chinos but not Kays more like M&S or even next, I know they are out of fashion for some but then I was wearing a white T shirt when I was about 12, BTW I still do wear them lol a creature of habit I guess. Anyhow, why are you taking an interest in my lower parts perv
  4. Yep would agree with this so much so that previously I have usually gone for German make cars Audis and Mercs but recently changed my car and purposely bought a car made in the uk and can honestly say so far I am impressed. I now consciously look for British goods wherever I can.
  5. Unfortunately I agree with Jon again (before you get twitchy Jon its not you but the cost of the anodes :-)) At the end of a full year my prop anodes have all but gone, so have my shaft anodes, my 4 no 100mm stern anodes are best part of 50% gone so they are all doing their job. If I had no erosion on my anodes I would probably have no props or rudders left lol
  6. My invoice was for 4184.51 inc vat and including the boating bonus from last years not used berthing. If you pay in full before a certain date (now gone) you got a further 6% early settlement discount
  7. Yes I have a marine engineer do the works. He is Volvo trained and only uses oem parts so instills confidence in me as I have zero skills in engines. As an interesting aside on my last boat which had a single inboard with outdrive it used to cost more to maintain that engine/drive than the two engines on this boat Berthing is also a large expense, if kept in a marina expect to pay north of 4k
  8. John I was trying to get on your side after your recent threat to evict me from this fair place, anyways I heard that Coventry isn't that bad
  9. I think John is not far off the mark with his guesstimate if you maintain your pride and joy to a high standard and pay for proper peeps to do the work for you. Rodman 870 with twin engines costs for me are approximately as follows: Haul out jet wash block of then relaunch £380 (MDL Cobbs Quay), Anti foul paints 5 litres for 2 coats £160 (Seajet 033), Anodes including 4 no 100mm round on stern 2 prop anodes and 2 shaft anodes around £120. Servicing of 2 engines £1200ish but this includes gearboxes + checking shaft and earth bonding continuity checks. I then choose to pay some to wash polish the exterior and clean stainless work which usually works out around £450 however this year I am having a few fiberglass dinks sorted and the cutting and polishing done hopefully extra special by a couple of Sunseeker valets + they are renewing the plimsoll lines which have become annoyingly damaged and redoing all sealants so will cost considerably more. I am also having the fly bridge cover replaced as mine got damaged during the last storm we had that's another £460 Last year I had 2 new batteries plus and some pump or other replaced another £550 I will do all the internal cleaning and polishing myself (cause its warmer in the cabin). I have been promising the boat I would have a go at cleaning the bilges for 2 years so may well do that, they are not bad but I just like the boat to look nice.
  10. I've always loved the Aquadors but the 28 although very well built and for its size has copious amounts of internal space is pretty much useless for fishing as the cockpit space is tiny. If you were specifically looking for one of those that is a goodun
  11. This is the same as mine but maybe over budget Rodman 870 Flat out 26 knots but cruise between 18/20 knots no problem
  12. Well it made me laugh out loud
  13. No its not just you, I have lost count the times I have gone to reply to peeps who I think have got it wrong only to delete from my pc before I posted. I just can't be doing with a crap attack from those that think they know it all when I know I do lol. Seriously though like you if I don't know 100% I don't post anything so can't understand why others do post duff info
  14. What no rails? best addition I had fitted to my boat. You can fit hundreds of rod holders, bait boards and all sorts of stuff. The best bit is safety, when its rough (do you ever go out in the rough?) you have something to grab hold of when you're flung from one side of the boat to the other. Go on you know you want to just tell the missus it's a must have safety item
  15. Just think of the income, the quicker you finish the quicker you can get the bill in. I am a little disappointing in you as I thought you would have known that as most decent plumbers can't wait to get it in.............the bill that is
  16. Welcome Steve, you have answered the question I posed in your boats photo post
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