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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. ain't got a clue however they can't seem to catch all the invaders so what chance is there of them catching us? however, I will be filling the forms and making the phone calls just is case chasing money is easier than chasing rubber dinghy's
  2. Crossing over to the channel islands you have always had to fill in a form with a list of all crew etc etc to hand to the harbour master. You were always supposed to report to the customs on this side also but not many bothered, maybe now we will have to bother. Apparently its not to arduous so just as well get used to doing it or chance picking up a fine
  3. Sorry to hear this Neil. I hope you can get it sorted fairly quickly
  4. Yes will need a mooring, are you in an mdl marina? we can get a berth for free with them. Really not sure on date of arrival/departure yet but my life is quite fluid so can accommodate most timings my only hindrance is my lad and his work
  5. Depending on dates, weather and location Madness would like to attend Steaming up from Poole
  6. My kind of joke lol 9/10
  7. Mine is located under my radar arch with radar above giving radar a clear view all around. I wouldn't place a largish object in my radars field of view (which is all round) above or below is the way to go imv
  8. Can I go on your shit list please? it would be really appropriate as some people think I am full of it but actually I don't give a toss
  9. We must have been typing at the same time lol
  10. Whilst you are doing your anode check your circuit/bonding for continuity. I had a bonding cable that had corroded through and allowed for slight pitting on one of my rudders. We just caught it in time before masses of damage was done
  11. The cone is part of the nut that holds the prop on. The anode fits over the cone and is held in place with an allen key threaded screw (can't remember their proper name. This screw should have a little lock tight on it to secure. similar to this
  12. It is kind of shocking however, not that the police get it wrong as I believe in actual fact they didn't get it wrong as it was an interpretation of a poorly worded instruction. It is the politicians or law makers that have yet again been woolly and left it to others to decipher what they actually mean. It is actually very unfair of law makers not to be decisive with their wording then instruct others to enforce and subsequently take the flack for a wording cock up. I'm not saying the police are right or wrong and neither saying that the ladies who have been fined are right or wrong as the blame should lay 100% with those further up the ladder who are always very good a dropping shit on those below them.
  13. I think you have a Radice propeller and they take Sole type anodes. You will need to either measure accurately as I believe they go up in 5mm increments. The best way would be to flatten the locking plate, jam the propeller with a lump of wood then remove the nut in the oppose direction to the props rotation. The first time I renewed them on my boat I did the measuring thing and it took 3 attempts and still go through the same pain every year lol
  14. Depends. Last year I did it all myself but the previous year for the first time ever I had a pro do the outside wash cut and polish and to be fair he did a very ok job. This normally takes me 4 days with a bit of help from my eldest. The pro did everything, wash cut & polished the outside in 2 days. This was the only time I have used a pro but they do know what products to use and how to use them properly. This year I have some very minor gel repairs I would like to have done. My neighbour is a finishing manager at Sunseeker Boats and obviously knows all the trades so he has suggested a guy who can deal with both the gel issues and a proper full on valet so I am awaiting a price form him. If its within my perceived budget or he can convince me he is worth it I'll use him which means I will only be doing the anti fouling anode changes and interior clean up.
  15. Bloody hell John where on earth do you live. I only want to know so I can avoid the fuel costs involved in getting services lol
  16. Fortunately for us it's a crap time of year for fishing coming up, the weather is also to cold for me +my boat comes out of the water on the 26th for the annual workathon, that will put paid to my thoughts of sneaking out making the pain not so bad . On that basis I shall be doing the right thing, l'll shall stay at home, keep warm and dream of better times
  17. Andy he has no purpose other than to wind you up, I think he's quite good at it
  18. One thing they don't see is my bait lol
  19. I like that, I could do with something like that for Poole Harbour fishing in the shallows. What make is she?
  20. We had it one year early hours, stones up at our bedroom window then out with the Port, Ian's mad
  21. Just sneak a peak when they are on the Lidl's Port, did you experience that?
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