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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. We used to Charter Tiger Lilly with Chris Caines (RIP) there was one wreck in the deeps he favoured for Ling along with the usual wreck species. There is an area just north of Alderney which is a hot spot for large tope and lots of them however, the last few years has seen less of them there. Neil would know roughly where this is as he went with a skipper who loved to catch Tope.
  2. If you do have a joint make sure it's inside the boat but that would mean 2 joints to extend the length, double trouble
  3. If it were me I would prefer new coax all the way with no joins. The radio may be needed one day to save your life, less joins less chance of issues later
  4. Yes to both. PBSBAC have annual trips over to Alderney fishing wrecks on the way over or on the way back or both. We have fished wrecks in the hurd's deeps although fishing wrecks in around 400' of water does take considerably more expertise in setting up drifts than it does in shallower waters, it just takes so long for your tackle to get down there then of course is the long windup, so we don't tend to bother with that. Only ever properly fished the Deeps on a charter. The past few years we have not overly bothered with much wreck fishing en-route and instead headed almost straight to the banks to fish for Turbot and Brill. The fishing these past 3 or 4 years has not been brilliant and to be honest the trip is a lads long weekend away with fishing thrown in. Well worth going if you can just for the experience. This years planning has started and maybe as uk boats did not fish over there this past year we may see an upturn in the fishing, fingers crossed for that.
  5. Well done Leo, now give your dad some lessons 👍
  6. Neil I was more worried about what his mum would say on our return. Turns out she was fine I should have been more worried about grannies response lol
  7. My grandson (who is a handful) was on the boat fishing for mackerel using hockeye lures when he got one right through his finger. Now I had this happen many years ago whilst fishing the iow bassing when a mate did exactly the same. I ended up going into Yarmouth so he could make his way to hospital to have it removed. Well I said to Dan (grandson) do you want to go in to have a doctor remove it and stop fishing or do you want granddad to deal with it. You do it grandad was his retort. Well I grabbed his finger as tight as I could, cut off the eye then pushed the hook all the way though. Not a tear but a thank you was his response, I was so proud of that 9 year old boy. However he then went on to stub his toe on the cabin door threshold then slip on the stairs to the fly bridge doing his shin in
  8. Steve so sorry to hear of your loss. I too know of a near neighbour and a friends close relative that have passed away through this. I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments about the idiots and antivaxers and although I do not wish any harm to anyone I do think that those that carry their threat through to not have the vaccine or evade protective measures should face repercussions such as maybe paying for their own treatment if or more likely when they are infected. I also think that insurers will be looking at policies come renewal dates and insisting on protection by way of the vaccine or risking invalidating life/health insurance cover. Sad times where we must all do our bit to help no matter how small.
  9. Neil you could always get RADAR. Happy New Year one and all
  10. Same as you Andy, I had 2 lots of Sea Salt socks, apparently nearly fish related
  11. Hopefully we will have an Alderney trip in 2021 or at least a 4 day Weymouth trip, either or both should be fun. Will post here and over there when we have details.
  12. No I hadn't but was asked by Chris and Mal to go. After a lot of deliberation I declined. I couldn't get my head around the travelling there and back which I think would have done me but maybe I over thought it. Anyways glad you younguns enjoyed it
  13. You took my place if I recall correctly? you never did thank me lol
  14. Maverick


    You lot seem fully charged tonight
  15. Our vehicles never get to that kind of mileage as they all average around 10-12k per year with us changing them at about 8/9 years old. Our oldest van is a 2013 vito which is total rubbish at 80k Will be going soon
  16. All joking aside the ford vans are lovely vehicles, we have two of them and I would rather them than the Mercedes Vito we have
  17. Wow its got go faster stripes and everyfink
  18. Maverick

    Hi all,

    Welcome Pete, you've by now seen that the stamp of user here is a little lower than some sites however, its more fun here. Really looking forward to your written talk on the life of a fisheries officer
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