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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. You're a bit slow I mentioned this on page one of this thread lol
  2. I use whiplash and whiplash crystal and have never had problems with either and no i'm not kinky
  3. Love it, stolen for the other site.............no not that site the best small boat club site
  4. The main bed on the 870 is super comfortable for 2 adults but saloon bed is ok for 1 adult if you sleep on an angle across the bed so similar to the starfisher. Although affected by windage it isn't overly bad. As you are probably aware there is no side door, would be useful but not an issue, the side decks are wide and safe. Fuel tank on the Rodman is 450 litres (another half a ton of weight)
  5. You just couldn't make this all up so I believe you Does this guy not value his reputation? as far as I can see he has assassinated whatever reputation he previously had. I vote Norm becomes voted our chief Muppeteer
  6. This is my favorite Bass recipe stolen from the PBSBAC website recipe from Member Adam Franklin Take your bass, gutted and remove head and tail. Make 4 incisions across the fish on each side to allow heat to penatrate. Garnish liberally with salt and pepper. Cut a 3" piece of ginger into thin slices and arrange in the stomach cavity. Take a large orange, slice into thin wedges. Put 4/5 of these in the stomach cavity and another 4 into the slits in the flank of the fish. Drizzle a little olive oil and sprinkle a little basil. Grill the fish slowly allowing to cook right through for about 10 - 15 mins each side, depending on the size of fish. Replace the burnt orange slices for new ones when you turn the fish over. For the sauce. Melt 1oz butter and 5 tablespoons of suger in a small saucepan. When melted add the grated rind from 1 orange, the juice from the orange and a splash of pure orange juice and lemon juice. Bring to the boil for about 4/5 mins - this will reduce down to a lovely thick sweet sauce. Serve the bass piping hot straight from the grill, with a decent splash of soy sauce, a handfull of matchstick spring onions all drizzled in the orange sauce. Simply the best fish dish ever?.... Loads of other interesting recipes on our site just register and view
  7. I have the Rodman 870 fly with twin Volvo D3 170hp engines. Twin engines make the boat very maneuverable. At 5.5 tons without fluids and accumulated crap she is well planted in the sea. I keep a fuel log which shows an average burn of 15.5 litres per hour however that includes time drifting, slow cruising and of course ordinary cruising. I am guessing that cruising at 20 knots she would use close to 40 litres per hour. Top speed clean is 26 knots. If I were to buy another it would be without flybridge as although nice there is only room for 2 peeps so not very social hence it rarely gets used. Also the high airdraft means she does suffer a little more windage than those without flybridge. Of the boats you have mentioned I would jump at the Botnia Targa 27 even though it has outdrives which means what you save on fuel but you will spend it on maintenance/repairs
  8. Don't think they are made in the same factory i believe that they are owned by the same family in hte same town/area but the family members don't get on at least that is what I heard. All that said they are very similar in design and both good sea boats.
  9. We either take the anchor over the side, remove the buoy and let the chain go down which means you have about 40' chain to bring in on the windlass or if its not rough Dean goes upfront (we have high rails and plenty of hand holds) and removes the buoy or the last bit of rope along with chain comes over the side and we sort out back at the pontoon. When you have a crew member as capable as my boy no words are uttered we both know exactly what is going to happen. I recommend every skipper has a Dean and it sounds like you will have one in not to many years time
  10. I use the alderney ring method to recover the anchor during the day for moves and re-anchoring the marks when the tide changes. We use thick cable ties to trip the anchor and don't have a problem with them tripping during the day just sometimes when steaming the anchor out. At the end of the day we still raise the anchor with the alderney ring but once up use the windlass to stow the rope and chain aboard. I do it this way as it's quicker to raise the anchor via the alderney ring than using the windlass. If you want to overnight or just need more security you can leave the anchor with trips but also fit a shackle at the top of the anchor stock to join the chain to the anchor. But remember when doing this you are then at risk of loosing your anchor if fishing snaggy ground
  11. Is that guy for reel, yes I did misspell that on purpose
  12. Those are just the best days, well done Leo great fish skills
  13. So the day wasn't a great success but we did get out and had some small stuff. The wind wasn't as forecast. Auntie Beeb said it would be around 12 mph but I reckon it was pushing 17/18 knots. Going out we sat comfortable at about 14 knots so soon got to an inshore mark on the Dolphin sands just outside of the Cruise ships anchored in the bay. When the tide turned into the wind it became uncomfortable with us chasing our tackle around the deck or was it the other way? After an hour or so with nothing to show for our efforts we decided a change of plan was needed. Phoned Poole Sea Angling Centre to see if Andy had any worms left which he did so we bagged those and headed back into the harbour to collect them. Coming back in with wind and sea behind us we cruised at around 19/20 knots, Madness is a great sea boat. Picked a mark to anchor in the lea of Brownsea island and have lunch, first drop my rod was soon going mental picked it up and could feel the weight of a good fish which was also taking line then.............nothing. After waiting to see if the fish returned I reeled in only to find my 2/0 hook had partially straightened out which obviously allowed the fish to bounce the hook. I would have loved to have seen what it was or rather what size bass it was. I will stop buying cheap hooks 😪 After a couple of hours and a few small bass we moved and drifted the harbour channels and had more small bass and a late mackerel. One thing Dean caught that I have never seen in the harbour was a large Starfish The good thing is we didn't blank and I had an exciting moment or two with the one that got away, never mind we had the cobwebs blown away and we weren't at work
  14. That is really good news that you were backed by the mod team over there. Also good news that their team has a known admin rather than a faceless remote person administering diktat from afar, far better done locally, maybe. Also shows for whatever reason they have spies or are incognito on here
  15. So pleased you got your money back Johny. Maybe a bit of Peer pressure on the other site helped after all. Maybe admins gave Norm an exit out, pay up and we'll remove the post type thing. Fair play to them if they did and fair play to the members over there that posted their disdain
  16. Nothing in particular but light tackle for whiting plus larger baits pinned to the bottom for anything that has fins
  17. I would also ban the seller from ever advertising goods on the forum again, can be done without banning them totally but does take a little time to sort out
  18. So my eldest boy who is probably older than most of you on here and I are heading out of Poole tomorrow, Any one else out? + if you are out of anywhere near Poole call us up on Ch6 boat name Madness. If we hear you I will respond. Assuming the day is not embarrassing a report may follow
  19. Protectionism going on over there, the for sale thread has now been deleted along with the complaint thread being closed. What a sad state of affairs and for what? upset the masses to protect a minor At least I wasn't barred
  20. I think they have made a boo boo, certainly not protecting Norman as now responses will go to the advert, thinking of their low bar I'm expecting a ban. Friday night is not a good night to wind people up, first bottle of white gone already
  21. Yes just noticed that Nick Nick had kyboshed your thread, what is wrong with them peeps over there (sorry admin they deserve flack) power freaks I can count on two hands how many peeps I have had to reign in on the pbsbac website in 20 odd years with the saint filling up one hand lol
  22. So back to the original question the answer is............................................................YES But how to sell it to the other half..................................Safety of Children, always worked for me even when I needed (read as wanted) new tackle, It's safer to use lol
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