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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. You boys got your life jackets on? you may need it when the monster of the deep pulls you in
  2. I had a bravo 2 on my last boat and used to spend more on that than I did on the engine but when it went it was sweet. A friend had an Osprey with the yammy inboard outdrive, he had 2 spare drives and lucky he did as he was always having issues. I will never again have an outdrive through choice however, we can all be seduced by that super dupa sexy looking boat
  3. Good news the op went well Geoff , hope Joyce recovers really quickly
  4. I love catching turbot and brill, not because they fight as they don't much but they are so beautiful oh and they taste good. For sport I like pollock as their crash dives are impressive, bass are also good fun on light gear
  5. This is what Davis's boatyard in Poole said. They are next door to Cobbs Quay Marina who have now said we can access and use our boats, I wonder why? and with them being next door to Cobbs Quay Marina who have now said we can access and use our boats, I wonder why?
  6. We've been with them for 4 years now and never had a problem. Speed is adequate for what we need ie browsing, emailing, watching stuff on the box etc. Apparently when the grandchildren come round the gaming also works ok so no complaints from us.
  7. I thought plusnet is owned by BT and did the same tv packages as bt? maybe not. We're with plusnet but don't have tv with them we use freeview and freesat for tv then amazon prime for other stuff
  8. Sad Barstewards. So that means you are not allowed to forward any links to other forums even to help out other members, unbelievable. Years ago if anyone on there asked about fishing in and around Poole I used to always push our clubs forum and never had an issue but that was in the days when Mike ran it so this issue must be a recent thing.
  9. BTW Johnboijon welcome to the inlaws
  10. It's shit here you should go over to the Poole Bay Small Boat Angling site where you will find a much more heducated type of fisher folk Although you would be banned if you did this lol
  11. We used to use 5 or 6 calamari squid on 7 or 8/0 pennel rigs. The theory being that with 3 of 4 anglers on a (private) boat a great scent trail would be sent down and the amount of food would at least keep some bait on your hook whilst the dogs stripped the baits off and give the cod a chance to find your baits. Also we would remove all the coloured skin/film that covers them to show the white flesh, not sure if that worked but we did use to catch cod. I also use cuttle and would use them whole after removing the bone and present them on a pennel rig using 5 or 6/0 viking uptide hooks.
  12. I would love to catch a Great white but then I don't go shark fishing so that will never happen. What intrigues me is how do you catch and keep grey seals for live baiting
  13. I am always impressed by guys that take these projects on. We all love watching a project so keep us posted and good luck with it.
  14. Maverick


    Chris Caines was a lovely man and a wonderful skipper. He was also very helpful to other boat owners, he always had time for a chat and some banter. That is a stonkin plaice. Largest plaice I have had is 6lb 11oz caught on the Shambles bank drifting for turbot with a 5/0 hook and a fillet of mackerel. This is our clubs current record
  15. Wow that's a fair trek. We have done Alderney and Guernsey on lads long weekends away. I think the last trip to Alderney cost us 450 litres in diesel but that was for 4 days. 1 day wreck hoping over, 2 days on the banks then wreck hoping home again. I reckon we use around 2 litres per mile on an average trip. My last boat was a Karnic 2460 single engine we used about 100 litres less for the same type of trip
  16. We actually know a few marks south of the needles but its the eastern end of the wight and solent we would need pointers for
  17. For us once we are across Poole and Christchurch Bay the solent is a breeze so really doesn't matter where its held. Depending on timings I recon 3 or 4 Poole boats would be interested but we would need to steal marks for your end
  18. There are possibly a few boats that would be up for it, when the details are firmer I'll ask the guys
  19. Madness came from Port Hamble so yes that is doable but where will everybody else be meeting and would there be a social side
  20. Then use your eyes instead
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