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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. Email the pictures to yourself, at the point of sending you should get a size option click medium then upload to here from your pc/phone/tablet. Original size pic is still on your phone for use in other places
  2. Apparently Cobbs Quay in Poole were taking boats of the top row of boat racks today
  3. Is that the pendulum casting comp?
  4. Loved that video, I want an EdenCraft 👍
  5. The boat looks great Geoff, viewing was well worth getting a headache for
  6. Happy Birthday Neil, nice day for it
  7. Blooming eck any longer and wouldn't need to cast just dangle it
  8. Also as discussed I tend not to get involved in arranging events anymore. I have been involved in building our our club and its events for more years than I care to remember and prefer to be an active participant now. Here are my thoughts on venues Poole would be ok as a venue but I'm really conscious of there being no other OO members in this area and travelling up for the solent guys would be very weather dependent. For trailer boaters if using Cobbs Quay the fees they charge for launch and retrieve are really expensive. The only other slipway usable for visitors in Poole is a long shallow slip that gets really busy and pestered with jet skis however parking and launch fees are reasonable. Also most marks are a fair travel from our Marina. Weymouth and Portland may be worth a look as facilities there seem good and fishing marks are not to far from either.
  9. Dean (my eldest son) and I thoroughly enjoyed the first Offshore Outlaws get together, it was great putting names to faces and what a great friendly bunch they are. Our trip started early doors on Friday leaving our berth in Poole at 7:15am. Our first port of call was to get some bait so pulled in alongside Poole quay nipped into the tackle shop and purchased some Squid. Got to our first fishing spot on a mill pond sea a couple of miles off of Bournemouth Pier to an area that holds lots of small fish . Baited shrimp rigs on saw us straight into bait fish. After 40 mins or so with bait tank full of small pout and mackerel we headed out to our planned mark which lies 8/9 miles south of the needles. The area is just full of banks which on the anchor produce rays but when drifted we expect to get Bass. Well we gave it a really good go but only managed to land 1 Bass of 4/5lb and a follow right to the boat which never took the mackerel bait. We also had a couple of rays and dogfish on the drift which were not expected. Around 4ish we took off and headed into the solent and then onto Hamble River arriving around 17:30. A quick wash down for both the boat and us then on to meet Neil, Andy and the others at the Gaff Restaurant for a well deserved drink and a really good burger. Saturday saw us up not so bright or early after the night before but we were ready for a day of excitement fishing the marks suggested by Neil. We followed Neil and Andy out of the river and onto the first mark which turned out to be really slow but we did have a few small bream and a small conger. Our anchor kept slipping which we put down to the bottom being mud. Up our neck of the woods we are used to anchoring sand or broken ground so a little learning curve for us in mud. We just needed to put out 4/5 times depth of warp instead of 3 times we are use to doing. Neil had given us some other marks prior to our visit which had been duly put into the plotter. We chose to go to a mark near the bramble banks (West end) expecting a sandy bottom, nope more mud so more drifting and re-anchoring. We did however well, Dean caught an 8lb 8oz thornback ray and a 4lb 12oz small eyed ray along with more dogs (lots more) and small bream. The wind got up pm so the decision was made to call it a day and go in for an early shower and ready ourselves for the evening meal and some footie match on tv. Today we were due to leave the Hamble and make our way home. The forecast was to be ok early am with winds increasing as the day went on. We decided that a cooked breaky was needed before we left so didn't leave until 10:30ish. The trip through the solent was ok. We were able to maintain 18 knots no problem. With the south/ south westerly wind I was expecting Christchurch bay to bit a bit rougher but it was if anything slighly better the the solent. On reaching Poole bay the winds had increased but weren't to bad. A decision was made to stop at Southbourne rough for a spot of fishing. We had Bream from the off occasionally bringing up two at a time. We probably had more fish in an hour here than the whole of the weekend however the wind at this point had strengthened to a stif 4/5. Travelling the rest of Poole bay homeward was done a little slower at 14 knots with water coming over the front of Madness. Arrived back on our berth around 3pm washed the boat down and sort our gear out. Although the fishing wasn't the best Dean and I both said we thoroughly enjoyed our weekend away. It was great to try something different and really nice to meet new people. I think the only thing that may have improved the weekend would have been more people attending but I do appreciate timings do not always work out. Looking forward to the next meet but perhaps at a different venue?
  10. That's what I was thinking, it looks a bit on the wonk, doesn't mean it wrong just doesn't look good, or is it the camera angle
  11. Boats fueled and watered, tackle ready, Deans shopping for edible supplies as I type, chinos are packed and on the van all ready for our off at 7am tomorrow. Tomorrows weather looks good, Saturday am looking ok with the wind rising as the day goes on with Sunday looking like a bumpy ride home Our aim Friday is to fish south of the island then into the solent and onto Hamble river between 5/6pm See you tomorrow
  12. I love the Seaswirls, came really close to buying one a fair few years ago
  13. Yes there's only the pre-match speil then 90 mins e/w with 15 min half time break then the shake down talk at the end so only 3.5 hours to put up with, whats up with you Andy
  14. Yes I won't be crewless after all, Dean owes you a beer
  15. lol I wish, haven't even got an Ariel and already been told a phone is no good
  16. The ball is in your court no fouls or funny business and we expect you to score
  17. So as England beat Germany I have it on good authority that I will have a mutiny on my hands if we don't eat somewhere with a tv Saturday Night. I believe Neil has booked Banana Wharf for sat, have they got a box?
  18. Have some spare anodes with you in case your current one are at the end of their life. Is there power at the drying grid for your extension lead to plug into
  19. Probably not late, at a guess between 5-6pm Thanks both for the advice, guess I'll leave the rag at home then
  20. So not long to wait now. I have been sorting out my tackle, live baitwell, iceytek, kitchen stuff plus other bits. Our plan is to leave Poole around 8am on the Friday, collect some live baits then fish south of the iow. When fed up make our way to the Marina. We will load up the cool box with mackerel and squid so should be prepared for most eventualities but is there any need for us to bring worm baits or should we be ok with just fish baits?
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