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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. Dean and I were off through the 8:30 bridge lift and out to ballard for our first stop. Very slow there with just a couple of Bream and nothing else so a move was called for. Off over the Dancing ledge where we had 7 or 8 smooth hounds up to 10lb ish, a spotted ray at 3lb 12oz, dogfish and around 6 Bream. Was windier than expected so after a while we decided to return to Ballard on the way back. The mark we would have fished was already taken and glad it was as we went slightly off piste where we had 25-30 Bream. Largest went to Dean at around 2lb, largest I could muster weighed 1lb 12oz at home. All in all a good day with a splattering of fish which kept us busy for a change.
  2. Welcome, Shetlands are well respected boats and yours looks a good example
  3. You're not sharing my Crib, bring your own, I need my sleep!
  4. I'm happy to go with the flow so long as we get to eat as well as drink 👍
  5. Yes, they are easy to id by the 2 control towers. One is for ship operations and one for air control. I believe both have the capability of running the other towers operations allowing for redundancy in case of damage Most if not all other aircraft carriers have just one control tower.
  6. from the fish porn shop obvs
  7. Forecasting 60mph winds tomorrow
  8. That's cheap, thought lids were much more expensive than that kind of money
  9. Just look at that sea view you'll have. You plumbers must be minted
  10. Agreed, he should have waited until winter, we should ban him for being so thoughtless
  11. Nope not out. This is the third time our club Bream comp has been cancelled due to strong winds
  12. I think the yellow pic is the before painting photo
  13. Congrats Gordmac, I hope you have many happy hours with the new toy
  14. It's Saturday, Friday night hangovers will be the culprit
  15. Pete I thought you said his name was Ian? I'm definitely confused now lol
  16. Whoever said working on outboards is easy over the back of a boat is wrong. LOL
  17. Nope you need to show them you're so poor that you can't even afford a tie hopefully then they feel sorry for you
  18. Ties are for weddings, funerals and holding your trousers up
  19. Welcome here Ron, most of the important nutters have welcomed you so thought I had better join in 👍
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