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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. I'm a lefty, I hold my rod in my left hand and reel a multiplier with my right hand and feel very comfortable that way but, when I was a kid it was seen as incorrect to hold your knife in your left hand and fork in the right hand so was made use utensils properly? Mangles I can use either way but still prefer to reel right handed
  2. Was really hoping to put the grandson on a few Bream. Boats that went out early doors reported fish feeding well but all the late starters had similar results to me zilch
  3. I love a woman, whats a bathroom? commission that is lol
  4. Fortunately I am not old enough to have had to use one of those.......................................... just
  5. You can't buy it, it sounds french you need the English version
  6. That's what I have on mine, apparently they're good but who knows, I have never been on another craft looking at mine on radar
  7. I hope to have a day out breaming with No. 3 son and the grandson on Saturday
  8. Neils are really hard to keep tabs on, stick to one you know it makes sense 👍
  9. Geoff that's what happens when you drink, you spot errors. The secret is drink more like what I does then one doesn't care
  10. Say what you like us estate boys don't give a toss
  11. Don't forget Next, there prices are very reasonable and for me they fit well. M & S are generally made from heavier materials so in the warmer months (or should that be month) they are to warm for me
  12. I think the difference between this site and other sites is fact and fiction. Most other sites rely on facts where as you can post any old tosh here and it all counts lol. Seriously the real difference is banter, it lightens the site and makes visiting a more pleasurable experience. The founders should be rightly proud of their first thread landmark.
  13. Just had a text from our surgery with a link to book my 2nd jab. Will happen on sat 1st may 👍
  14. I felt shit for 2 days, aching arm (although never felt the jab) shivers sweats and no energy. Really looking forward to the 2nd one Small price to pay for becoming invincible (I know we won't be)
  15. I'm actually impressed with your knowledge John and that deserves recognition
  16. If it had teeth Tope if it had crushing pads smooth hound
  17. As expected really, windy day so kept close inshore drifting for plaice. We had about a dozen with only 1 fish worth keeping. Also had a Gurnard and Ballen Wrasse. Not a great day sport wise but at least we were out in the very fresh air
  18. Cheeky wheres that other post gone
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