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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. No you took my bait, being sensible I would have ignored my reply
  2. Ha ha you know Jim to well, there will defo be cake and hopefully some fish too
  3. Yep Madness is out with an old new crew member as number 1 son Dean is not available. Jim and I will be trying for the plaice along Bournemouth-Southbourne beaches and may if the weather is ok try further out for Bream. A few bream have been reported but not in any numbers yet, here's hoping
  4. Excellent article Andy. I think I may have learnt something, not sure what but it was good
  5. Yes but they would have saved the postage
  6. ere nothing wrong with us lefties we just see things from a different perspective
  7. Wishing you a very happy cake day Pete
  8. Sorry to hear this Neil, sad news indeed
  9. Lol we had just left the quay so had used them, straight after that picture was taken crew member number 1 had them in. When we came back in we noticed there was a window at waterline on Elandess where we could see loads of cushions stashed (you would have loved that) which kind of made it look like she was sinking but slacking crew member never got a piccy of that
  10. Got on, we went out yesterday as that was allegedly the least windy day of the weekend . Dean and I were up early doors . Got to the boat at around 8:45am and were the only boat going out through the 9:30 bridge lift. Pulled into Poole Quay opposite one of the Squeeker factories to collect our bait. Armed with worms and raw prawns off we set. Went past a visiting super yacht called Elandess, Dean took a photo of our boat passing her Headed outside the harbour and had a few drifts along the beaches with 1 plaice being the reward for our effort there. Twas windy and cold so bacon and sausage sandwiches were made and consumed, this turned out to be the highlight of the day Moved to fish the swash hoping for less wind and more action but weed was a problem here so yet another move to inside the harbour. Our chosen mark was almost unfishable with so much weed being dragged out the harbour by the super strong ebb. We decided to call it a day and head back to our berth through the 14:30 bridge lift, wash the boat down and home by 15:30 On our way out the guys that did gel repairs and polishing of Madness phoned saying they were at work on one of the Sunseeker boats and offered to take a few shots of Madness on the water which was really nice of them as it is really difficult getting shots of your own boat on the water. All in all an enjoyable 5 hours on the water after nearly 4 months of inactivity due to weather and boat out for annual repairs etc. Looking forward to our next foray hopefully with a few more fish thrown in
  11. 5/10 I don't like your cushions Now I can't stop laughing so I get 8.5/10 lol
  12. No not at all I just spent a bit more money and bought cushions that don't crease, simples
  13. Don't worry Geoff fishy won't take his boat off its berth in anything more than a 2 or his cushions might get creased
  14. Soz "They are" must have been a senior (almost) moment
  15. So the first weekend of the year that I am able to go out it blows a hooley, shall I chance it? maybe inshore
  16. Yep we have a few stone masons in the club, their rock hard as well
  17. A friend of mine used to own a Faeton Morago 780 with a single 240hp Yanmar on an outdrive. He loved his and regularly took it a cross the channel. I buddied up with him on a couple of trips over the channel and it seemed to handle weather reasonably well, flat out it achieved 32 knots, he always drove it like a scalded cat I had a Karnic 2460 with a 260hp i/o so could keep up with him if I wanted to, just. So although not the same as you are looking at it seems the Faetons are decent boats
  18. Thanks I'll let Jim know his efforts are appreciated elsewhere. As a club we are lucky to have such a diverse membership who are willing to share their skills. Its also a bonus having a licensed drone pilot to do free promo vids for us
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