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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Nice one, many sharks today?
  2. Rather be a penknife on a boat than at work, hope you fell better and have a great trip
  3. Cash payout on the day but not much as only 8 entered, get your name on the trophy and a tackle voucher at the presentation night. When we joined the club 17 years ago there would be 14 or more boats with 40 anglers fishing comps. Like most clubs numbers have shrunk and now we only have around 8 boats in it.
  4. Club comp last Sunday from Bos, foggy start and a bit of swell. First mark just produced dogs, thornbacks, baby tope and a hound to me. Moved further down channel looking for more hounds but didn’t find any just loads of small thornbacks, more dogs and some slightly better eels to around 15lb and a cracking double figure huss for my brother. Final move to try a new mark and this did throw up an insize Thornback amongst the smaller stuff. Back on the beach my brothers huss took first and my hound took second and won the pools so not a bad day.
  5. Yes there are, got one more crack at the sharks and maybe tuna in October with Andy
  6. Out on White Waters in Neyland yesterday. Left home at 3am for a 7am sail. 5 of us onboard for a shark trip with 2 shark virgins in the crew. We steamed out around 35 miles off the heads, loads of wildlife on the way out as usual. We drew lots with the newbies getting 4 and 5 but I was confident we would all get a couple😂😂, how wrong was ! There was no wind and a small tide so we were virtually stationary with the baits coming back towards the boat at times. The morning was dead with no runs but once the tide picked up and the breeze increased the chum started working and the baits all sat nicely in the slick. 4 sharks in the afternoon and we made sure the newbies had a fish so unfortunately it meant my bro missed out. On the steam in the Andy made a bit of a detour to where he had seen tuna the day before and sure enough we found a couple of busts. They ignored the popper but couldn’t resist the livebait and we soon had a hook up. We had already agreed to share the fish so everyone had a go on the rod and 45 minutes later a bluefin around 500lb was was boatside. Once revived after a successful release we still had 26 miles to get back to the heads. Got tied up on the pontoon at 9.15 and crawled into bed at 1.45 best part of 23 hours later🤣🤣🤣. The wildlife out there is truely amazing and is a special fishery.
  7. I thought there was a thread "Who's out midweek" but can't find it. Anyway i'm out Friday (start of the weekend) from Neyland on White Waters sharking
  8. Dicky


    Welcome Matt. I can recommend Valkyrie Charters out of Gosport. They have a couple of the best equipped, comfortable charter boats on the south coast and also find the fish
  9. Welcome, get some piccys up even if on the trailer
  10. Dicky

    Great day

    Nice one but you know the rules, no piccy no county
  11. Hi Ian It's A1822, i don't think it has it as i think it is WiFi only not cellular thanks
  12. The settings on my Ipad seem to match my Iphone
  13. We don't have autopilot but will check to see if there is a setting for a fluxgate compass on the plotter, thanks
  14. No phone or speaker near the unit, will look into a heading calibration when next down but manual is crap. Thanks
  15. We have a couple of Simrads on our Pirate and not overly happy with them at the minute. Firstly can’t get the radar to work and the other issue is the boat icon seems to crab sideways across te screen rather than point in the direction we are travelling. I have added a direction line yesterday which does at least point in the direction of travel but would be nice if the icon was facing the same way. Pictures below of the icon and the screens when trying to use radar. Any help most welcome, thanks
  16. Hi all can anyone help, I have Navionics on my phone and IPad but when at sea my IPad doesn’t connect to gps but works fine when at home. I even hot spotted to my phone to give it internet but made no difference. My phone always works at sea. I did used to use a smaller IPad with no issues but as can only now have 2 devices on the same account I took that on off. Could it be that my iPad doesn’t have gps ? any help appreciated, thanks
  17. Short trip yesterday over high from Burnham On Sea. Stayed on the one mark looking for hounds. Slowish day though we did find half a dozen hounds to low doubles, thornbacks, straps, too many dogs and a tiny tope for myself for our club species hunt
  18. Have a great time, a few guys from our boat club fly out on Tuesday.
  19. We’re inland from La Rochelle in a little village by Fontenay le Comte
  20. I'm in the Vendee now, bloody hot out here
  21. Nice one hope to get out when I get home in a couple of weeks
  22. It will. I'm in France for the next 2 weekends so light winds and sunshine. I will be back Thursday 8th and no doubt will blow a fucking gale
  23. You can get lure boxes that open topside and underneath that store lures separately like this https://www.snowbee.co.uk/fly-fishing/fly-boxes/lure-boxes.html
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