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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Finally got the boat out for the first time in about 5 months. Club comp with a decent turnout of 7 boats. Lovely weather though the temp did start to drop around 2pm. Loads of fish from the off but all small, thornbacks, conger and dogs and a topelet. We did have a couple of eels which would have been over the 15lb minimum size but couldn't be arsed to try and keep them alive in a tub so t-barred them off at the side of the boat. Winner had a 26lb conger released alive after the comp. No cod caught and only 1 bass hopefully we will have a decent cod run this winter. No piccys as we didn't catch anything worthy. Hopefully out again this Sunday
  2. Nice one, do you not eat any of the squid?
  3. Club comp tomorrow from Burnham, first time out on our boat since June i think
  4. Dicky

    Cornish bass

    Home tomorrow so it'll be shit for the next 2 months 😁
  5. Dicky

    Cornish bass

    Nice one mate, i'm down in Croyde for a long weekend with the family, best weather for months and boat is sat on the drive!!
  6. Nice one Luke, I'm meant to be out on White Waters Thursday but that looks a right off. Weather this year has been shocking since late June
  7. Bro will be in a cast until late October minimum so probably not this season, really gutted. Got some mates from our club going down this Friday and weather looks changeable
  8. Nice one mate, at least you got out. Should have been in Fowey last week but had to cancel due to the weather and my bro breaking his wrist
  9. I definitely wouldn't tie off to a stern cleat if you are a little unsure or not fully confident you have raised the anchor off the sea bed first. GPSguru is very experienced so he may be happy that way but i wouldn't advise it. The main factor has already been mentioned and that is to ensure your buoy is far enough in front of the boat at the start of the manoeuvre. We were taught to also raise the anchor on the other side to the helm on our RYA PBL2. Each to their own and confidence will play a big part in how you do it.
  10. Great report, nice to see you got out
  11. Fished on a charter out of West Bay on Saturday, the first day of their 2 day boat comp. I could only fish the first day but entered anyway (waste of £15 lol). We started off on a wreck around 8 miles out and caught small bass from the off, only 1 or 2 a drift. Another boat joined us and after a few drifts he decided to drop his anchor which messed up our drifts so we ended up moving off. Out of the dozen or so bass only 2 were keepers the biggest going around 6lb which i think was the biggest of the weekend. We then had a spell just drifting away from the wreck over sand looking for flats, i had a tub gurnard and a small thornback which i was hoping was a plaice on the way up nut no such luck. There were a couple of red gurnards caught but it was slow so we moved back inshore on the edge of a reef and had a spell at anchor. Loads of bream to around 2lbs, mackeral, pout, more gurnards a pollack and a cod. Unfortunately as the tide increased we swung in the tide over an old piece of rope or something on the bottom and with a few of the guys snagging it regularly and losing gear we had a few drifts over the reef. Slow again but there were a few bream, another pollack and a keeper bass for my brother. No prizes for us but overall a nice day at sea in good company so was happy after not getting out since June
  12. Dicky

    West Wales

    Nice one, we should have been out on White Waters last Thursday but blown off. Typical of our luck lately as it was ok either side of our trip
  13. Dicky

    Whales !!

    Yep, Fin whales. Seen them out of West Wales but not that close. must of been a squeaky bum moment.
  14. Dicky


    Great fish Luke, i thought your season started later that down South?
  15. Welcome, looking forward t the piccys of the boat
  16. Welcome, plenty of good advice available on here.
  17. Got a club junior charter tomorrow out of Minehead on Teddy Boy
  18. Why are some of the pictures to big to add? Pain in the ass!!
  19. Me, my bro and my son on Saturday out from BOS again for a 7 hour trip which is the longest I have taken Jack out for. Started off after a bass but a bit slow with dogs and small rays. Then my son had a nice hound 16-4 and I dropped a fish that felt like a bass. Fishing slowed so we moved further down channel to a coral patch looking for hounds. 1 to my brother on the last of the ebb and a few rays and straps but a bit slow. Once the flood got going we had a further 11 hounds to around 13lb and thornies, dogs, straps and a baby huss. Not electric but enough to keep us happy and a long day with the travelling for my son but a visit to the kebab van on the way home kept him happy
  20. Leeches on rays in the Bristol channel are quite common. I normally pull them off and cut the buggers in half. Have also seen Lamprey on rays, keep these for pike baits
  21. Dicky

    Sea Champion 18

    Price reduced t £19500
  22. Nice one Luke, we're booked on White Waters for this Friday so praying on the weather now.
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