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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Welcome Keith, have you put a picture up of your boat yet?
  2. Nice report, sounds like a decent day overall
  3. Nice session, what did the plaice go? looks a couple of pounds.
  4. We had more fish off the Chateau. We were going to try the Ursa but we had enough fillets and fancied a go at the plaice. do you ever fish the Meat Boat?
  5. I know, he has it both ways. Charges you to go out on his boat then keeps most of your catch 🤣🤣🤣
  6. One was Devon bass pro from Axmouth the other was Bear something or other which I think was a rod and line commercial from Exeter
  7. We were drifting with lures but you can fish at anchor on the smaller tides
  8. Had our first club away day of the year on Sunday down at West Bay in Dorset. The forecast leading up to it was poor so only 4 boats made the journey down. We were greeted with a calm sea albeit a bit of swell left over from the day before. We steamed out to a wreck at 15 miles along with one of the other boats and picked up the odd pollack and pout but with 2 commercial’s joining us pushed on another mile to a different wreck and this fished a little better. By lunchtime we had caught 8 pollack to 7-10 and a bass so with enough fillets in the box we decided to try for a plaice inshore. This proved to be a bum move as the wind picked up and screwed the drift up so only had 1 plaice, a Thornback and some dogs. A great day out but very long not getting home until gone 11. Winning fish was a cracking pollack of 13-6
  9. Towing down to West Bay tomorrow, has anyone fished out of there lately?
  10. I think it's rare that birds that land on boats at sea survive, they are usually pretty desperate if they land on a boat. Once out of Hayling we had a bird land onboard, think it was a Gold Crest or something on the way back from Africa. It sat in a coil of rope for a while and when it eventually took to the air a fooking gull took it clean out the sky.
  11. Congrats Luke, look forward to reading some reports from your trips. Good luck with the venture
  12. Great effort Josh. I have 5 days in September booked again at Fowey but doubt i will manage to get down there before that.
  13. Uptiding 20lb mon0, downtiding 40lb Daiwa J braid, sharking 79lb J braid
  14. Burnham again Saturday afternoon for a short one over high. Fished a mark we haven’t tried in a couple of years trying to find a bit more tide on these tiny neaps. The flood was manic for the 3 of us with conger after conger, dogs and a few thornbacks. In between I found a blonde around 12lb and my brother had a hound around the same size. The ebb started off a bit slow but by the time came to up anchor it was flat out fish again. I did find a codling last drop but a bit small so put back for another day. Flat calm and warm when the sun was out so another good day
  15. Fished both days at the weekend, Saturday a junior comp and Sunday a senior comp. The weather on Saturday was pants with a horrible NW wind that was a lot stronger than forecast . This is the worst direction for Burnham and made for a rough see just outside the river mouth. We gave it a go for an hour but with my daughter feeling a bit unwell we moved back into the river for a bit of shelter. We had caught a whiting and a couple of thornbacks by then. The only fish in the next 3 hours was a small strap for my son. Very hard session but there was a few decent rays caught with the winner having one over 11lb. Sunday had light southerlies so flat sea gave us a lot more options. We started off local looking for a bass but just the 1 to me and after a couple of hours of rays, dogs and straps we moved about 10 miles down channel looking for something different. This paid off as we added blondes, spotted, hound and a huss to the tally. 2 more moves only gave us more dogs, rays and congers. back on the beach and my huss which we kept alive weighed in at 13-3 and was enough to give me first place so happy days. Back to the club for a couple of jars and some pork and gammon rolls and roasties finished off a cracking day
  16. Dicky


    Top effort again Josh but disappointed to see space in the pan, could have fitted a few more snarlers in there!!
  17. Dicky

    Sea Champion 18

    Price reduced down to £20,500
  18. Got the boat out Friday for a 8 hour trip. Early start to avoid the traffic gave us time for a breakfast in the town with a few club members. Launching has been made easy now as we have a new club tractor. 3 boats launched at 10 and we had a short steam to the first mark and a try for a bass. Slow start until the tide started to ease then a dog and a few thornies showed. Different bite and fight and knew it was a bass so bro got the net ready and sure enough a bar of silver broke surface. Quick rebait with whole squid and back down only for a repeat with an identical bass so 2 in 10 minutes. Few more rays followed than I had my biggest of the day at 4lb 4oz. We gave it another half hour or so then moved down channel to another bank hoping for a codling or early hound. Neither showed but we did have plenty of rays, some straps, a few dogs and a whiting. One more move closer to home on another bank looking for bass. We started off in 2 feet of water and didn’t get a bite until we had around 6 feet then it was non stop thornbacks. Must of had at least 20 in around 45 minutes. Back on the beach at 6 then down the club for a cheeky pint and some sausages and roasties, happy days
  19. Some nice fish there mate, Were you inshore or on the reefs about 5 miles out?
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